The Alchemists

You Heard The Man!

You Heard The Man!

0Jean, who had just finished taking a shower and was getting ready to go to a concert, looked surprised to see Marion coming into the penthouse in a hurry. Her face was tense and focused.     

She quickly took a scanner from the cupboard and checked for hidden trackers or bugs on her body and bag.     

Hmm ... nothing. Thank God!     

"You look like you've just seen a ghost," Jean said, frowning, "I don't look like a ghost, do I?"     

Marion was stunned to hear Jean joke like this. Ugh, if he knew how tense Marion had been in that mysterious house, maybe he wouldn't have said anything so ridiculous.     

"I just met two assassins," Marion finally said in a low voice. She was not afraid of death and she was used to carrying out dangerous missions. But now, considering the huge risks she had taken, and adding the fact that one of the assassins seemed very eager to get rid of Aleksis, she felt horrified.     

She could have been killed or blown up! Fortunately, Takeshi and Alaric had given her the benefit of the doubt, so she could return to the Continental Building in one piece.     

Jean was just as surprised as Marion. He knew about the Wolf Pack's mission and apparently the Rhionen Assassins had outwitted them by finding 'Aleksis' before they were ready.     

Spontaneously, he moved over and embraced Marion who was looking very tense, "Hey... are you all right?"     

Marion felt rather uncomfortable as she didn't expect Jean to be so worried about her. Her body drooped in Jean's arms, and for the first time in her life, she lowered her defenses and nodded.     

Marion, the tough girl, was indeed frightened, and she wanted to seek protection in the embrace of someone who would calm her distraught heart.     

Hmmm ... also ... she was suddenly aware of Jean's pleasant body scent.     

Ouch, what are you thinking about? Focus, Marion!     

"I'm fine. I was just caught off guard," she admitted softly. She then broke away from Jean's embrace and returned to her usual flat expression. "I didn't expect to see them so soon. I thought it would be a few more days ..."     

"Whom did you meet?" Jean asked again.     

"Takeshi and a female assassin." Marion sighed, "Fortunately Takeshi was around, since the woman seemed very eager to kill Aleksis."     

She then filled a large glass with water and walked to the study to report to her friends.     

It was 7:30 in the morning in Italy and still dark, but Lauriel and his team were already awake and waiting to hear Marion's report. Jean was also curious to know what was going on and sat next to Marion. Because everyone was tense, they did not notice Jean's presence.     

"I did not expect they would already be in Singapore. Earlier today I met a strange girl on campus and suspected that she was no ordinary person. My suspicions were confirmed. She and Takeshi were friends, but Takeshi called her his younger sister." Marion scribbled on the large glass panel in front of her and immediately sent several important notes. "I will make a map of the route we took based on my memory so that we can locate the house. I will also send a sketch of the female assassin so that you can trace her."     

"What did they say? Did they really have no ill intention towards Aleksis?" Lauriel asked.     

"I don't know. What was clear was that Takeshi was kind and respectful to me, thinking that I was Aleksis. His sister was the opposite, she clearly wanted to kill me. They said the house was Aleksis' house, but I certainly did not see any of Aleksis' belongings there. Only men stuff and clothes. Maybe it's Alaric Rhionen's house."     

"Interesting," Lauriel looked thoughtful for a moment, "What's the person like? You've seen the house and its contents, how about his profile?"     

"I couldn't set up a profile. Everything is very confusing. It's as if he doesn't have a clear personality. On one hand, the house shows a very peaceful and zen profile, but on the other hand, I sense completely opposite vibe," Marion answered. "Ugh, it's hard to explain."     

Marion, who had been living for almost 150 years and was an expert in disguises also had exceptional profiling skills. She could easily create a person's profile and imitate that profile. She did it so well that even their own friends and family could be fooled. But in that mysterious house earlier, she felt her abilities were completely powerless. She couldn't read the owner of the house.     

"Hmm, let me try to explain ... from his taste for clothing, he is like you Lauriel. From his peaceful and quiet house, he is like a Buddha, but in his bedroom, I saw signs of a Highly Conflicted Personality person. HCP people are very prone to conflict and violence which is the complete opposite of my earlier reading ... I don't quite know whether I lost my profiling abilities, or whether this person is just impossible to profile."     

Lauriel and his team looked at each other. They did not doubt Marion's ability. It seemed like the person they were dealing with this time was indeed quite special.     

"I want to know why they just let you go," Lauriel said. "You should better not go out yet. Wait for Endo and Neo to arrive. Don't risk meeting them again."     

"I agree with Lauriel," Jean said suddenly.     

When Marion turned, she suddenly realized Jean was at her side listening to their conversation.     

"Sure, I'm not going anywhere, really," said the girl, nodding. "I have a lot to do, I'll start with the map to the house and the female assassin's sketch."     

"Good, I'll accompany you here," Jean said firmly, very much to Marion's surprise.     

"Weren't you going to your ex-girlfriend's concert? She will be very disappointed if you don't show up," Marion said.     

Jean shook his head, "It's okay, I have to prioritize."     

Marion was touched to hear that. She understood Jean meant to say that she was his top priority at the moment. Petra and Peach, who were watching from far away in Italy, were grinning and nudging each other. Lauriel only looked at the two with an attentive face.     

At first, he thought Jean and Marion only pretended to be dating in Switzerland. But seeing the interaction between the two, made him second-guess his first impressions.      

Did Jean and Marion really have a special relationship? He asked himself. Marion was like a sister to him, so he felt happy for the girl. He knew Jean well and knew that the man had a kind heart.     

"Right now, there is no point for you to stay here. You should just go to the concert. Moreover, this might be your last chance to go and see one," Marion said. "I'm fine, really."     

"Why don't you come along? That way I can make sure you are all right," Jean finally said. "You don't have to disguise yourself as Aleksis, I guess. If you go as yourself, you don't have to worry they will come after you."     

Ugh, I DON'T WANT TO WATCH BILLIE PERFORM, Marion thought, annoyed.     

"Marion, listen to Jean," Lauriel said suddenly. You have a tough job ahead of you. So, relax and have some fun tonight. Go on a date and enjoy the concert and a nice dinner afterward. There's no point in locking yourself up in the penthouse."     

"Eh?" Marion was surprised to hear Lauriel's words.     

"This is an order. You go have fun." Lauriel then nodded and turned off the teleconference.     

"You heard the man," said Jean with a triumphant face. Secretly he was happy because indirectly Lauriel gave his blessing for Jean to approach Marion.     

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