The Alchemists

I Want To Live Forever With You

I Want To Live Forever With You

0"Does this Rhionen you were talking about have something to do with Rhionen Assasins?" Marie asked with a frown. As someone who was familiar with the underworld, she had heard about the legendary assassin group, which had now disbanded and was never heard from again. "His name is quite familiar."     

"That's right. My brother was the founder of Rhionen Assasins before he founded the Rhionen Industries group. He had a misunderstanding with our father and Uncle Caspar, and they hunted him down. He was shot and almost died. After his death was announced, he went into a coma for several years, and then when he returned, he took on a new identity as Elios Linden. That is why Elios Linden's background is considered so mysterious."     

"I didn't know you were all connected ... This is very shocking," Marie said, staring intensely at Nicolae. Surprise after surprise never stopped coming her way today. "In that case, does Elios Linden look like you?"     

"Yes, you can say that. We are not identical twins, but you could say we are physically very similar. Only his hair is lighter in color, and his eyes are purple since he takes after our mother in appearance. The color purple is actually a special characteristic of the Linden family," Nicolae glanced toward Summer. "See, Summer inherits my mother's eyes."     

"Oh ..." Marie turned her head to look at Summer who was playing with Koi and immediately realized that Nicolae was right. During this time, she could not understand why Summer had such a unique eye color. As she recalled, in her family, no one had that eye color. She also remembered that Nicolae's eyes were blue, not purple ...     

Then where did the color purple come from?     

Only today did she find the answer to this question. Apparently, it was from Nicolae's maternal family side.     

She felt that Nicolae's family was very unique and full of surprises.     

"I'm happy because Summer has your mother's eyes," Marie said, smiling.     

"Me too," Nicolae replied. "She has your face ... but I can see my mother's eyes on her. I saw my mother last year once, when Father shared his memories of her, through Holodeck. When I saw Summer, I feel like I saw the expression and the look in Mother's eyes. Summer made me very happy..."     

Marie wrapped her arms around Nicolae's neck and took the initiative to kiss him.     

"I'm happy when you're happy ..."     

They kissed for a while. When Marie finally broke free, their faces were still so close to each other, and their noses almost touched.     

"After we have dinner, I will introduce you to Alaric and my father. They can't wait to see you," Nicolae said softly. "After that, we must prepare for the wedding. Have you ever been to Italy?"     

Marie lowered her face and was blushing. "I did, but I really want to go there with you."     

"You will love Grosetto in the summer."     

"I would love it anywhere, as long as I am with you," Marie said quietly. Her face looked increasingly red.     

Hearing Marie's confession that she uttered shyly, Nicolae smiled broadly. He touched Marie's chin and kissed her again.     

Really, it seemed like he would never feel satisfied kissing this girl and spending time with her. Every second they were together, his heart was filled with happiness that he had never felt before.     

He felt like he was on cloud nine. Everything felt warm and pleasant around this girl. Nicolae did not know that falling in love could be this sweet. He didn't even feel this way when he was with Aleksis.     

Did this mean he was really in love now?     

"So ... how old are you now?" Marie asked him after a while.     

Nicolae paused before answering. "Do you mind marrying a man who is much older than you?"     

Marie shook her head. "I love mature men. I love you and I don't care no matter how old you are ..."     

"Ahh ... thank God," Nicolae breathed a sigh of relief. "This year I will be 111 years old."     

"That's a beautiful number," Marie commented, smiling. "I like it."     

"Ahh .. thank God ..." Nicolae was very pleased to hear that. "I can't wait to spend my whole life with you. I want to live forever with you ..."     

"Eh ... forever?" Suddenly Marie's face turned gloomy, and her eyes became glazed.     

"Why are you sad?" Nicolae asked. His heart immediately sank when he saw Marie's expression.     

Did Marie not want to live forever with him?     

Marie shook her head sadly. "I—I want to live forever with you ... but, you are an immortal, whereas I am not. I'm just sad because someday I will leave you ..."     

Nicolae gasped. He forgot to tell Marie that regular humans who married members of the Alchemist clan could obtain the immortality potion so that they too could become immortal.     

Obviously, Marie became sad because she thought that one day they would be separated by death.     

Nicolae hurriedly tightened his embrace on Marie who was sitting on his lap and kissed the top of the girl's head.     

"No ... Marie dear ... We will not be separated by death. I want to live forever with you." He smiled soothingly. "After we get married, you will get an immortality potion as a wedding gift. You and Summer. After you take it, you and our children will also be part of the Alchemist clan. You will not age and become just like me. We will live happily ever after ..."     

Marie covered her lips while letting out a muffled sigh. She did not expect this at all.     

"Really? Is that true?" she asked softly.     

Nicolae nodded. "I'm telling the truth."     

Marie finally looked very relieved. Slowly her face was decorated with a smile.     

"I didn't know that outsiders could be part of your people," said the girl. Her voice was filled with relief and gratitude. She was very happy because it meant she and Nicolae and their children would not be separated even by death.     

"I'll tell you more about my family and other things," Nicolae said. "But now we must have dinner first. I also want to invite you to meet my family."     

Marie nodded. From the corner of her eye, she had also seen the chef come out from the kitchen, and respectfully made a sign that dinner was ready.     

They all moved from the terrace into the dining room. Nicolae carried Summer, while Marie held his hand. In no time, they were seated by the dining table and facing the special dishes prepared by the chef. Two staff efficiently served the little family to eat in such a warm atmosphere.     

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