The Alchemists

Katia Misunderstood

Katia Misunderstood

0The next morning Jean came to pick Finland up by taxi. They headed to Universal Studios. Katia was already there when they arrived. When she saw Katia, Finland thought about Caspar and she became uncomfortable.     

Maybe, when Katia left Caspar six months ago, she thought they were just having a 'break' to assess their feelings for each other or to encourage Caspar to confirm his true feelings and decide to marry Katia.     

Unexpectedly, not long after, Caspar met Finland and immediately fell in love with her.     

Even so, Katia went to Caspar and asked him to treat Finland well...     

Finland felt really bad thinking about it. She felt like she was indirectly the third person in Katia and Caspar's relationship.     

"Why does your face look so gloomy?" Jean asked when they came down from one of the rides. "We're having fun, remember... What's bothering you?"     

Katia turned to Finland and asked with concern, "Is it a matter of love?"     

Finland nodded slowly.     

"With Heinrich Schneider?" Katia probed.     

"Uhm... yes..."     

"Oh, that's just so typical of him..." Katia said in a tone of concern and patted Finland's back. "Normally he dates women one month and then dumps them, moving on to the next one. Moreover, he never stays long in a city."     

Finland and Jean were surprised to hear Katia's words. This didn't sound like the Caspar they knew.     

"As far as I know, it's not like that..." Finland said.     

"You have only known him for a few months, I've known him for almost my whole life." Katia said with a sigh, "I was his fiancée for years, and as long as he was with me, he was also with many other women. That's what finally made me break off our engagement."     

Katia looked at Finland pitifully. "When I saw the flowers from Heinrich Schneider in your office, I realized that he was interested in you, just like he was interested in all those other women... I like you, you're a good girl, and I don't think you deserve to be treated badly. That's why I came looking for him and asked him to treat you well. I wanted to protect you because we are both orphans..."     

"He does treat me well..." Finland said. Katia's story didn't make any sense, she thought to herself.     

Katia was now the one who seemed confused.     

"He treats you well? So, he hasn't left you like he left those other women? Then why are you looking so gloomy? I thought you were sad because he dumped you..."     

Jean and Finland looked at each other.     

"He dumped many other women?" Finland asked.     

Oh, Ben was right; Caspar did have many women before.     

"Yeah, as I said, he would only date them for one month or so, then dumps them. He hasn't dumped you yet? " Katia asked incredulously, "How long has it been?"     

"We have known each other for about four months. But we aren't in a relationship yet... I am still considering," answered Finland quickly.     

"You... are you still considering? Considering what?" Katia didn't seem to understand.     

"I am still considering whether I will accept his love or not..." Finland answered honestly. "Caspar and I have such different lives. I don't know if I will be able to adjust my lifestyle to his."     

Katia's face looked horrified when Finland mentioned Caspar's name.     

"You... you know his name is Caspar...?!?"     

Finland became confused about seeing Katia's strange attitude,     

"Yes, I know him as Caspar. Heinrich Schneider is the name he uses today. I know that his life is quite complicated..." Finland said. "That complicated life of his is the reason why I am still unable to decide whether I want to be in a relationship with him or not."     

"Since when did you know his name is Caspar?" Katia asked.     

"Since we first met. He introduced himself as Caspar from the beginning. I found out later that he also uses the name Heinrich Schneider."     

At that time, Finland saw a speck of hatred appear in Katia's eyes.     

"Five years... he told me his real name only after five years..." Katia hissed in a bitter voice. Her face looked pale and she held her forehead in pain. "Sorry, my head hurts... I'd better go home now. Sorry, I can't continue having fun with you..."     

"Do you want us to drive you home?" asked Jean.     

"No need. I can take a taxi..."     

Awkwardly Finland and Jean saw Katia leave. Jean knew there was something going on between the two girls, but he did not want to pressure them.     

In the taxi, Katia couldn't hold back her tears. She sobbed painfully.     

"It turns out that Finland... wasn't like the other girls he dated. Caspar wouldn't dump her... He even told Finland his real name from the start..."     

Katia thought about the years it took her to find out Caspar's real name, while that girl... she knew everything from the start...     

Katia realized that Caspar had fallen in love with Finland...     

Finland wasn't like those thousands of girls before her...     

Katia had misunderstood him this time.     

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