The Alchemists

Going Home (2)

Going Home (2)

0Aleksis hurriedly looked at her reflection in the mirror in the bathroom and nodded in satisfaction.     

"Thank you, Big Brother... uhm... Since you already know my name, now it's time for you to tell me your name..." Aleksis said as she returned to the deck, "Otherwise it would be unfair. I don't know your name yet. Should I call you Prince Siegfried all the time?"     

The young man smiled faintly and nodded, "I like the name. You can call me Siegfried."     

"Jeez... why can't I know your name? Is your name so ugly and embarrassing? I won't insult you... I swear!"     

'Siegfried' shook his head, he still wouldn't give her his name. "People who know my name usually have to die. I don't want you to be involved with me any further and run into danger, Little girl. You're too sweet."     

Aleksis' big eyes widened. She never expected such words to come out of Prince Siegfried's lips. He was always so gentle and his movements were soft. His face was always smiling and radiating comfort.     

Aleksis knew that he was kind because he saved Aleksis and the puppy from the street. The person who knew his name must die? Why so terrifying?     

"I don't understand..." Aleksis murmured softly. She could not understand the meaning of Siegfried's words. "Is this because I'm still young, so you don't want to tell me the truth?"     

"Maybe. Obviously, I don't feel the need to tell you my name. Right now, you can just call me Siegfried."     

"What about in eight years, when I grow up? Will you tell me your name then?" Persistence was apparently Aleksis' middle name.     

"Hmm... if you defeat me at a fair Go game, I will tell you my name..." Finally, Siegfried nodded.     

"Alright... then, I won't lose to you next time..." Aleksis was determined. She always got what she wanted, and if just for the sake of a name she had to beat this guy in a Go game match, then she would compete. She would learn harder with Uncle Rory.     

"Good. Eight more years, then..." The young man nodded, still smiling. He knew in his heart that they would never meet again, and there would be no Go game match between the two in the next eight years. He couldn't be further involved with this child. They shouldn't meet again.     

They returned to land in the afternoon. At 4 o'clock they arrived at the mansion and Aleksis immediately packed her belongings.     

She did not expect the clothes and items bought for her to be so much that they filled two large duffel bags.     

"Uhm... I don't need all this stuff, I think... I have a lot of clothes at home..." Aleksis said.     

"Just take it... there are no girls around here. No one can use them. If you don't, I will have the servants throw them away," Siegfried said when he saw Aleksis standing in confusion with her two bags. "If you don't like them, you can donate them later."     

"Hmm... alright." Aleksis finally agreed. "What about the puppy we saved?"     

"Please bring him too. I can't keep a dog at home, I travel a lot and can't commit to pets."     

"Uhm... okay. I'll bring him with me." Aleksis nodded. She had fallen in love with the puppy and inwardly she would ask to bring him if Siegfried hadn't asked her to.     

Aleksis finished packing an hour later and they immediately left the mansion to meet the girl's parents.     

"Eh... whose car is this? I didn't see this car in the garage," Aleksis commented when they walked outside. She pointed at an ordinary Toyota van parked in the yard. As she recalled, the two cars in Siegfried's garage were luxury cars, but it looked like they were going to use a plain-looking van.     

"Why? Do you only ride in luxury cars?" Siegfried asked.     

"No... I'm just surprised." Aleksis did not understand why Siegfried took her in such an ordinary car. It looked like it was borrowed or rented from another place. It was as if he did not want people to see him coming in his own car. "You don't want to be recognized, do you? That's why you don't want to use your own car... Why?"     

"Aha... you are so smart, little girl. Come on up. I told you, right... If you beat me in a Go game match in eight years, I will answer all your questions, even the weirdest ones."     

Siegfried guided Aleksis to the backseat after placing her bags in the trunk, then placed the puppy on her lap. He then sat next to Aleksis. A driver was ready to drive them.     

After everything was ready, the young man gave the order for the driver to immediately drive, "Please go to the Raffles Hotel..."     


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