The Alchemists

Why Is Jean So Mysterious?

Why Is Jean So Mysterious?

0The next day, Finland and Jean woke up early and had breakfast before leaving for Colmar. The weather was very nice because the sky was blue and the sun was shining throughout their journey. The temperature was still cold, but Finland was prepared with a thick coat, gloves and wool hat from Jean.     

"Do you know what makes travel using your own car more fun?" Jean asked. Finland shook her head. Jean smiled broadly then turned on the music player in his car. "We can play music loudly and sing together. This is my eleventh gift for you."     

He played Billie Yves' latest album and Finland shrieked in excitement, then she joined in and sang every song she knew the lyrics to. Her face was radiant with joy.     

"Yayyy... how exciting! Oh my God... you're right!!! If we had taken the train, we can only listen to music using headphones."     

Both of them happily sang along Billie all the way until their voices were hoarse. After the latest album was finished, Jean played Billie Yves' previous albums which made Finland more excited. She did not expect that Jean kept Billie Yves's complete music collection for her.     

She just realized how nice it was to drive with loud music and sing together like this. It felt as if they were in a mobile karaoke room. Finland was determined to finish her driving lessons and get a driving license, so that she could drive her own car while singing along to her favorite tunes.     

"I now understand why you chose to drive to Colmar... This is great!" said Finland in a voice that was almost gone. She opened a bottled drink and gulped half of it down in one go, then handed it to Jean. "My voice is almost gone... It's so exciting."     

"I already know you would like it." Jean nodded.     

They arrived in the suburbs of Colmar before sunset. Jean rented an apartment via Airbnb and they left their suitcases there before looking for dinner in the center of the old town.     

"This city is soooo beautiful, it feels like entering a fairytale country..." Finland was constantly amazed. The buildings in Colmar reminded her of movies with a fairytale kingdom setting, such as Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, etc.     

"Tomorrow we will go back here and take lots of photos," Jean said when Finland complained that the photos she took were not too good because it was already evening. Jean noticed that up to now Finland was still using her old cellphone, even though her clothes now look very expensive. He also noticed how big the diamonds on Finland's two ring fingers were. "Caspar didn't buy you a good new cellphone?"     

Finland shook her head. "What for? I can still use this one."     

"To take photos. Nowadays people buy smartphones to take good photos, not just to call and text."     

"Oh..." Finland shrugged, "I never asked."     

"He should know that you need a nicer phone," Jean grumbled.     

"I can really buy a new smartphone with my own money..." Finland said in Caspar's defense. "He has given me so much; he even repeatedly told me to quit working because he wanted me to always be with him, but I refused. I like working. If I want anything in life, I can ask him, and he would go the extra mile to give them to me. I currently do not feel the need to change my phone..."     

"Alright then. You can take pictures with this camera." Jean took out an Instax Mini Camera from his bag and handed it to Finland. "I was going to give it tonight, but it turns out that you want to take photos now. This is for you, the next gift from me. You can take photos and print them right away."     

"Whoaaa... how do you know I really want to buy this camera?" Finland asked, amazed. After seeing the Instax Mini Camera that was released last year, she really wanted to buy one for herself, but only recently she was willing to spend a little money to buy it. The only problem was just that she hadn't had time to go to the mall.     

"I don't know," Jean answered. "Last week when I went to the mall to buy a new smartphone, I saw this camera and thought of you. The camera is cute, and you can print photos right away, which is why it is so suitable for making memories while traveling."     

"This is great!" cried Finland. She immediately fiddled with her new camera. She remembered that Caspar also had a polaroid camera that he often used to take photos of her. Now she would take turns and take Caspar's photos when they met later. "Try to smile here, Jean. Don't forget to wear your glasses."     

Jean deliberately put on the ugliest expression when Finland took his picture because he didn't like Finland reminding him of his glasses.     

"Come on now, take many pictures of this fairyland... I'll wait here." He gave a signal for Finland to try the camera while he stood waiting in front of the wine shop. The girl happily followed Jean's advice and in a short time she had used up all the film on her new camera.     

"The photos are good. It does feel like a fairyland here." Finland said as she arranged her photographs on the table. They sat in the cafe enjoying dinner while Finland admired the shots. "Did you buy more films? I already finished everything."     

"Yes, I bought a lot. They are in the suitcase, remind me later to give them to you."     

"This is fun!!"     

Jean took the photographs taken by Finland and checked the results. He nodded happily, "The photos are good. You're talented, you know. Later you should buy a serious camera and learn photography, surely you will like it."     

"Really?" Finland asked.     

"I spent almost my whole life in front of a camera, I know which people are gifted with the talent for photography and which aren't," Jean said. "Using a simple camera like this you can already take such beautiful composition and photos with good angles. I'm sure if you learn photography and use a serious camera, the results will be much better."     

"Thank you..." Finland confirmed. She had always loved art and photography, but because photography was a very expensive hobby, she never expected to be able to pursue it.     

Now, if she wanted, she could take photography seriously. She remembered that Caspar told her to ask him whatever she wanted. She could ask to buy a professional camera and learn photography as suggested by Jean.     

Ah, there were so many possibilities in her life now. Finland began to understand what it felt like to enjoy life. She could pursue a hobby that she liked without thinking about the high cost, and hopefully one day she could drive a car while singing along to her favorite songs. Before, those things were just a dream to her, but now, slowly, everything could become true.     

Jean gave the rest of the film he bought to Finland and she excitedly placed them on her camera. She really liked her latest gift. She remembered that Jean said he had a surprise for her in Colmar. Did he mean this camera?     

"No. I will show you the surprise on the last day," Jean said. "I want to show you something on our last day in Colmar, before we both go home."     

"Why are you so mysterious? I'm dying to know..." complained Finland. "I won't be able to sleep later."     

Jean laughed at that. "Want to drink glow wine to help you sleep?"     

"Do you have one?"     

"I bought red wine at the wine shop while waiting for you. Before we left for dinner, I saw that the apartment kitchen was stocked with spices to make glow wine. I could make our own glow wine."     

Jean showed the glow wine recipe on his cellphone. They only needed water, sugar, red wine, cinnamon, and cloves. Everything should be cooked together until thick and fragrant.     

"This is my favorite wine!" said Finland. "Let's make it."     

The kitchen of their rented apartment was soon filled with the fragrant smell of glow wine and a little later the two of them were sitting and enjoying Finland's new favorite drink.     

After drinking two glasses, her throat felt warm and she was finally able to sleep soundly without thinking of Jean's mysterious surprise.     

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