The Alchemists

I Am Here To Correct My Mistakes

I Am Here To Correct My Mistakes

0"Why are you thanking him?" The duchess was confused when she saw what Rose did.      

Rose hugged Rune, rested her head on his shoulder, and kissed his cheek before she went back to her seat and turned to her mother, "I thanked him because Rune made them apologize."     

"What? Is that true?" Duchess Fournier asked Rune.     

The man was still feeling euphoric by the kiss that just landed on his cheek earlier. He absentmindedly replied, "Well, technically... yes."     

"I don't understand," said the duchess again. She turned to her husband. "Do you know anything about this?"     

Duke Fournier shook his head.      

"Mother... Rune here is Rune Schneider," Rose finally explained. "When the news agencies were writing that I am dating Rune Schneider, they did it to mock me, thinking my boyfriend claimed to be someone from the Schneider family when he is actually an impostor. Anne and Sarah fed them with the lies."     

"But..." Duchess Fournier turned to Rune. "No offense, but... it's true, isn't it?"     

"No, it's a lie," Rose pouted. "He made me think he is poor and that he only shares the same last name with them. But he is actually one of them."     

Now Rune felt bad about lying. He looked at her with a guilty expression.     

Fortunately, Rose quickly added. "But I understand why he did it. I also did the same thing to him. I pretended to be a struggling artist because I don't want to date men who are only after our family's wealth."     

"Oh..." Duchess Fournier pressed her lips in surprise. She looked at Rune intently, trying to wrap her head around this fact.     

So... this man... was really Rune Schneider? It was so hard to believe because Rune had always been so humble and easygoing. He didn't care if they all thought he was poor and whatnot.     

"This is shocking," the duchess could only mutter.     

"I am very sorry if have been rude by not explaining myself better," Rune said apologetically. "My name is Rune and my family is actually wealthy. I just don't have a habit of introducing myself from that angle. I hope you will forgive me."     

The duchess waved, Her face looked beaming, no longer worried and confused like before. "Not at all. I am not offended. I was just surprised. It's all good."     

Rune was relieved because he had cleared the situation with Rose's parents. This way, they would trust him more to bring Rose with him to meet his family.     

The atmosphere during breakfast became so much brighter and warmer. Rose and her parents were very happy to see all the public apologies plastered on the news sites. It gave them peace of mind after the stressful past week.     

In the afternoon, Rose went shopping for gifts with Rune to give to his family as souvenirs from Medion. Then, she packed her small suitcase with some clothes and everything she would need for the holiday.      

Since Germany was colder than Medion in autumn, she also brought two coats to keep her warm. She was ready to open a new chapter in her life, move on from Leon and from her past in Medion.     


"Are you ready to go?" Rune asked Rose in after Mr. Rolland entered the mansion and reported that the car was ready.     

Rose nodded happily, "I am ready."     

"I forgot to ask what time is your flight," the duchess asked. She came to hug Rose and take her to the door.     

"We are not in a hurry, anytime Rose is ready, the plane will depart. We are not waiting for any other passenger," Rune explained.     

"Oh..." Duchess Fournier almost forgot that this man before her came from a very wealthy family. It shouldn't come as a surprise if he had a private jet to travel whenever he wanted. They didn't need to follow a certain schedule. "Then, you guys have fun!"     

"Thank you, mother," Rose said as she hugged her mother. She also hugged her father. The couple stood by the doorway, holding hands, watching Rose and Rune enter the car. Mr. Rolland put their bags in the trunk, then got into the driver's seat.     

Rune and Rose rolled down their windows respectively to wave at Duke and Duchess Fournier, as the car drove away from the mansion.     

"Goodbye, Mom... I will see you in two weeks," said Rose.     

"Take care!"     

The journey to the airport would last for half an hour. This time, they didn't go to the international terminal to check-in, like usual. The car would go directly to the runway. The plane staff would handle all their paperwork while Rose and Rune could immediately relax in the cabin.     

"We are here, Your Grace," said Mr. Roland after he stopped the car and got out of the driver's seat. The loyal driver opened the doors for Rose, then Rune, then he took their bags from the trunk.     

However, he suddenly halted his steps when his eyes caught sight of a man walked from the left. Apparently, there was another car waiting on the runway and the passenger only came out when Rose came out of her car.     

"Your Highness," Mr. Roland greeted Leon in a stammer. He was wondering why Leon came to see Rose all of a sudden. The driver turned to see Rose who was standing frozen in her place. Her mouth agape.     

"Rose..." Leon smiled apologetically. "I am sorry for disrupting your travel plan, but I... I need to see you and talk to you."     

"Leon..." Rose muttered. "What are you doing here?"     

"I don't want to regret this my whole life..." Leon's voice turned hoarse. He reached out a hand to Rose. "I am such a jerk. I don't deserve you..."     

Rose was surprised to see the man's eyes were gleaming with tears. Was Leon crying?      


"What do you want, Leon?" Rose asked the man coldly. "You are a married man. You shouldn't come here. This will make people think you are after another woman when you already have a wife. Many people will misunderstand."     

Leon shook his head. "This is not a misunderstanding. I have made the biggest mistakes in my life... and I am here to correct them."     

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