The Alchemists

Reignited Hope For Jean

Reignited Hope For Jean

0After the movie ended, Finland received an SMS from Lauriel.     

[Aleksis is sleeping. You can come to my house and stay overnight, or I can drive her tomorrow morning to your place. I don't have the heart to wake her up now.]     

Finland looked at her phone and thought for a long time. Anne and Lucia, who saw her frown, immediately asked what was troubling her mind.     

"What is wrong?"     

"My daughter is asleep, and Rory doesn't have the heart to wake her up..." Finland tapped on the phone, thinking, "I can come there and stay overnight, or I can pick her up tomorrow."     

"Can your friend be trusted?"     

"He definitely can."     

"Well... you just go and rest tonight, then. Tomorrow you can pick up Aleksis," said Anne, giving a solution. "Besides, if you go there now, it would be useless since she's already asleep. If you spend the night, you will have difficulties coming to work tomorrow because you don't have any clothes for change."     

Finally, Finland nodded in agreement.     

[OK. I will pick Aleksis up tomorrow after I leave the office.] Finland sent an SMS to Lauriel informing him of her decision. She quickly added, [Thank you.]     

In her entire life, Finland had never been separated from Aleksis like this. She kept thinking about how Aleksis was doing at Lauriel's house. After she arrived home, she showered and prepared to go to sleep. However, she kept thinking about her daughter.     

[Is Aleksis sleeping well?] Finally, because she couldn't stand it, she sent an SMS to Lauriel. [If she wakes up, please tell me, I can go there immediately.]     

[Sleep tight. Do not worry, Aleksis is fine. You just rest.]     

Finland tried to sleep as Lauriel suggested, but she realized that until midnight she still was not able to close her eyes. Finally, she sent another message asking about Aleksis's condition.     

Lauriel, who was reading a book in his library, soon realized that Finland was very worried and he finally became impatient.     

[Just come here if you're really worried.]     

Fifteen minutes later Finland arrived at Lauriel's house. She brought a change of clothes so that tomorrow she could go straight to work.     

"Sorry, I changed my mind," said the girl as she appeared at Lauriel's door. The man nodded and invited her inside. Finland had never stayed over at Lauriel's house before. She and Aleksis only stayed with him when they were on vacation at his farm or when they stayed at a hotel after returning from the hospital and traveling to Hong Kong and Singapore last year.     

In Lauriel's house, there was a room that was decorated with a Disney theme fit for a princess. It was a room prepared just for Aleksis to play and spend most of her time while Finland was working.     

Now, her daughter was sleeping soundly in her beautiful bed that was made to look like Princess Aurora's bed. Anyone would not have the heart to wake the little angel up from her beauty sleep.     

After seeing Aleksis sleeping peacefully, Finland's heart calmed down. She smiled with relief and looked at Lauriel gratefully.     

"How was the movie?" Lauriel asked, taking out a bottle of wine and two glasses. He gave a signal for Finland to follow him to the library.     

"The movie was very good. I know the actor..." Finland received a glass of wine from Lauriel and placed her bag on the couch. "He is my best friend whom I haven't seen in a long time..."     

"You never told me about him," Lauriel said. He took a sip of his wine and looked at Finland with a frown. "Why haven't you seen him?"     

Finland pondered for a moment before finally deciding to tell Lauriel what happened between her, Jean and Caspar. The man listened carefully, and his face did not change at all.     

"I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friend... Sorry, I didn't know this before, I've resigned from worldly life for decades..." Lauriel touched Finland's hand and patted her softly as if to ease her burden. "I know Aldebar is a very talented scientist and the potions he creates must be effective. But if I had known earlier, maybe I could have helped Jean restore his memories..."     

Finland gasped at Lauriel's words. "You... can you do it?"     

"I'm an expert on poisons and medicines... There are many plants that have extraordinary properties in this world." Lauriel pondered for a moment, remembering, "I once learned of this special medicine when I was in the depths of the Amazon. I am not going to promise you that I will be able to recover Jean's memory completely. But I can try..."     

Tears slowly dripped from Finland's eyes. After almost three years, she had given up on hoping for Jean's memories to return. Now, suddenly Lauriel reignited her hope...     

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