The Alchemists

I Didn't Mean To Upset You

I Didn't Mean To Upset You

0Jean was impressed by Jadeith's capability to persuade the manager to empty the driving center. Now there was only the three of them.     

"Who closed this place?" Jean asked Finland with a frown. Finland could only sigh in annoyance. "Seriously? This place is closed only for you to practice driving?"     

He did not need to hear Finland's answer because Jadeith confirmed his allegations.     

"Master likes privacy, and Madam too," said Jadeith. He invited Finland, who was standing a few meters away from the car, to get into the car to start their training. "Please, Madam."     

"Madam?" Jean raised an eyebrow and asked with a voice holding back laughter, "When did you marry his Master? How come I was not invited?"     

"Don't ask me," Finland answered, shrugging.     

Jean just shook his head and followed her to the car. He entered the car and sat in the back seat.     

"I want to witness a historical moment when Finland can finally drive," he said, smiling casually. "Uhmm... or the moment when we die together when the car crashes."     

"Jeannnnn...!! Don't stress me out!" Finland exclaimed, accidentally stepping on the gas when she was supposed to hit the brakes.     

Jadeith coughed, trying to calm the atmosphere. Jean laughed even louder.     

Two hours later, the driving practice ended. No one was hurt and the car survived unscratched. That alone made Finland sigh in relief.     

Jadeith then drove them back to Rose Mansion. Finland invited Jean to have dinner with her. She wanted to show Jean that Rose Mansion was not a haunted house.     

"Good evening, Ms. Law. Please meet Jean, my best friend." Finland introduced Jean to Ms. Law who welcomed them at the door. Unlike Jadeith, Ms. Law was very sweet to Jean. "Tonight, I'm inviting him to dinner here. Can I use the kitchen to cook?"     

"Of course, Miss. Hello, how are you, Jean?"     

"I am good, thank you. Nice to meet you, Ms. Law."     

Finland was very good at cooking because she was used to taking care of herself since she was little. She had become creative in using food ingredients so that she could make delicious dishes on a budget.     

Cooking alone was much cheaper than buying ready-to-eat food, but ever since she moved into Rose Mansion, there was almost no opportunity for Finland to cook. Now that Jean still hadn't returned to Paris, she wanted to show him her gratitude by cooking something for Jean.     

"Can I help you with anything?" Jean asked when Finland took out spices and various food ingredients from the refrigerator.     

"No. Just sit comfortably in the dining chair, drink a glass of wine, and talk with me," Finland said with a broad smile.     

"Sounds good." Jean laughed.     

They chatted while Finland cooked. Jean shared stories about his work and the various people he met in the entertainment industry. They discussed their plans to travel around Europe with a camper van one day when Finland was able to drive, and about Finland's work and the projects she was working on.     

Finland made Caesar salad and saltimbocca, and they ate while continuing their conversation.     

"From what I see, I think Caspar is treating you very well," Jean said suddenly. "I'm glad to see it."     

"Thank you," Finland said. "But I still haven't decided."     

"Decided what? His staff is already calling you Madam and treating you as if you were his wife," Jean said with a laugh.     

"Jadeith is weird," Finland grumbled. "Him calling me Madam makes me feel so old, but I gave up correcting him."     

"But you have to admit, him calling you Madam sounds very cute, you know... It's as if he is making sure that everyone knows that you belong to his boss."     

"I don't belong to anyone," Finland said. "I am my own person."     

"You are your own person," Jean nodded, "but when two people fall in love and they commit to each other, the two people will become one. Later you will understand..."     

He finished his wine then excused himself because it was already very late.     

"I'll pick you up tomorrow and we can go to Universal Studios together..." Jean said before entering the taxi.     

"See you tomorrow." Finland agreed.     

After Jean left, Finland's cellphone rang. It was Caspar calling to ask for the results of her driving practice that day.     

"I don't know if I will ever get used to living like you..." Finland answered honestly. "Having a personal bodyguard, getting priority services, driving in luxury cars, and having one room full of branded clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories... It is a life that I never imagined having."     

"Why?" Caspar asked in surprise.     

"I am afraid, if I get used to luxury, then when the luxury doesn't exist anymore, I can't live anymore... I'm very afraid to imagine that possibility," Finland said.     

"Why do you have to imagine bad things, huh?" Caspar asked.     

"I have to be realistic. If I get used to living with so many luxuries and special treatments, and one day we are no longer together... I'm worried that I will find it difficult to live my simple life again."     

"That's the whole point. I don't want you to go back to the life you lived before you are with me." Caspar's voice sounded tired.     

He didn't know how long it would take for Finland to really accept him. Caspar wanted her to understand that when he said that had fallen in love with her, it meant that he had given his heart, his life, and everything he had to her.     

There would be no possible way that one day they would break up. He knew himself well enough. He knew that he would never leave Finland. Deep down he was actually afraid that Finland would one day leave him because it was so difficult to convince her to accept his love.     

"You sound upset. I didn't mean to upset you." Finland said moments later.     

"I'm not upset," Caspar said after taking a deep breath. "I'm just sorry that I'm not there to hug you so you can believe my words."     

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