The Alchemists

Always inviting danger

Always inviting danger

0Terry looked at the minimalist apartment on Robertson Road in awe. It looked really comfortable and convenient for work, he thought. Nicolae lived in one of the most expensive apartment complexes in Singapore. Terry  did not think that a mere student could afford the rent of such a nice place.     

Then he immediately remembered that Nicolae was not an ordinary student. He was also not a 23 year old guy like himself. Nicolae was a pure Alchemist who was almost 100 years old!     

When Terry remembered the various insults he had thrown at Nicolae, he immediately felt ashamed of himself for being so disrespectful toward such an older man. Nicolae was even older than his grandfather if he were still alive.     

"Make yourself at home," Nicolae said, placing his bag on the sofa. He then hurriedly opened his laptop and worked on something.     

Terry nodded. He then sat next to Nicolae and looked at what he was doing.     

"Now I believe you are Wolf," he said finally with a smile.     

He saw Nicolae's fingers dancing swiftly on the keyboard, and with just a few clicks, he could enter various protected networks to obtain the information he needed.     

Nicolae raised his face and turned to Terry, then let out a disappointed sigh. "I still can't believe you are the cool Billie Jean ..."     

Terry could only frown at Nicolae's words.     

"I am curious how friendly and pleasant Prince Siegfried is, that my sister is so crazy about him ..." he said nonchalantly.     

Nicolae suddenly realized that the young man next to him was the biological brother of the girl he liked. Subconsciously, he closed his laptop and looked at Terry with a smile, "Do you want some fruit tea or chamomile tea?"     

Terry folded his arms across his chest and looked away. "Don't be pretentious now. You can just continue your work."     

Nicolae had to give his all to refrain himself from hitting Terry. He couldn't understand how could he be friends with such an annoying person like Terry online. Even though they were only friends in cyberspace ... but still…     

"As you wish. The kitchen is over there if you want to make a drink."     

Nicolae turned on his laptop again. A moment later, he massaged his own forehead, then opened the marketplace and ordered something.     

"What is that?" asked Terry, peeking from above his shoulder. "Communication chips? Trackers? Pearl bracelets? What are these random items you are buying?"     

"The chip is for repairing the chip on Aleksis' broken watch. The tracker is to be mounted inside the bracelet secretly, so that it will be easier to locate Aleksis if anything happens to her," Nicolae answered. He was actually too lazy to explain, but his brain kept reminding him that he was talking to Aleksis' brother, so he had to be kind.     

"Oh ... are you planning to track down my sister???" Terry asked, staring intently. He seemed to think for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and whispered softly, "You can't get caught."     

Nicolae sighed with relief at Terry's words. At first, he thought Terry was against his plan to place a tracker on Aleksis, but the young man actually supported him.     

Nicolae had absolutely no intention of stalking Aleksis, but at this point, he felt responsible for ensuring her safety. Her bodyguards proved to be unable to carry out their duties properly.     

"Thank God, you understand," Nicolae said. This time, he sounded genuinely friendly. Over time, he could be good in front of Terry, because he felt that the man was actually supporting him.     

"Uhm, but don't put the tracker on this pearl bracelet, my sister doesn't like jewelry. I just noticed that she is wearing a new necklace recently. In my life, I have never seen her wearing a necklace or bracelet or a ring. She only wore a white ring gifted to her by Lauriel a long time ago, but now it's gone. She said she didn't want to lose any more pieces of jewelry, so she wouldn't wear any. "     

"A new necklace?" Nicolae faintly remembered seeing Aleksis indeed wearing a simple leather necklace with a metal pendant around her neck. "Do you think that necklace was a gift from Siegfried?"     

Terry nodded. "That thing must be valuable enough because she never took it off. If you give her a new jewelry, she will accept it for the sake of being polite, but later it will be lost among her many things."     

"Oh ..." A hint of jealousy arose in Nicolae's heart. He knew what Aleksis felt towards Prince Siegfried was the obsession of a child carried into adulthood, until it felt deeper than it originally was.     

He had heard from his father that Aleksis was only with Siegfried for a week when she was younger, and this time Aleksis had only been in Singapore for a week.     

Even if she had met Siegfried, their relationship would still be very new. Nicolae felt that he still had hope to show her that mere obsession would not last. Sooner or later, Aleksis would be able to see all of Nicolae's good sides and give him a chance.     

Moreover, he felt that both Lauriel and Terry were in support of him to win Aleksis' heart. Nicolae became more determined to chase after the girl. At the moment, his priority was to protect Aleksis and track down those who wanted to hurt her.     

"How big is the tracking device?" Terry asked a moment later.     

"As big as a grain of rice," Nicolae answered.     

"Hmm ... I can find a way to borrow the necklace so you can hide the tracking device in it ..." Terry said after thinking for a moment. "You just prepare everything, let me think of a way."     

Nicolae nodded and hurriedly finished his purchase. When he was about to cancel the pearl bracelet from his order basket, as per Terry's suggestion, his eyes saw the advertisement for a beautiful diamond ring in the lower right corner of the website that he opened.     

Terry who saw it from the corner of his eye hurriedly waved his hand in front of Nicolae. "What do you buy jewelry for? I told you, my sister doesn't like wearing jewelry."     

Nicolae sighed, "That's too bad."     

"Besides, do you think there are diamonds that can impress her in this world? Lauriel has given her the biggest and most expensive diamonds in history, which he used to keep inside a treasure chest on the seabed in the Caribbean." Terry added. "People like Aleksis, who have everything in life, will not be impressed by expensive things ..."     

"Then what do you suggest?" Nicolae asked.     

Terry coughed a little, "Actually, I could give you some ideas. My father once gave a very memorable birthday gift to my mother ...  You know my mom is also Aleksis' mother. According to her, it was the best gift she ever received in her whole life. Imagine, my mother is married to Uncle Caspar and she has everything, but she considers the gift from my father to be the best gift she has ever received! "     

Nicolae seemed very interested. "Hmm .. well, I'm listening. What do you want in exchange for that information?"     

Terry looked at Nicolae with an expression as if he was just being insulted, "You think I'm the type who always asks for a payment, huh?"     

"Yes," Nicolae replied curtly.     

"All right, if you insist," Terry said with a shrug, "I actually need an actor to play as my main character for the short movie I'm making, and I think - not that I like you - but you will be the right person to play it. But I can't pay. All my budget has been used up for equipment and for paying the other actors. "     

"What??? You want me to act in your movie?" Nicolae exclaimed with an expression of disbelief. He narrowed his eyes, "Surely this is your trick to attract many female viewers..."     

Exactly, that was Terry's goal in casting the handsome guy, Nicolae, in his film. The young man was so famous even though he was not an official celebrity.     

"Do you want to know what my father gifted my mother or not??" insisted Terry.     

Finally, Nicolae snorted and nodded. "Fine. But I only want to do the shooting on Monday."     

"Got it!" Terry immediately opened his laptop and scribbled on a document, then handed the stylus to Nicolae. "Sign the contract here, I'll tell you everything later."     

Reluctantly, Nicolae scanned the contents and made sure there was nothing out of the ordinary in the contract, "Why is there a clause here 'willing to do everything the director asks, including some hot scenes'? Hey, what kind of movie are you making? Don't tell me it's porn?!"     

"Relax, there will just be some romantic scenes and they won't jeopardize your reputation." Terry continued to offer the stylus to Nicolae. "I'll give you a bonus, I'll tell you some of my sister's best-kept secrets and her likes and hates."     

Hearing that, Nicolae finally gave in and signed the document that Terry presented after thinking for a long time.     

"Very good. Now, you can continue your business, I will start coordinating with my crew to start shooting next Monday. You are looking for info about the thug  who died earlier, right?"     

Nicolae looked sullen but he followed Terry's words and continued his research. Ten minutes later, he blurted out.     

"Gosh! These are people from the local mafia group ... Why are they targeting Aleksis? Did Aleksis offend any of the mafia members recently?"     

"Mafia?" Terry was surprised to hear that. "Are they very dangerous? We must immediately report this to Lauriel!"     

Nicolae shook his head in surprise and murmured. "Gosh, Aleksis ... why are you always inviting danger to yourself...?"     

Inwardly, he increasingly became determined to protect her. For some reason, since Aleksis was still a child, danger always lurked near her. No wonder her father was very overprotective of her and was yet to introduce her to the outside world.     

Nicolae then remembered his intention to investigate the Meier family and find out what their fate was. He still wanted to make them pay for their actions. They poisoned Aleksis and almost killed her and Lauriel.     

Terry was already busy calling his crew and arranging a shooting plan. Nicolae could hear the excited voices of the people on the other end of the phone when they heard Nicolae agreed to play in their short movie.     

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