The Alchemists

The Morning After

The Morning After

0Finland woke up when she heard birds singing outside the window. This was one of the things she liked most about Rose Mansion; its spacious and lush garden was full of life.     

When mornings come, animals such as birds and squirrels were already busy with their activities, and their singing had become a natural alarm for Finland to wake up and start the day.     

Her head felt a little dizzy, and Finland thought it was probably because of the amount of champagne she had at Moon Restaurant last night. Apart from knowing that the price was very expensive, Finland also drank more because she was irritated and hurt by Noah's actions.     

She was deeply moved when Caspar purposely bought Atlas Corp to get back at him and fired the man in front of her. Really, her heart beat faster when she saw Caspar defend her like that...     

And oh, he must have spent a lot of money to buy that company...     

How much did Finland really mean to him? Had he done this for another woman before?     

Finland then thought about what they did after arriving back at Rose Mansion. Caspar asked for the kiss she had promised because Caspar defended her from Noah...     

Finland remembered that she kissed Caspar twice last night after they arrived at her pavilion... And the second kiss led to…     


Instantly her face flushed bright red. Finland turned to the side and found Caspar sleeping next to her with a smile on his face. His arm was hugging her side. They were still naked and Finland, who felt a little embarrassed, tried to cover herself with a blanket from the side of the bed.     

She purposely let the blanket uncover Caspar's body because she wanted to admire his abs and chiseled body a little longer. It was a mouthwatering view, and she unconsciously gulped at the beautiful sight.     

This was the body that explored her own very expertly last night and repeatedly swept her away with mind-blowing pleasures that she had never experienced and dreamed of before.     

Caspar knew exactly what to do and where to do it. He made her moan and beg for mercy because she could not bear being constantly blown away by pleasure after pleasure.     

She shuddered when she thought about how Caspar caressed and kissed her, and sucked and licked all her sensitive body parts, and when she was ready, very gently and slowly, he entered her. That was when Finland knew that the man really loved her...     

Even if Caspar stopped confessing his love to her, Finland would still know that she was truly loved. He showed it in action and made her happy by giving her all those pleasures... He really pampered and spoiled Finland last night...     

Now Finland was convinced that Caspar really loved her. That he really thought she was special, unlike Katia or the thousands of other girls who he had been with...     

"Uhhmmm..." Caspar, who suddenly opened his eyes, caught Finland admiring his body. He smiled and greeted the girl he loved. "Good morning, Sweetheart. Don't wake up just yet. I'm still sleepy."     

"It's already at 7 o'clock... I have to get ready for work. There is an important contract signing today at the office," Finland answered softly.     

"I just slept at 4 am... still hit with jetlag..." Caspar's face looked very sad and his eyes glazed like a puppy who had been scolded, "Don't you pity me?"     

"You can go back to sleep; I will get up and get ready," Finland said calmly. She almost laughed when Caspar gave her the 'puppy eyes' like that.     

"I am the new owner of Atlas Corp. I can sign the contract in our bedroom. I will tell Ben to bring the contract from LTX. You don't have to go to the office..." Caspar said in a husky voice.     

Finland shook her head.     

"If you do that, everyone in the office will know that I live with you here... And there would be rumors that I'm your mistress AGAIN..."     

"Or you can just quit working," Caspar said, "I can give you whatever money you need."     

"Caspar, I'm not a sugar baby who gets money from her boyfriend without working like that," Finland said when she heard it, irritated.     

Didn't Caspar fire Noah last night because he said Finland was a wealthy businessman's mistress??     

"Ouch... yes, I am sorry... I wasn't thinking..." Caspar scratched his head, almost in despair, "Then why don't you work as my personal assistant... I can pay you 10 times your salary in LTX. "     

"Thank you. But I like my job as marketing at LTX. There are lots of interesting projects."     

Caspar pursed his lips in sadness, he lost the argument. Finally, he closed his eyes and nodded weakly.     

"Okay... you can go to the office. But can I continue sleeping here? I like being surrounded by your scent on the bed..."     

"Up to you," Finland said, getting up from the bed. She hurriedly covered her body with a kimono and rushed to the bathroom to clean herself and get ready for the office.     

When Finland was ready to go to work, she saw that Caspar was still lying in her bed. He looked very tired. Finally, Finland sat on the edge of the bed and held the man's hand.     

"Thank you for last night. I'm very happy..." she said softly.     

Caspar pulled Finland's hand to his lips and kissed the hand with affection.     

"Thank you for finally accepting my love... I'm the happiest man in the world..." he whispered.     

Finland nodded. "Rest here. I'll call you later."     

Caspar quickly got up and signaled Finland to hug him. His face, which looked like a sad puppy who had to let his master go to work, inevitably made Finland laugh and hug him warmly.     

"I love you, Finland," Caspar said as he rubbed Finland's hair. A few moments later, the answer he was waiting for softly came...     

"I love you too, Caspar."     

The man smiled very happily. Finland thought she wouldn't be surprised if later in the afternoon Caspar raised the salaries of the three staff at Rose Mansion, as well as Ben's and Jadeith's. He was really generous when he was feeling so happy.     

Finland finally managed to escape Caspar's arms and walked out. In the front yard, she saw Ben waiting for her by the black Maybach. He smiled at her and greeted her while lifting his hat.     

"Good morning, Madam...."     

Finland glared, "How come you also call me Madam now?"     

Ben chuckled, "I'm just practicing to get used to it."     

Finland knew how futile it was to correct Jadeith all this time, and she would not waste energy now trying to correct Ben.     


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