The Alchemists



0As Marion observed Jean's features, she actually started imagining various dirty things she wanted to do with him and all the pleasant things that they could go through together.     

Jean nodded. "Thank you for letting me win the squinting contest just now. Even though you can be very aggressive and stubborn, you're still quite nice. You let me keep my ego as a man by allowing me to win."     

He then giggled and patted Marion's head.     

"Ish ..." She could only cover her face. She couldn't stand seeing Jean pretending not to understand that she lost because she was fascinated by his handsome face.     

"Do you want more Black Russian or do you want me to get you another drink?" Jean asked, raising his hand to call the waiter.     

"What did you get for yourself?" Marion asked.     

"Just Pina Coladas, I'm in the mood for a simple one," he answered.     

"Oh, I want one too. I like Pina Colada, especially when I'm on the beach." Marion suddenly pressed her lips.     

She just remembered Alicia telling her before that Jean's favorite drink was Pina Colada too, especially when he was on the beach.     

Marion cursed herself for ordering what Jean liked. She did not want the man to consider her a stalker for seemingly imitating his choice because, in actuality, Marion just happened to like it too.     

"What happened to you?" he asked Jean in surprise. "Pina Colada is good."     

"Uhm ... yeah, but I am not ordering the drink just because you like it, okay! I've liked Pina Colada first. I'm older than you and I've fancied Pina Colada since the 70's when you weren't even born!" Marion clarified quickly.     

"Oh my god ... why are we competing on Pina Colada now? I never forbid you from liking or ordering it," Jean announced, shaking his head. He then nodded to the waiter who just arrived to take their orders, "Two Pina Coladas, please. Thank you."     

The atmosphere between them turned silent for a moment until Jean opened his mouth again, "I feel like there is something that must be resolved between us."     

Marion looked at him with her round eyes, "What do you mean?"     

"I like you," Jean declared without further ado. "I don't think I can hold myself back anymore and not show it to you. I don't want to confuse you by pretending that there is nothing between us. I talked a lot with Alicia in the kitchen while staying at your house and found out a lot about you. Apparently, we have so many things in common, I could hardly believe my own ears back then."     

"Wait ... what ??" Marion also could not believe her own ears just now.     

"I know your favorite color is sky blue, like me, Your favorite food is tiramisu. You really like Pina Colada, and various other things that make me feel that we are very similar, of course, in addition to your cat eyes that are very similar to mine." Jean smiled a little, "This kept me thinking about you for a month. I wanted to go back to Switzerland to look for you after Terry finished his assignment, I didn't expect you to come here. I'm so happy."     

Marion was astonished to hear Jean's words that were spoken so lightly. She did not expect it at all.     

"So what is your point?" the girl asked doubtfully.     

"The point is ... I want to get to know you more," Jean said firmly. "Billie and I have been separated for more than a year, but we just announced it six months ago. I have moved on from my previous relationship. But I don't know whether you have moved on from Lauriel or not. If you don't mind, I hope you will give me a chance to be your friend, best friend, and later on, your boyfriend... so we can keep sitting side by side like this. "     

Jean's statements pushed her into a state of disbelief. But after a while, a smile slowly formed on her lips as she framed his handsome face with her hands. She brought her face closer to his until her nose was touching his nose. She did this while staring into his pair of cat eyes using her own sparkling eyes.     

"Uhm ... I know most men don't like aggressive women who kiss first, so I won't kiss you," Marion said in a whisper. Her wet lips parted slightly in a very beautiful smile and made Jean pucker his lips.     

"I told you, I'm not most men," Jean responded quietly. He then crossed the last centimeter distance between them and pressed his lips against Marion's before kissing her very gently. The two closed their eyes as they kissed.     

With a little hesitation at first, Jean's tongue entered Marion's mouth and roamed inside it, searching for the girl's tongue. The then two softly consume each other's lips. Marion warmly kissed Jean and for a few minutes, they were swept up in a new feeling that made their chests full.     

Jean and Marion did not realize that the waiter had already brought down their Pina Coladas on the table and immediately fled from the place. Apparently, the waiter did not want to disturb the two lovebirds who were both drunk in each other's lips.     

"Mmmm .. hmmmh..." Marion finally took the initiative to break away. She had seen her drink being placed down on the table. Jean followed reluctantly.     

The two looked at each other. Their eyes were seemingly telling so many words, but none were spoken out loud. Jean had poured his heart out and thus, he didn't feel the need to add any more crappy words. Marion had received his confession.     

No, it was not a confession of love since both of them felt that this was all too fast. But at least Jean had honestly said that he was attracted to Marion. He discovered that they had a lot in common and then wanted to be given the opportunity to pursue her. On how their relationship would play out, let fate decided.     

He and Billie had been friends for so long before finally finding that love slowly developed between them. With Marion, the process might have been a little faster, but he still didn't want to rush their situation. At the moment, what they were having between them was already good.     

"Your kiss is very nice, thank you," Marion said, sipping her drink and not daring to keep staring at Jean's face. She was afraid that she would get carried away and kiss the man again. "It must be because you've kissed hundreds of actresses for your movies."     

Jean just shrugged and smiled. He was not provoked by her petty remarks. He joined her in drinking. The two said nothing more. After emptying their glasses, when Marion was about to order again, Jean suddenly prevented her.     

"Two glasses are already enough. Do you know your limit?" he asked.     

Marion nodded, looking guilty. "Two glasses."     

"Then don't drink anymore." Jean patted her head softly. "If you get drunk in a public place, it won't look good. If you still want to drink, we should go home."     

Marion plastered a big smile on her face and then glanced at Jean, "Just say that you can't carry me if I passed out for drinking too much here."     

"I'm not that weak, okay..." Jean protested. To prove his words, he raised Marion's body easily as if he were lifting only a block of wood, making the girl half-shocked and unprepared. Jean then put 500 dollar bill on the table and walked away from the Sky Bar with Marion hanging from his shoulders.     

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