The Alchemists

Thank You, Rune

Thank You, Rune

0After Rose put on clean pajamas and her body also no longer smelled of vomit, Rune immediately carried the girl down to the first floor and headed into the living room.     

He sat Rose in the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, and then he opened the sofa that had been his bed and turned it into a sofabed     

After tidying the bed off the sofa and making it comfortable, he then lifted Rose's body and laid her there carefully.     

Rune made sure Rose sleep comfortably and put on a warm blanket before he returned to the loft and cleaned Rose's vomit-soiled bed.     

Uff ... in his entire life, Rune had never done any physical work, let alone heavy and dirty like now. He was the son of one of the wealthiest families in the world.     

In his family home, there were always dozens of staff who took care of everything. Because of this, Rune wasn't very good at cleaning.     

However, he tried to clean up all the mess that had happened so that when Rose woke up the next day, their apartment was clean, and she didn't have to feel ashamed of being drunk and vomiting.     

Holding back his disgust, Rune cleaned the bed and took off the dirty sheets, then removed all the pillowcases and put them in the washing machine. After that, he used a wet towel to rub everything clean.     

Two hours later, he finally finished cleaning the loft where Rose's bedroom was located. Rune ended the job by spraying an air freshener to give a fresh atmosphere.     

"Hoaaahhhemm ..." Unconsciously, he yawned many times. Apparently, it was almost 2 am. No wonder he was very sleepy. Apart from it being very late at night, the man was also very tired from doing all the hard work.     

Cleaning was not an easy job. If it's just tidying up an apartment, he still could do it, but the cleaning job he was doing tonight was more than just tidying up.     

Ahh .. his body felt so tired and sleepy. He looked at Rose's bed which was still wet after he cleaned it with the wet towel earlier.      

Then, where should he sleep now? Usually, he would sleep on the sofabed on the first floor, but now that Rose slept there, Rune had no more place to go.     

Did he have to sleep on the floor?     

Rune let out a long sigh again.     

Ahh ... He hoped Rose wouldn't blame him and think of him as a pervert if Rune joined the girl on the sofabed. After all, wasn't the sofabed HIS place to sleep? You could say, Rose was the one who was crashing on his place, and not the other way around.     

With that in mind, Rune finally decided to wash his face, brush his teeth, and change his clothes into comfortable pajamas, then climbed onto the sofa and lay down beside Rose.     

Before he closed his eyes, Rose turned to the side and saw Rose's face, who was sleeping peacefully.     

Ahh .. he felt relieved when Rose looked like this again. His heart ached when he saw Rose so sad and shedding tears earlier that night.     

Hm ... inwardly, Rune hoped that this girl's pretty face would be the first thing he saw every morning he woke up, and the last thing he saw before going to sleep.     

"Rose ... will you to marry me?" whispered Rune. He looked at the girl closely and was tempted to rub her hair. However, he was holding back with all his might. He didn't want to wake Rose up from her deep sleep.     

After all .. he was a normal man who had sexual needs. If he indulged his heart's desire, he might take further actions and could no longer hold back. He would never forgive himself if he forced himself on her.     

Rune looked at Rose's beautiful face while the girl was sleeping very soundly until his heart was satisfied. Only then did he close his eyes and sleep beside Rose, keeping his distance so that his body did not touch hers.     


The next morning, when the sun was already high in the sky, Rose opened her eyes. She could smell the fragrance of delicious soup coming from the kitchen. It took her a few minutes to gather her consciousness and remember what had happened last night.     

Jeez ... Last night she finished the expensive champagne Rune bought! And she ... she must be drunk if she couldn't remember what happened.     

Rose covered her face with both hands. Gosh, she was so embarrassed.     

She could imagine how embarrassing she was last night when she was drunk. Her friends said she always made a spectacle when she drank too much.     

When she opened her eyes again, the girl looked around and realized that she was not on her bed but on the sofa bed in the living room where Rune usually slept.     

Why was she sleeping here, huh? Was Rune unable to carry her to her bed on the loft?     

Or ...     

She had also changed into pajamas. Who changed her clothes? Why did she have to be changed? Did she...?     

Wait... did Rune take advantage of her last night???     

Rose groped her body and found nothing changed. This was a sign that no one took advantage of her all night.     

Ahh .. that means Rune only changed her clothes and didn't do anything inappropriate when she passed out.     

Thinking of this, Rose felt moved. She could guess that maybe last night her clothes were soiled because she fell on the road, or maybe she vomited, so Rune had to help her change.     

Uff ... this means, that man had seen her body last night ....     

"Aaaaahhhh .... !!!" Unknowingly, Rose had screamed hysterically. She was really embarrassed now.     

In her entire life, no man had ever seen her naked before. Although she was friends with Leon since childhood and she also had many male friends, no one had seen her naked body as an adult woman.     

And now ... her fake boyfriend had gotten the chance by accident.     

Oh my God ...     

"Hey ... hey, what's up?" asked Rune, who hurriedly came out from behind the kitchen counter and approached Rose with a bowl of hot soup. He sat next to the girl and held her hand, trying to calm her down.     

"What is wrong?" he asked attentively. "Are you okay?"     

Rose shook her head. "I'm not okay. What happened last night? Did I do something embarrassing?"     

Rune looked thoughtful for a moment. He then shrugged. "I don't know if dancing naked on the table is considered embarrassing or not .."     

"Oh God, what have I done ????" Rose let out a muffled scream. "I was dancing naked on the table?????"     

Rune burst out laughing and shook his head. "I'm just kidding ... You didn't do anything embarrassing. Take it easy, Honey. You slept like a princess. I was only pulling your leg... hehehehe."     

Rose stared at Rune with narrowed, suspicious eyes.     

"Don't lie to me!"     

"No, I am not lying. It was just a joke," replied Rune with a laugh. He then took the bowl of soup from the table and prepared to feed the girl. "It's just that last night you threw up, and I was forced to clean your body and change your clothes. I hope you don't mind. I didn't do anything perverted at all ..."     

Rose swallowed hard at Rune's explanation. Ahh .. she understood now why her clothes were changed this morning. Apparently, her guess was correct. She knew that Rune was innocent.     

Rose would actually feel mad if Rune just let her sleep in her own vomit. Thank God, the man did the right thing.     

Finally, in a very low voice, Rose whispered, "Thank you ..."     

"Never mind. I hope you will do the same if I were in the same situation," said Rune. He picked up a spoonful of soup and put it in front of her lips. "Have hangover soup first? My dad taught me how to make this soup."     

Rose looked at Rune with teary eyes.     

Ahh ... she really didn't misjudge someone's character. The man beside her was a good man. She was happy that Rune was trustworthy and always treated her very well.     

Ahh .. it's true. A person's character was far, far more valuable than wealth, status, and power.     

Holding back her tears, Rose devoured the soup Rune prepared for her. The young man was very happy because Rose seemed moved to see his efforts.     

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