The Alchemists

Now And Forever

Now And Forever

0When Finland finally wore her wedding dress, she could not believe in her own appearance. The dress was long and fell past her ankles. It had a long V-shaped neck, showing off and enhancing her beautiful neck and neckline. It was a sleeveless dress with thin straps - and it was adorned with small precious stones sewn together with lots of beads, making it glitter when exposed to light.     

She could not imagine how many people worked overtime to finish the dress.     

"You're so beautiful..." said Flora. "My brother has great taste."     

"Thank you," Finland replied, blushing.     

Flora called some staff and makeup artists to help Finland with her hair and makeup.     

"Please make it simple and natural..." pleaded Finland. She almost never wore makeup, and she was afraid that if the makeup was overdone, she would not recognize herself.     

"Of course, Madam," replied the makeup artist as she smiled reassuringly.     


The time everyone was waiting for finally arrived.     

At 4 pm, when the sun had almost set, Flora and Famke walked Finland to the small chapel on the ground floor. The chapel was filled with their ancestral statues in ancient clothes, and there were various family symbols and emblems on the floor and walls.     

Hundreds of candles were lit along the walls. In the middle of the chapel, a very large crystal chandelier was also lit, creating a very lively and romantic atmosphere. Famke stopped at the door and now only Flora accompanied Finland into the chapel.     

A harpist was playing a beautiful song that Finland never heard before. Everything felt so perfect as she walked together with Flora toward her future husband.     

Caspar was standing by the altar wearing a tuxedo that made him look very handsome. He turned toward the arriving bride with a sweet smile. At his side was Louis and in front of them, dressed like a king with a robe filled with noble ornaments, was Aldebar. Aldebar stood firm with a beautiful cane in his hand. Finland later found out that the cane actually belonged to the legendary Moses.     

Finland walked slowly toward Caspar, and when she arrived beside him, Caspar took her hands and wrapped them in his.     

"On behalf of our late parents, our extended family of the Alchemist clan, I, Aldebar Edward Johan Frederich von Schneider, hereby take the authority to unite Caspar Alexander Sebastian Heinrich von Schneider and Finland as husband and wife. Their unity will be acknowledged by all men, in heavens, and on earth, and their perfect union shall be witnessed by all existing elements in the universe. Do you, Caspar, accept and love Finland as your only companion to live this life, in good times and bad times, and promise to protect, to care, and to make her happy as you do to yourself?"     

"I do," Caspar answered calmly.     

Aldebar continued, this time he turned to Finland.     

"Do you, Finland, accept and love Caspar as your only companion to live this life, in good times and bad times, and promise to protect, to care, and to make him happy as you do to yourself?"     

"I do..." Finland replied, her heart stirring with emotions. Tears almost trickled down her cheeks, and Flora hastily handed her a handkerchief.     

"Let the heavens and earth and all the elements in the universe be our witnesses; let the love of these two humans endure an endless stream of time; let them live forever in infinite happiness until death do them part."     

Although physically Alchemists could live forever, it did not mean they couldn't die. Their bodies were not made to hold bullets, sharp weapons, and other external attacks. That was why Aldebar still mentioned 'until death do them part'.     

It could also mean, that if Finland did not want to drink the immortality potion until the end, she would die and Caspar would be separated from her by death.     

This thought made Caspar feel sad. He looked at Finland with sad eyes, hoping that the girl would immediately decide to live an immortal life with him.     

Although he was willing to wait, the thought that one day Finland could get sick and die left him upset.     

"I now declare you as husband and wife, now and forever." Aldebar finally said. He touched his cane unto Caspar's and Finland's shoulders alternately.     

Finland didn't imagine what an Alchemist wedding procession would be like before. At first, she thought that they would invite a priest or hold a wedding ceremony at the church. However, it turned out that the wedding was a solemn intimate ceremony in their private chapel in this castle, carried out by Aldebar. Even Caspar's staff and personal guards did not enter.     

"Now and forever," Caspar replied. He signaled Finland to repeat after him, and the girl then raised her voice.     

"Now and forever." Finland's voice trembled as she made her promise. She didn't know whether they would live forever, but now, right now, her life was revolving around Caspar.     

She wanted to spend every day and night with this man. Every happy and sad moment in her life she wished to share with him. And… she wanted to give birth to his children...     

Caspar kissed her gently as if Finland was a fragile porcelain doll. He was very careful when treating his wife. When he embraced her, he also did it gently to made sure Finland was not short of breath because of his excitement.     

"I love you," Caspar said to her.     

"I love you too," Finland replied.     

The two smiled at each other and kissed gently.     

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