The Alchemists

Is Our Big Boss Gay?

Is Our Big Boss Gay?

0Inside the elevator, Caspar was busy with his cellphone. If Lilian hadn't come at the right time, he would have had to call Ben to come and give him access. Fortunately, he didn't need to.     

Caspar wrote a note to himself, so that today he would immediately activate his automatic access, so that he would not be in trouble the next time something similar happened.     

Lately he realized that he could not fully focus because his mind always wandered to Aleksis; he also missed his wife's presence. During their 21 years together, they had never been far apart, except when Finland went away and left him for almost 3 years.     

After reuniting, the two never once separated even if only for one day. And now, having lived for a week without his wife, Caspar missed her dearly and it made him very grumpy.     

It's been more than a week since they were together because he had to take care of the group in Berlin and Finland was still waiting on Aleksis in Switzerland. Finland would come to Berlin after they could arrange for a rotation of family members who would look after Aleksis in Switzerland.     

That morning, just like every other morning during the past week, Caspar checked on Aleksis' progress before he went to work. It had become his habit.     

Lilian repeatedly glanced at the new boss who was busy with his cellphone, and admired his good looks. She felt fortunate that she was able to meet the new boss in person today and even had the opportunity to help him a little in the lobby. She hoped that she had left a good enough impression so that the big boss would remember her.     

Ah, it was only right that the receptionists thought their boss was an intern; his appearance was still very young, though he looked really cool. He was more suited to be a model than the leader of a business empire.     

The Schneider family was indeed famous for being very reclusive. Not much was known about them, not even their photos could be found on the internet, so it was only natural that many people, including the employees, do not recognize their big boss ...     

Hmm ... she wondered if this young guy was single or already married? Or if he had a girlfriend. Lilian continued to make guesses in her head. She couldn't wait to obtain more information about her new boss.     

She tidied her beautiful hair that fell loose on her shoulders and glanced at Caspar. The man was still busy with his cellphone. Hmm ... Lilian, who was famous for her beauty since she was a teenager, was used to getting the attention of all the men she met.     

She deliberately dropped her pen on the floor and bent slowly to pick it up, to show off her beautiful back. When her eyes glanced to the side, Lilian was very disappointed to see that Caspar was still busy typing something on his cellphone and didn't look at her at all even though Lilian's body position when picking up her pen looked very sexy.     

The girl's curiosity only grew more intense. She had spent almost 1 minute with him during their trip to the 40th floor, and not once did he care about her presence, no matter what she did to attract his attention.     

Is our big boss gay? Lilian thought again.     

Ah, too bad then. She pursed her lips slightly, disappointed. Too bad.     


The elevator door opened on the 40th floor and Caspar hurriedly walked into the meeting room. Lilian looked at his rapidly disappearing back with a disappointed look.     

Gosh, it was such a shame that our handsome new boss actually swings to that direction, she complained.     

Caspar had no idea that, due to his encounter with the deputy manager of the legal department, he had become the subject of office gossip. The staff at his headquarters in Berlin all thought that he was gay, just because he was indifferent to all the beautiful women in the office and because he had a really good fashion sense.     


While Caspar was busy taking care of his business empire, Terry and Jean worked hard to complete Terry's last assignments so he could immediately graduate and join the Schneider family business, while Finland took care of her children.     

At the same time, Lauriel and Nicolae concentrated on tracking down the members of the Rhionen Assassins. They only knew the faces of Takeshi and Mischa and Nicolae already sketched the faces of the two which he then used to track them through all CCTV cameras around the world.     

After two weeks, they finally managed to obtain trace of Takeshi in India. Apparently, he had been spending his time in the secluded mountains of Nepal and was only caught by camera when he set foot in a big city.     

"Who is the closest to India right now?" Lauriel asked his men who were spread out to do their respective tasks.     

"Petra is in China. He can immediately get to Takeshi in India," Esso said immediately. "I'll contact him."     

"Good. Coordinate with Nicolae to find out Takeshi's latest location," Lauriel ordered. "I really want to get information about the other members of Rhionen Assassins."     

Lauriel sat pondering in his chair after hanging up Esso's phone call. He had been trying to recall the event of 18 years ago on the night train to Chiang Mai.     

'Prince Siegfried' looked like a nice young man and he even helped Aleksis unconditionally, which was why Lauriel gave him a bottle of miracle medicine for his wounds and his personal phone number so that he could collect a million dollars at any time from Lauriel. But even until now, he had not asked for anything in return for his kindness at that time.     

Lauriel remembered that eight years ago, he suddenly got a text from that person again for finding Aleksis for the second time.  'Prince Siegfried' contacted Lauriel to make sure that he was really her 'Uncle Rory'; and still he did not ask for anything in return after delivering Aleksis safely to her parents.     

Lauriel and the Schneider family were indebted twice to him, but now the situation was such that they had to hunt him down because of what had happened to Aleksis.     

Had Rhionen Assassins not wiped out the Black River mafia group in Singapore, Rosemary Lin would not have come to campus threatening Aleksis' life and things wouldn't have ended in such an accident. They were still waiting and hoping that Aleksis would wake up from her coma.     

Caspar, who was very angry, considered Rhionen Assassins responsible for the accident that befell his beloved daughter and he wanted to destroy them. Lauriel initially agreed, especially because the organization had such a shady reputation.     

But now, after he had calmed down and thought about it better, he was reminded of the 'Prince Siegfried' whom Aleksis liked so much, that the girl tried hard to persuade her father to be allowed to study in Singapore, just so she could look for him.     

His mind returned to the night of their meeting on the train and for some reason Lauriel felt a sadness in his heart that he could not understand.     

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