The Alchemists

The genetic disorder

The genetic disorder

0A few minutes later, her question was answered by Alaric's appearance in the lobby. His hair looked short and had a somewhat platinum-blonde shade. Aleksis remembered that yesterday when she met Alaric, he still had his long, shoulder-length blonde hair, tied with a red ribbon.     

Why did his appearance change today ???     

Did he cut and dye his hair today? What for?     

Aleksis really didn't understand.     

If Aleksis didn't recognize Alaric's body shape and if his face was not covered by a leather mask, she would think he was someone else.     

Alaric smiled a little when he saw Aleksis. "Good afternoon, Princess."     

The receptionist seemed astonished to see her boss smiling and even calling the girl 'Princess'.     

Was the guest in their lobby right now a genuine royal princess? She initially thought the girl was merely joking.     

"What happened to your hair?" Aleksis asked, confused.     

His body, appearance, voice all belonged to Alaric, but his hair became completely different from the last time she saw the man.     

Alaric just shrugged.     

"Maybe a genetic disorder. I'm still investigating the cause. My hair sometimes changes colors on its own whenever I experience profound emotional changes. You could say my scientists are very happy to make me their guinea pig. There is a lot of interesting information that they can investigate in me." He grabbed Aleksis' hand and led her across the office and then into his room. "I didn't expect you to come this fast. Takeshi said you will be coming, but I assumed it would take a bit longer."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis could only say yes.     

Her conjecture was correct, Takeshi indeed reported everything to Alaric. However… did he tell Alaric what happened at the cafeteria?     

Alaric had a commanding presence which prompted everyone in the office not to try to even tilt their heads up to steal glances at the girl who came to see their boss and then got brought into his room.     

They could only guess inwardly, but there was nothing to talk about.     

In his room, Alaric took out a pot of tea and two cups and then presented it to Aleksis. "Tea?"     

"Thank you." Aleksis received one cup with a happy heart. Apparently, her guess was wrong. Alaric went out to meet her in the lobby to greet her, not because he didn't want Aleksis to enter his room.     

This thought made her very happy. Alaric actually appreciated her so much and treat her like a real princess. He even casually followed Aleksis' game earlier and greeted her with 'Princess' in front of his staff.     

"How is life in the dorm? How is your first day in college too?" Alaric asked, sipping his tea.     

"It's normal, my classes weren't interesting," Aleksis quickly replied. "I want to know why your hair can change so quickly. If I didn't know your body ... I would have thought you are someone else posing as Alaric Rhionen."     

"Know my body?" He asked in a teasing tone, making Aleksis almost spout the tea she was drinking.     

"Ugh ... you know what I mean," Aleksis said with a blushing face.     

Well, at this point, of course, she recognized Alaric's body, because they had been exploring each other's bodies so intimately for a few hours yesterday. And she would always recognize the delicate movements and the gentle nature of the deadly Demon King. He was the perfect Yin and Yang.     

"I know," Alaric nodded. His face behind the mask looked amused. He tapped on his thigh, signaling Aleksis to sit on his lap.     

Looking a little shy, the girl obeyed. Of course, she was very happy to sit on Alaric's lap. If possible she would sit there forever and never go home.     

"What about genetic disorders? I've never seen a person who can turn his hair white overnight." Aleksis stroked Alaric's hair, making sure his hair was indeed authentic.     

"This is not white, but platinum blonde." Alaric corrected her words. He objected to calling his hair white. He was not that old yet. "I told you I don't know what causes it, but I've experienced drastic changes in my hair color several times before. Usually, it's because something big happened in my life. Even now, my team of scientists is still investigating it.     

And you're wrong, there are some people recorded in history to experience overnight changes with their hairs. One of them was Queen Marie Antoinette* of France. She was captured in the French revolution and sentenced to death by guillotine. Because she was so depressed about losing her children, all of her beautiful hair turned white overnight."     

"Hmmm ... you're right ..." Aleksis finally agreed. She still remembered the name Marie Antoinette from a history book. She kept stroking Alaric's hair, "But why is your hair short now?"     

"I don't like having platinum-colored hair long. It's making me look like an old man or fairy from Rivendell, so I cut it..." Alaric chuckled. "You don't like it?"     

"Uhm ... I like it. Actually, if I may be honest, this is the hair cut and color that suits you best. I really like it ..." Aleksis said quietly. She gave Alaric an enchanted look. The man in front of her actually looked very charming, even with his face covered by a mask. Aleksis was sure that even if his face was disfigured, he would still look cool.     

Alaric nodded. "Hmm ... maybe that's what happened. Because I really like you, my body unconsciously adjusted to what you will prefer. My hair naturally followed your wishes ..."     

Aleksis laughed. "Ahahahaha ... this is progress. A pick-up line! I have never heard you say cheesy things like this..."     

"You don't believe it?" Alaric asked.     

"I don't believe it. But I appreciate your efforts in dropping pick up lines..." Aleksis answered while giggling.     

She knew that for Alchemists, changing hair color was normal. Their bodies were formed in such a way that they just simply know what would make them look best. This was why alchemists never cut their hair. Their hair growth would cease according to their needs, the color would sometimes change slowly following the conditions that were suitable for them.     

This made the people of the Alchemists always look like the perfect version of themselves. However, the changes in hair color usually do not occur overnight. Aleksis' hair once had changed from light brown to blonde in a span of several months.     

Considering that Alaric was an ordinary human, it should be even more impossible for his body to adjust to the type of appearance that Aleksis liked. Most likely, he had a genetic disorder affecting his system, or like Marie Antoinette, he had experienced something traumatic.     

"Hopefully, this genetic disorder will not cause you some negative effects..." Aleksis added. She was still touching his hair lovingly.     

The man nodded. He no longer tried to convince Aleksis that deep within he truly believed that his body was responding to Aleksis' love and somehow changing to what she would like.     

This morning when he woke up with platinum-colored hair, he did not understand why his hair had changed and hurriedly cut it because he did not like it. It was only when he heard about Aleksis' fondness of his new appearance that Alaric suspected this was his body's response to Aleksis' love.     

Crazy, even his body loved the girl so much that it unconsciously followed her preferences.     

Over the last few years, scientists had discovered some interesting things about Alaric's body.     

Since he founded Rhionen Industries 15 years ago, he decided to do research on himself, on why he was not aging, and how the super genes in his body could be used for technological advances.     

As a result of the experiments, they succeeded in finding a cure for cancer, which made the company very rich and influential.     

In reality, the super genes in Alaric's body could cure all types of diseases. That was why a pharmaceutical subsidiary in Rhionen Industries was founded, and since then they became known as the only company that managed to find a cure for cancer.     

After 15 years, there were still so many inexplicable things from Alaric's body, including his ability to sometimes slowly changed his outward appearance.     

But he could not tell this to Aleksis, because she would not understand ... It would be better to continue calling it a genetic disorder, easier to believe, he thought.     

"Hmm ..." Alaric touched her hand which was still rubbing his head, "So you like my new look?"     

Aleksis nodded. Seeing her do so, Alaric happily smiled.     

For a moment they looked at each other.     

Then, unconsciously they brought their faces together and searched for each other's lips. Together they closed their eyes and kissed each other passionately. Both their bodies were like the south and north magnetic poles that met and then immediately connected. A soft moan escaped from Aleksis' lips as Alaric's tongue roamed her mouth. It made the man more enthusiastic to kiss her.     

The kisses were followed by loving caresses on each other's face and body. A moment later, Alaric rose from his seat with Aleksis still on his lap, automatically carrying the girl to the room in the office where he usually rested.     

This was not their first time, so Alaric didn't ask whether Aleksis wanted to do it in bed in the room or somewhere else. He couldn't wait any longer.     

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