The Alchemists

Honeymoon (1)

Honeymoon (1)

0On the way to the airport, Finland spent a lot of time daydreaming.     

It's January 1st, and it's a new year; she would celebrate her 24th birthday on the 15th, and on the 16th she would meet Jean and go on an adventure with him for the last time. Then, on the 30th of January, they would be separated… forever...     

Finland would give Jean the potion so he would forget about Finland and all the secrets about the Alchemists he accidentally heard...     

Jean would definitely have a rough couple of months after taking the potion, but many people would accompany him and help him recall his forgotten life. Finland, his best friend since college, would not be there with him. She would never be a part of his life anymore.     

Caspar knew this was what burdened Finland's mind, but he couldn't do anything. They all agreed that erasing Jean's memory was the best choice. He could only hope that as time passed, slowly Finland would be able to let go of Jean and live her own life to the fullest.     

For some reason, Caspar strongly suspected that Finland would be able to forget her best friend if she had children. After all, a mother's instincts were very strong and would supersede anything. He really hoped they would have children soon.     

At the age of 438 years, for the first time in his life, Caspar felt he was already late for this fatherly role and his inner clock was ticking and urging him to have a family of his own as soon as possible.     

Only now did he understand what Flora felt for Louis when his sister desperately eloped with her husband.     

They flew to Barcelona to spend several days in a magnificent villa on a hilltop overlooking the city. They were able to see the beautiful city of Barcelona filled with unique buildings by Antoni Gaudi.     

"Stanis lives in Barcelona. We will meet him before leaving for Madrid," Caspar said as they landed.     

Stanis sent a team to pick up his master and the new lady. Jadeith was given time off during his parents' stay in Germany, so they could spend some time together. Ben also spent the new year holiday with his own family.     

Finland did not recognize any of the drivers and bodyguard teams who took them across the streets of Barcelona from the airport to their villa.     

"Stephan, before going to the villa, please pass through Sagrada Familia*." Caspar told the driver to take a slight detour because he wanted to show his wife something.     

Finland often protested that he could not live like a normal person, and Caspar was eager to show the girl why he didn't want to live his life like that.     

The luxury car was moving slowly as it passed by the most beautiful church made by Gaudi, Sagrada Familia. Unfortunately, it's construction was unfinished, but its beauty radiated. The place was very crowded and at the entrance, there was a long snaking queue.     

"Jeez... it's so full..." sighed Finland in a hopeless tone. "It may take hours just to enter."     

She opened Google and looked for information about the building. Suddenly she shrieked happily.     

"Hey, it turns out that we can buy tickets online. The regular queue at the place is very long, but if we buy the tickets online, the queue is shorter..."     

Caspar cursed at the internet which provided all the information he really didn't want Finland to know, like the online ticket sales. He knew he could not argue with Finland and finally nodded.     

"All right, you win. We will enter the Sagrada Familia like normal people. I will not close the place to give you a private tour. I will buy tickets online and queue with you to exchange them," Caspar said in defeat.     

Finland kissed his cheek and smiled broadly for the first time that day.     

"Thank you," said Finland then. "I actually have a request..."     

"What is that?"     

Actually, Caspar was a bit worried when he heard Finland asking for a request. He suspected that it had something to do with trying to live like a normal person; that something was not his forte.     

"For the next two weeks, during our honeymoon, I want us to live like normal human beings. I want to experience living like other humans for the last time, with you. After I leave my normal life to be with you, we will have a lifetime to live this abnormal lifestyle of yours... a.k.a living your way. "     

See? Thought Caspar.     

He loved his privacy too much. Life as a normal human being meant that he had to sacrifice a lot of things that he took for granted. But he loved this girl very much and was willing to do anything for her…     

Seeing Caspar's hesitant face, Finland hurriedly explained. "You may continue to use the driver..."     

"Why? You think I can't drive?" Caspar asked in surprise. "I can drive both of us. We don't need a driver if you want to live like a completely normal person."     

"Can you drive?" Finland asked in surprise. She did not know that Caspar could drive himself; he always had a driver drive him since the first time Finland met him. She became curious about how Caspar's driving was like.     

"Honey, I helped Karl Benz* with his research when cars weren't invented yet," Caspar replied, almost looking offended. "You forgot that I could fly a plane too."     

Ah, that was right...     

Finland found it really very difficult to find Caspar's shortcomings. She shuddered, why was her husband so perfect...     

"All right, I believe you," said Finland. "But does that mean you agree to live like a normal human being for the next two weeks?"     

"I agree," said Caspar, "I will grant you one wish, provided you also grant me mine."     

"Uhm... what is that?" Finland asked.     

"I want you to promise to always tell me anything that bothers you. I don't want you to endure anything alone." He looked earnestly at Finland. "From now on, I, your husband, am responsible for looking after you, and I want you to rely on me... I want to know about your problems and concerns and how I can help you."     

Finland smiled when she heard Caspar's request. "All right. I can promise that."     

Caspar kissed her with a happy heart.     


*Sagrada Familia = A large unfinished Roman Catholic minor basilica in Barcelona, Spain. Designed by a Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. It was built in 1882 and until now is still not finished.     

*Karl Benz = A German engine designer and automobile engineer. His Benz Patent Motorcar from 1885 is considered the first practical automobile. He received a patent for the motorcar in 1886. He is considered one of the first inventors of cars. He was also the founder of Daimler-Benz company which produces Mercedes Benz cars.     

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