The Alchemists

I hope the baby will be a boy

I hope the baby will be a boy

0"I'm glad we will have another child..." Finland said, stroking Caspar's dimples because he was smiling so sweetly at her, "Do you want a boy or a girl?"     

"A boy..." Caspar said quickly. "I would be a really scary father if my children were all girls."     

Finland could only laugh after hearing her husband's answer. She understood what Caspar meant. He would be a father who was very protective of his daughters and might do terrible things if someone bothered them. Having a son would relax him a little.     

 "Alright... we'll see in a few months..." Finland said. "When I was pregnant with Aleksis, I didn't find out about the gender because I didn't care. But if you want a boy, we'll find out in a few months."     

"All right..." Caspar kissed Finland's lips intimately, then slowly took off her clothes while pretending to frown, "But now I want to check my pregnant wife, to prove that I'm not a fake doctor."     

 Finland just laughed at Caspar's behavior, as he was acting like a newly adopted puppy again. His beaming face and his attachment to her looked very adorable. It reminded Finland of Caspar's attitude when they first slept together at Rose Mansion just before the man proposed to her.     

Ah, it felt like they really were back to the way they used to be.     

Even though Caspar and Finland wanted to play doctor for longer, they didn't because they knew that Aleksis was waiting for them to have dinner together. She was probably confused because her parents suddenly disappeared. Finally, half an hour after they went 'missing', the two came out of the bedroom. They found Aleksis playing with Kathy in the living room.     

"Master and Madam, do you wish to eat dinner now?" Kathy asked respectfully. "We didn't have time to cook because Master and Madam came so suddenly, but there are many good restaurants that can deliver food from nearby..."     

"It's okay. Can you please buy some groceries? I wish to cook dinner for us," Caspar said. Kathy widened her eyes in shock.     

"Eh...? There's no need, Sir. If you wish to wait, I can shop and cook right away," Kathy said quickly.     

"There's no need, Kathy. This is a special night, so I want to celebrate it by cooking a special meal for my wife," Caspar waved and stopped Kathy from replying. Finally, the girl obediently nodded and immediately excused herself.     

"Please send me the shopping list via email or text. I will buy it at the nearest supermarket. I will head out now," Kathy excused herself.     

Caspar quickly typed a list of the ingredients he needed and emailed it to Kathy. In the meantime, the little family sat together in the living room while playing with Aleksis.     

"Aw... you're overdoing it..." Finland said, "In such an emergency, we should just order pizza. I don't mind, really..."     

"Nonsense. Pregnant women should eat healthy food," Caspar said in protest. "Let me take care of you. You just sit comfortably. Want to watch a movie or read something?"     

Finland shook her head. "I want you to sit next to me..."     

"Uhm... okay." Caspar followed Finland's wishes and sat on the sofa next to the girl. Finland smiled happily, then laid down and rested her head on Caspar's lap.     

"I don't want to watch or read anything; I just want to rest like this..." she whispered softly.     

Caspar was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled. He nodded. His hands stroked the head of the woman he loved with great affection.     

"This is good," he said. "You should rest, Sweetheart..."     

They enjoyed the atmosphere in silence, and their hearts were filled with warmth. Both Finland and Caspar felt that they had found their home. They belong with each other.     

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