The Alchemists

Honeymoon (5)

Honeymoon (5)

0They left Barcelona after breakfast and drove towards Madrid, the capital of Spain. They arrived in Madrid at dusk. The traffic was good and the trip felt relaxing. Finland did not feel tired at all.     

They stayed in a luxury apartment in the center of the city and spent the following few days exploring the beautiful old town filled with ancient buildings.     

Finland was fascinated by the royal palace and the Stradivarius string quartet in it. As before, they were very relaxed in enjoying the tour, usually visiting only one place in one day, except for the last day when they stopped at Retiro Park after the Prado Museum because they were so closely located.     

"The Spanish and Portuguese once 'colonized' my country," Finland said. "It feels rather strange to come here and see the relics of their old civilization and imagine what happened hundreds of years ago when the Spanish and Portuguese sailors sailed the seas around the world in search of spice islands."     

"Do you like Madrid?" Caspar asked.     

"I like the city, it's beautiful. Barcelona too... Thank you for showing them to me," answered Finland.     

"I'm glad you like them."     

Time flies when you are having fun, they said. Likewise, their honeymoon was over before they realized it. Two weeks passed like a dream. They had fun in Madrid and then traveled to Lisbon in Portugal and stopped at Sintra.     

Finland was fascinated every day by the new things that she saw and experienced, and Caspar liked to show interesting things. He was also very knowledgeable and explained the various things he knew about the cities they passed and their history.     

Lisbon had a hilly contour with steep narrow roads. Finland managed to get Caspar to take the legendary Tram No. 28 and several other trams that passed several historical sites.     

They also took the time to eat at the most famous food court in Lisbon, the Time Out, which contained a variety of restaurants with very tasty dishes. It was so famous that soooo many visitors were waiting in line when they came. Finland and Caspar were even forced to eat while standing.     

"I didn't know burgers can be soooo delicious..." Finland said in amazement after taking a bite of the hamburger she was holding. She laughed at Caspar, who looked rather sullen because he could not find an empty seat.     

The place was very crowded. If he hadn't promised Finland to go on for two weeks like a normal person, the two bodyguards who were watching from a distance would have emptied the large long table just for them, so Finland and Caspar can eat in peace... Ugh.     

Since European countries entered into cooperation agreements in the form of the European Union and Schengen states, there was no longer a border between EU member states and everyone who entered the Schengen states could move freely without having to go through immigration again.     

That was why after landing in Germany two weeks ago, Finland was able to travel to Spain and Portugal by car with Caspar without passing through immigration. Everything felt very easy and practical.     

January 14th was their last day in Lisbon. At first, Finland thought that they would fly to Paris on the 16th, on the day after her birthday, but apparently Caspar had other ideas.     

"I want to celebrate your birthday in the city of love," Caspar said as he helped Finland tidy up their suitcases. "I won't let you enjoy Paris without me."     

Finland looked at Caspar in disbelief. Why was Caspar always reading her mind? Just last week Finland felt sad because she would not be in Paris, the city of love, with her husband.     

She had always dreamed of going to Paris to visit Jean, but now that she was married to the man she loved, Finland's heart wished that she could experience Paris with Caspar too.     

When Caspar said that he would take Finland to Paris, she thought that they would go to Paris on the 16th and celebrate her birthday in Lisbon...     

Apparently, Caspar would take her to Paris two days before her scheduled meeting with Jean.     

Finland was very touched. She immediately hugged Caspar and kissed him. "Thank you!"     

"Paris is very cold in these times. One day we will return there in the spring, so you can enjoy it more."     

Caspar stroked Finland's hair lovingly. Flying to Paris two days earlier than scheduled was nothing for Caspar; he would do far greater things just to make his wife happy.     

He was pleased to see how much the girl had changed since they first met. Now Finland smiled more and was more expressive with her feelings. Caspar felt that he had succeeded in his mission to make the girl smile.     

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