The Alchemists

Did We Ever Have A Romantic Relationship?

Did We Ever Have A Romantic Relationship?

0Jean may not remember Finland, but his attitude wasn't awkward at all. He treated her like a friend and he was very sure that at one time in his life, Finland had a very important meaning to him.     

"We are going to Colmar tomorrow," Jean said. "I want to take the car for our trip. I have found it difficult to take the train, many people will recognize me."     

"Oui..." said Rosalind. "You be careful there, then. What are your plans with Maman's grandson?"     

Jean and Finland looked at each other. They knew Rosalind meant Terry.     

"Uhm... once we get back from Colmar, we will go straight to Singapore to meet him and do a donor test," Finland answered. "Hopefully I'm compatible, and the transplant can be done."     

Rosalind covered her mouth out of surprise. Sadness was clearly visible on her face, "Poor Terry... I hope you are a compatible match... Such a good child, having to endure this at such a young age..."     

"Compatible or not, I will stay there and support his parents..." Finland said. "And... there's a chance that my friend can heal Jean too. Hopefully, everything goes according to plan."     

"Heal? You mean his memory?" Rosalind looked incredulously, "Jean can get well?? Are you serious?"     

"I don't want us to hope for too much... But let's pray that my friend can do it." Finland nodded.     

Rosalind took Finland's hand and looked at her gratefully, "I am very happy to hear that. I will pray... Thank you, ma cherie."     

When they finally left Rosalind's house, the atmosphere between Jean and Finland was much more fluid. Finland still hoped that his memories would return when they do the things they went through together.     

"Where do you stay in Paris?" Jean asked as he opened the car door for Finland. "I'll take you home."     

"I am staying at the Nobel Hotel..." Finland answered. "You can pick me up in the lobby tomorrow morning."     


On the way to the hotel, Jean tried to dig some information from Finland about various things that disturbed his mind.     

"I know you can't tell me everything... but, there are a number of things I'm curious about..." Jean said on the way. "The music box you gave me through Lily... what does that box mean to me? I feel a strong sense of familiarity with the music box, but I can't remember anything. Was that box mine?"     

"You feel very familiar with it because you had it with you for 4 years. You bought it as a birthday present for me the first year that we know each other, but you never gave it to me, and so you kept it in your apartment in Paris for 4 years. You only gave it to me when I came to visit you in Paris."     

Finland smiled and took out 4 cards with gold letters from her bag.     

"You always give me a birthday present according to my age. In the first year you gave me 20 flowers, in the second year you gave me 21 flowers, and so on. 3 years ago, for my 24th birthday, you gave me 24 gifts, this music box, glow wine, fun time in Disneyland, and many more... including these 5 wish-fulfilling cards You said these cards could be exchanged for requests... At that time, I exchanged a card to see you wear glasses... ahaha.... You hated wearing your glasses. ... "     

Jean glanced at the four cards and frowned. "I did all that? I didn't know I was so romantic. It's like something a man would do for his girlfriend..."     

Finland did not answer. Jean had once claimed to love her, but the two of them had agreed to become friends and family because Finland loved Caspar and had even married him.     

Jean realized Finland's silence then became increasingly curious.     

"Did we ever have a romantic relationship?" he then asked carefully. "I'm sorry if my question sounds rude..."     

"No, Jean." Finally, Finland answered. "You and I are friends, and you have been my only family for years. I lived alone, and you were the only good person to me. You also supported me when I fell in love and married Caspar."     

"Oh... are you married? Where is your husband now?" Jean asked.     

Finland sighed. "It's a long story. I'll start part of it on the way to Colmar... Tonight I'm not feeling well... I'm sorry."     

"Ah, no... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you." Jean shook her head, "Let's talk tomorrow."     

The car arrived in front of the Nobel Hotel and Finland immediately got out of the car.     

"Thank you for driving me home. See you tomorrow morning..."     

"Good night, Finland. I'm glad to meet you today..."     

After Jean left, Finland went up to the penthouse and laid her body on the bed. She was relieved to finally meet Jean and now they were back on good terms, although Jean still didn't remember her.     

She really hoped the medicine from Lauriel would work and Jean's memory could be recovered. But even if that didn't happen, she was sure that she and Jean could start from the beginning and be friends again.     


Caspar was not in the mood to meet anyone. Only Jadeith and Ben were allowed to be around him for the past few months. After telling Lauriel about Jean's press conference, his mood became worse.     

He initially wanted to let the child die, but after pondering for a few weeks, he realized that he was not a bad person and he shouldn't let his judgment be clouded by his emotions. No matter what happened, the boy was of Finland's blood and he was innocent.     

Finally, Caspar decided to tell Lauriel what had happened and left them to make an informed decision. He then followed Finland's journey from Manaus to Brasilia, then to Paris. He realized that Finland met with Jean first before leaving for Singapore.     

Caspar had not returned to Paris since the incident involving Famke. For him, Paris brought too many painful memories, and he had no reason to come back there. His matters with Paris was over.     

After confirming that Jean had woken up from his coma and that he was completely healthy, Caspar asked Stanis to contact several leading movie studios in Hollywood and offered to fund their big-budget movies with a condition that they cast Jean in their productions. He knew that he made a mistake by wiping out Jean's memory and this was his way of apologizing.     

That was why in a short time Jean was able to become so famous. He starred in one movie after another, each role more important than the one before. His popularity quickly surged.     

Caspar thought that now his debt to Jean had been paid off. The only thing left to do was to pay his debt to Finland for breaking his promise by hurting Jean and violating her trust. That was why, after pondering for a long time, Caspar decided to inform them about Terry.     

After today, there would be no more business between them.     

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