The Alchemists

Rose & Rune (1)

Rose & Rune (1)

0"I'll make a drink for us. Later I can tell you a few things you need to know. Would you like tea or coffee?" asked Rose.     

"I'd like coffee, please. Thank you," replied Rune.     

"Alright ..." Rose quickly made coffee for the two of them. She then came over to Rune with a tray containing two cups of coffee in her hand. "Shall I give you a tour around this place?"     

"Yes, please," said Rune, taking the coffee cup from Rose's hand.      

The two of them then walked around the apartment while enjoying the coffee in their hands. It was quite spacious. Rose showed the attic, which served as her bedroom. It was arranged quite nicely with simple but classy furniture.      

"Everything was here before I moved here. I think George has pretty good taste. He designed all the units in this building himself. Each one has its own characteristics. Ahh ... my friend is very kind. He actually told me to stay in a bigger unit, but I don't like huge apartments. Cleaning them is tiring, "said Rose with a chuckle.     

"Your friend, George.. is he a designer?" asked Rune with interest. He admitted that this loft design was very elegant. He imagined that the person who spent so much time designing all the apartment units in this building must have a great artistic taste or was indeed a designer by profession.     

"It's just a hobby for George. His mother is a famous painter, so he got his artistic talent from her," said Rose. "His father is an oil tycoon from Texas. Their family is very well-off, and he is an only child."     

Rune was stunned at Rose's explanation. He was increasingly convinced that Rose came from a wealthy circle. Usually, the children of wealthy people like George only befriended people from the same circle.     

"You don't like George more than a friend?" asked Rune casually. He tried not to sound jealous. "He sounds like a good catch."     

Rose shook her head, laughing. Ahh .. Rune really liked hearing the girl's crisp laughter. His heart was filled with warmth when he heard her voice and her laughter.     

"No. George and I are friends. We were schoolmates and best friends for years. I'll introduce you to him sometime."     

"Oh, okay." Rune was very relieved. He was happy because George, who seemed quite close to Rose, did not have any romantic relationship with her.      

"I'm glad to hear that," said Rune with a happy smile. Rose understood what he meant, and she just rolled her eyes. "I thought you and George have a history or something."     

"Tch... Me and George? Come on. He is like a brother to me," she said.     

"Well, I didn't know that," Rune defended himself. "Anyway, I am very happy to know that George is your best friend, and I'd love to meet him someday."     

After Rose finishing showing Rune around her loft apartment, the two of them sat together on the apartment balcony, enjoying coffee. From the terrace on the seventh floor, the two of them could see a nice view of their surroundings.     

The East Village area was indeed very pleasant. There were many cafes and restaurants around their building. Rose pointed out some of the cafes she frequents for lunch or dinner.     

"I can't cook," said the girl sheepishly. "So I always have to eat out. Can you cook?"     

In his heart, Rune was increasingly convinced that Rose was indeed a girl from a wealthy family. She was hanging out with George, the son of an oil tycoon who owned an apartment building in East Village. Apart from that, she also couldn't cook and preferred to eat out every day.     

Wasn't the cost to have lunch and dinner outside, especially in an area like the East Village, really expensive? Of course, ordinary people would not be able to spend that much money every day.     

"Can you cook?" Rose repeated her question Rune.     

The young man nodded. "Yes, a little. I mean, I can only cook simple meals."     

It's true, Rune and his siblings were not good at cooking because in their home, their father, Caspar, always spoiled them with delicious food. Caspar loved cooking and he was so good at it.     

Unfortunately, not a single one of Caspar Schneider's children inherit his father's skills nor passion in cooking. They preferred to enjoy good food than to cook it. Well, at least Rune could prepare some simple dishes like steak or make a really easy salad.     

"If you eat out every day won't it be costly?" asked Rune trying to investigate more about Rose.     

The beautiful girl just shrugged. "Yes, it is. Fortunately, I still have some savings, so I'm not starving."     

"Oh ..." Rune nodded in understanding. He felt Rose's life was very wasteful.     

"I always eat out because I live alone, but if you can't afford to always eat out with me, we can try to cook a simple meal," Rose said hastily when she saw Rune's concerned expression on her face. "I don't want you to spend a fortune just to eat with me. I can tone down on my eating out spending, and maybe even learn to cook simple dishes."     

"All right, I like that," said Rune. "I will make a list of foods I can cook and the rest we can eat out. So, we can save money."     

"Thanks," said Rose with a smile. "I appreciate that."     

"Oh, by the way, Rose ... You said you were going to tell me about George. Where did you meet him? You said you were school friends. Did you go to school in Texas, that was why you could meet him?"     

Rose chuckled. "Oh, no, no... We become friends when we were studying a boarding school in Scotland." When Rose mentioned the name of the school, Run was astonished. He had heard the name of the school before.     

This was a special school for the children of the very rich. Its students came from all over the world, from America and Europe. Apart from the children of very wealthy people, there are also many noble children.      

Was Rose also one of those people? Rune paid close attention to Rose's appearance. This girl's outfit looked very ordinary, but her attitude was very classy.      

She must be really a girl from the upper class.     

Then, why do a high-class girl like Rose, a beautiful one, look for a fake boyfriend for a year?     

"I heard that the school is a very elite school, only for high-class people," said Rune. "Does your family also come from the upper class?"     

Rune's question just now was very blunt. Rose stared at the man for a while as if trying to weigh whether she should answer honestly or not.     

Finally, the girl nodded. "You could say that my family is quite well off."     

"I thought so," said Rune. "I mean, there are so many clues that make me think you're an upper-class girl. But I am wondering why you are wearing ordinary clothes."     

"Ordinary clothes?" Rose looked clueless. She then looked at her clothes and finally understood what Rune meant.     

"Oh .. you mean THESE clothes?" The beautiful girl shrugged. "I only bought two sets of clothes like this to go on dates with guys I meet on online dating apps. I don't want them to know right away that I come from a wealthy family. I want to avoid men who only want my family's wealth."     

Rune coughed at Rose's answer.     

"Makes sense," he said with a chuckle. "Then I passed the first test because I didn't care whether you came from a rich family or not."     

"Yes." Rose nodded. "But, now that we are living together, I don't think I need to pretend anymore by wearing simple clothes. You will see, that the clothes in my closet are all nicer ones... hehehe."     

Rune swallowed hard. He thought of his own clothes in his backpack. All were new, cheap clothes. He did not know that Rose was a girl from the upper class. It was in vain that he pretended to be poor.     

Ugh.. should he reveal his identity now and no longer pretend to be poor?     

Ah, but, Rose still hadn't told him who she really was. She only admitted that her family was rich.      

Rune felt conflicting with himself. On the one hand, of course, it would be nice to be himself in front of the girl he liked.     

But, on the other hand .. Rose also still had a million mysteries. From one piece of information she disclosed, there were ten other secrets that she was still hiding.     

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