The Alchemists

The Wedding (1)

The Wedding (1)

0The small group attracted a lot of attention. It was not every day that the airport was visited by a group of very good-looking people, walking together like soldiers ready for battle.     

Even though they passed using the VIP access, people were able to see glimpses of these perfect humans crossing the airport to the VIP waiting room. Kara handled their travel documents very efficiently and in a short time they were already seated in Caspar's private plane.     

The journey from London to Glasgow took less than two hours and, in the afternoon, they had checked in at the hotel. They took their time changing into their fancy clothes. When everyone was ready, they headed towards the Lewis family palace using several armored Mercedes cars.     

"There are some things you need to know about this wedding..." Caspar told Finland in the car. "Ned and Portia are both heirs of the two important Alchemist families. Ned's family is the real ruler of England. They are very powerful. We might see representatives of the British royal family at this wedding. Portia came from Germany, and like my family, her family is part of the Baden royalties. Ned and Portia both embraced purist ideology, but they do not force their will, unlike Alexei. They have been together for almost 200 years and we already know that one day they will get married."     

"Wow... it's such a long time..." muttered Finland. "You're right when you say your people are very picky and only decide to get married after being together for a long time..."     

Now she understood why, even after 50 years together, Caspar still did not marry Katia. Ned and Portia waited for two centuries before formalizing their marriage. These Alchemists were indeed very picky in terms of commitment. They know not to choose the wrong person to spend their immortal lives together.     

Flora and Caspar were anomalies because they both immediately believed in their love and didn't wait long to get married. Flora married her childhood best friend, Louis, and Caspar proposed to Finland after knowing her for only 4.5 months.     

Now, 300 years later after their marriage, Flora and Louis still loved each other as much as they did when they were young. Finland hoped that she and Caspar would remain as they were now, loving each other wholeheartedly and their feelings for each other will not diminish until forever.     

Their three cars arrived in front of the Lewis' family palace and court servants respectfully welcomed them. Caspar was the most important guest they had been waiting for because he, as the clan leader, was the one who was going to officiate Ned and Portia's marriage.     

Most of the invited guests were already at the main hall and Caspar's presence with his family made everyone turn their heads. Slowly people started walking toward the entrance to greet him warmly. But when Lauriel stepped in with Aleksis on his shoulders, the grand hall suddenly became silent.     

Many people could not believe their own eyes when they saw Lauriel present at Ned and Portia's party, because they knew how much he hated crowds.     

What shocked the people, even more, was that he was carrying a small child on his shoulders who at first glance looked very similar to him.     

Did Lauriel have a child? Thus, the question that arose in the hearts of most guests.     

"Gosh... Lauriel?" A man with reddish hair came from behind to greet the group. His handsome face looked very happy as if he just saw an old friend whom he hadn't seen for decades. His clothes were very luxurious and decorated with various emblems and badges.     

At first glance, he looked like a prince. He embraced Lauriel and pressed their foreheads together. "I'm honored that you come to attend my wedding..."     

"Hmm..." Lauriel nodded. "Sorry I didn't bring any present."     

"Your presence alone is a gift for us. I thought we would never see you again. I thought you had taken Death..." Ned said enthusiastically. "Portia will be very happy to see you. She still misses Luna to this day..."     

Lauriel nodded. "Portia is one of the few people I like. I don't want to miss her happy moment."     

Ned looked delighted. He ushered his entourage of honorable guests to the side of the hall which was meant for the groom's family.     

"Has Alexei arrived?" Caspar asked as they sat down.     

Ned shook his head. "Not yet. He said he is still on the way. What business do you have with him?"     

He knew Caspar and Alexei had been enemies for a long time. Caspar wouldn't have looked for Alexei if there were no important matters.     

"It's only a small matter between two men," Caspar said, shrugging.     

"Aha. All right. I'll ask him to come here as soon as he arrives," Ned said quickly. "Feel free to rest, eat and drink. I need to greet the other guests. The wedding starts in an hour."     

Classical music played by the orchestra made the atmosphere feel magnificent. Tenor and soprano singers sang a love song from a very solemn Italian opera.     

The silence caused by Lauriel's presence had been replaced by whispers among guests who talked about Lauriel and his 'child' and questioned the incomplete members of Lauriel's usual crew.     

"They're all talking about Lauriel, huh?" Finland asked in amazement. "Has he really never come to an event like this?"     

"Right. He doesn't like crowds," Caspar answered. "Many people are amazed because now they suddenly see him here."     


Lauriel did look very cool and many Alchemist girls who were still single were openly staring at him, trying to attract his attention. But they must swallow their disappointment because the man seemed indifferent to his surroundings. He was just watching the entrance. Every time the door opened, he would make sure that it wasn't Alexei.     

An hour later the person they were waiting for arrived.     

Marion, who was disguised as Katia, entered with the graceful steps of a queen followed by a man with brown hair and purple eyes. Behind him were a few of his men. 'Katia' and Alexei's gaze swept across the hall and their gaze fell on Caspar and Lauriel's group who were staring at them with sharp eyes.     

The two groups met for a brief moment. Alexei was shocked when he saw Caspar and Lauriel together, along with Finland and a very healthy-looking Aleksis between them.     

He figured that the little girl must have been cured, and he no longer had the leverage to blackmail Lauriel, but his face did not seem to change. Alexei was very good at keeping his face flat.     

"Hmm... this will be a very lively party," he murmured to 'Katia', then held her hand and led her across the room to Ned.     

'Katia' seemed to throw a cold glance at Caspar and Lauriel. Really, if Caspar hadn't known that it was Marion in disguise, he would definitely think the girl walking with Alexei was Katia herself.     

Caspar turned to Lauriel and nodded.     

"Marion will wait for the right moment to arrest Alexei," Lauriel said curtly. He took a sip of wine, "We will proceed with the wedding first."     

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