The Alchemists



0Duchess Fournier added, "The maid has prepared the guest room on the second floor. You can go there and rest. Your room is ready too, Rose. You can rest for a bit, and I will be waiting for you two on the side terrace for tea and a chat in one hour."     

"Ah .. okay. Thank you, Mom." Rose nodded in understanding. She then pulled Rune's hand up to the second floor. "We'll see your room first. After that, we can chat with my mother over tea."     

Mr. Rolland entered through the main entrance, pushing two of their suitcases. "I will put the luggage in the room, Miss."     

"Thank you, Mr. Rolland."     

"The room for Rune is the one at the end of the hall on the second floor, on the right side," said Duchess Fournier. "You can put the suitcase over there, Mr. Rolland."     

"Yes, Your Highness, "said Mr. Rolland respectfully.     

Rose and Rune then walked hand in hand up the white marble staircase at the end of the enormous living room.     

In fact, it was Rose who was holding Rune's hand and deliberately being affectionate in front of her mother to show that she and the man were really lovers.     

Rune happily followed Rose's act. He smiled broadly as he walked following Rose's graceful steps.     

Duchess Fournier watched the two leave the living room with a happy heart. Ahh .. she couldn't wait to chat with them and find out who Rune really was and how her daughter can fall in love with the young man.     

Mr. Rolland followed behind Rose and Rune with their two suitcases. On the second floor, Rose took Rune o the end of a large hallway that had many rooms on either side.     

They went all the way to the very end, and then she stopped and opened the door. "Please come in. This is your room."     

Rune nodded. "Thank you."     

He turned the door handle and opened the door which revealed a large and luxurious room with a classic design. In the middle of the room was a large bed made of classic old teak wood with luxurious bedding in dark colors.     

On the floor there was an antique rug and various antique furniture that may be hundreds of years old, filling every corner perfectly.     

There was also a large sofa by the window and a large glass door that opened onto a spacious balcony filled with various green plants in pots that made the atmosphere look very comfortable.     

"Wow... I did not know your mother has already prepared a room for me," commented Rune very happily. "She must like me."     

"Don't be so full of yourself... hahaha.. she didn't specifically prepare it for you," said Rose, with a chuckle. "In this house, we always have guest rooms available for unexpected guests. There are two rooms for men, two rooms for women, and two rooms for families."     

"Oh, is that so? What's the difference in each room?" Rune asked in a curious manner.     

He stepped inside and looked into the guest room prepared for him while clicking his tongue several times in awe.     

Actually, Rune knew what the difference between each of these rooms was because his family had similar rooms in their homes too. In all their family homes around the world, there were always several rooms available for guests.      

Rooms for men were prepared with an all-masculine and dark design, while rooms for women were designed to be brighter and, of course, filled with various women's needs such as dressing tables and various beauty equipment.     

Meanwhile, family rooms were provided for guests visiting with small families, for example, couples with one or more young children.     

In this family room, there would be a large bed with a baby cot, or a child's bed, and some were even designed like a hotel suite which had multiple rooms in it and a private living room.     

Sure enough, Rose explained to Rune the difference between each room, just as the man had expected. Meanwhile, Rune listened while nodding his head every now and then, pretending to be impressed.     

"Ahh .. that's great," said the man with an amazed expression.     

"Ahh .. it's nothing, really," Rose said casually. "A lot of people have rooms like those in their homes. This is quite common."     

Rune understood why Rose thought this was normal to have many spare rooms for guests. She was used to hanging out with people from high society.     

Rune who came from a very wealthy family also raised in grande and luxurious homes with many guest rooms like the ones in the Fournier family mansion.      

However, to keep his pretense as a poor man, Rune must again appear impressed.     

"Shall I show you what's in the room?" asked Rose, laughing at his reaction.     

Before Rune could answer her, Mr. Rolland had arrived with their suitcases. He knocked on the door and stepped into the room after Rose motioned him to come in.     

"Which suitcase should I put here, Miss?" he asked politely.     

Rune immediately approached Mr. Rolland and took his black suitcase from his hand. "This is my suitcase, Mr. Rolland. Thank you very much."     

"Ah ... all right. Then, I'll put the other suitcase in Miss Rose's room," said Mr. Rolland. He nodded at Rune and walked out, carrying Rose's blue suitcase.     

"I think I'll be fine by myself here. You don't have to show me what's in this room," said Rune. "Thank you for the hospitality shown by your family. This room is wonderful. I really like it."     

"Okay then. I'll go to my room and rest for a bit. I'll knock on your door in one hour and then we can go to the terrace together to drink tea and chat with my mother," said Rose.     

"All right. See you later, Rose."     

Rose smiled sweetly and walked out of Rune's room and closed the door behind her. Meanwhile, Rune sat on the bed and then dropped his body while staring at the ceiling.     

Gosh .... it felt so surreal.     

He was now in the home of his future wife's family!     

Oops .. Rune laughed at himself who already thought of Rose as his future wife and the Fournier family as his future in-laws.      

He was very confident indeed. He was also a patient man. He was willing to wait until Rose could open her heart for him.     




An hour later, there was a knock at the door of Rune's room. The young man immediately opened it with alacrity and saw Rose was standing in front of his room.     

The girl had changed into a white shirt and jeans that were torn at the knees, commando boots, and a long leather coat that looked very beautiful on her body.     

Her hair was tied in a ponytail and her face was covered in light makeup. Ahh .. Rose looked so fresh and alluring. For a moment Rune was stunned.     

Why did that girl always look prettier every time Rune saw her?     

"Did you change your clothes?" Rune asked. He regretted that he just washed his face and didn't change his clothes. Perhaps he should also have changed into a nicer outfit to meet Duchess Fournier.     

"Yes, I want to take you for a walk to the Old Town after drinking tea and chatting with my mother. Have you forgotten it?" asked Rose.     

Rune had not forgotten it. In fact, he was excited to be able to walk around with Rose in Bacilia's city center. However, he did not expect them to leave immediately after tea with the Duchess.     

"Hm .. then, I'll change clothes first," said the young man. "Are you willing to wait?"     

"Of course. I'll wait on the sofa," said Rose.     

Rune smiled happily. He hurriedly unpacked his suitcase and pulled out a new set of shirts and jeans that matched with what Rose was wearing now.     

Ahh .. he was very lucky to have a white shirt that looked like the one the girl was wearing, as well as the same commando boots.      

Their tastes for outfit was actually quite similar. It's just that Rune deliberately bought clothes from the marketplace at low prices, so as not to make Rose suspicious.     

While Rune changed clothes in the bathroom, Rose waited for him while sitting gracefully on the sofa by the window. She focused her gaze on the view of the garden seen through the window.     

Not long after, Rune came out of the bathroom looking refreshed. He also wore a white shirt and jeans, commando boots, and a coat.     

Rose giggled at the man's appearance. They looked like they were twinning.     

She tried to hold back her laughter when she commented, "Jeez ... people would think we bought our clothes from the same charity or discounted shop."     


From the author:     

Yeay!! Rune's story is moving, albeit slowly. I am sorry for the slowness of my update. I was sick in early March and had to struggle to write for the additional chapters I promised for "The Cursed Prince", so "The Alchemists" is delayed.      

If you see the privilege, it is set at 2 tiers, the first one is Tier 1 with 1 coin and 99% discount. That's right! That means all chapters in the Privilege will cost you only 1 coin.     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.