The Alchemists



0Finland felt devastated ...     

She was right, no human was perfect. The more they look too good to be true, the more you have to be careful around them.     

She had heard from Katia that Caspar dumped many women after only one month of dating. Ben also confirmed that his master had many women before...     

Why didn't she listen to them and instead let her heart fall in love with Caspar? Why was she looking for trouble entering this unequal relationship? She cried when she thought about Katia; her fate now seemed to be very similar to Katia's...     

It turned out that Finland was no different from Katia in Caspar's eyes. They weren't even one month into their relationship... How could she let herself believe Caspar's sweet words?     

She took out the engagement ring she had kept in her wallet and looked at it angrily. She deliberately did not wear her ring in the office because she wanted to avoid people's suspicion. That was why she only kept it in her wallet. She thought she was special because Caspar proposed to her with this expensive ring...     

But now she realized that people who could easily buy a luxury house in Seattle, of course, could also easily buy an expensive ring to attract a girl's heart.     

Really, she was too naive. Maybe that was why she easily fell into the arms of a playboy like Caspar...     

The sound of her sobs was overheard over the phone and the woman on the other end exclaimed in surprise.     

"Eh... is this not a telemarketing?"     

Then she could hear Caspar calling out her name, but Finland wasn't listening. She was sobbing and buried her face in the pillow. Caspar was now desperately calling her name on her cellphone, but Finland didn't answer.     

The landline on the bedside table suddenly rang.     

Finland looked up and tried to guess who was calling the penthouse. She did not give the number to anyone. Was this a call from the receptionist downstairs? Maybe there was something important going on...     

Finally, she picked up the phone after calming herself so as not to sound hysterical when she talked.     

"Hello, good evening."     

"Honey! Pleaseee don't hang up...!!" She could hear Caspar begging at the other end. "I was just joking. I was so glad to see you jealous, so I told Famke that there was a telemarketing guy who bothered me early in the morning. That's why she picked up your call earlier... She didn't know it was you. Do you remember Famke, one of my bodyguards?"     

Finland fell silent. No wonder the woman sounded so unfriendly; she thought Finland was a telemarketing person who disturbed her boss's sleep.     

"Your bodyguard is very hot," hissed Finland.     

She heard Caspar's voice saying to the woman next to him, "Famke, my wife said you are very hot."     

"Oh, thank you, Madam. I'm flattered," Famke answered loudly.     

Finland bit her lip - didn't know what to say.     

"Is that really Famke, your bodyguard?" she asked later. "Isn't she one of the women you are dating?"     

"Famke is one of my most loyal bodyguards, she is also an Alchemist, I told you about her," Caspar replied. He sounded very happy because Finland was jealous. "Later when I go back to Singapore you can meet her."     

"Why is she in your hotel room this early?" Finland asked again, still not satisfied.     

"Once you texted me that Jean saw me with a sexy woman, I immediately called Famke to my room. I knew that you were going to call, so I asked her to take the call after telling her that a telemarketing guy was bothering me... hehehe... I'm sorry, Honey, but you're so cute when you are jealous..."     

Finland pursed her lips in annoyance. She was tricked by Caspar and she was sobbing...     

"Why do you have the heart to prank me and make me jealous enough to cry? Didn't you say that my tears were too expensive to flow in vain? Do you like to see me cry?" Finland retorted, "Is the satisfaction you get by seeing me sad and jealous to death worth it?"     

Instantly Caspar fell silent.     

Like a puppy being scolded for stealing bones from a pot of soup, he answered haltingly,     

"I... I'm sorry. I was selfish and I just wanted to see you jealous... You were really cute... I won't do it again. I'm really sorry I made you cry."     

Finland hung up. She also took her phone from the floor and turned it off. She didn't like being lied to even if was just a prank to see her feeling jealous.     

She had to be firm with Caspar and make him realize that Finland didn't like to be made crying. If not, the man would repeat his actions just because he found Finland's jealousy adorable.     

Finland finally managed to sleep when the clock stroke midnight.     

Far away in Seattle, a certain man was very upset because he couldn't call the girl he loved.     

Her dial tone was either busy or it just went off.     


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