The Alchemists

Is This Man Serious?

Is This Man Serious?

0"You don't like me being good at flirting?" the man asked innocently. "Then just tell me to stop going to all the dates Jan has set up for me."     

L frowned in surprise. She didn't think London would say such words.     

"You're weird," L finally said.     

"Weird how?" asked London. He removed his hand from L's chin and now crossed his arms on his chest, demanding an explanation. "You're the first person to call me weird."     

"Maybe other people won't dare to tell you the truth because they are afraid to offend you," L said stubbornly.     

"You still haven't told me why you called me weird. Adults should be able to take responsibility for their words ..." London looked at L closely, waiting for an explanation.     

L finally sighed. "Other men would be happy to date a lot of women, but you've been complaining all this time. Isn't that weird?" said L, while crossing her arms on her chest.     

London narrowed his eyes as though deep in thought and finally nodded. "Hmm ... that's right."     

L rolled her eyes at the man's relaxed answer. "Never mind, just forget what I said. That doesn't matter."     

London nodded. "All right. I'll forget it. I'll follow whatever you want me to do."     

L was really surprised by London's attitude today. The man looked very carefree, and he always completely agreed with everything she said. L became lost for words.     

Finally, she could only turn silent. Seeing L say nothing more, London smiled faintly. He pulled L's hand to follow him to the kitchen. They had finished touring the spacious penthouse and he was pleased to see L's amazed expression at his personal residence. He could see L really liked this penthouse.     

"Do you want to eat early dinner? You were only given snacks on the plane, right?" he asked after they arrived in the kitchen. "I can call the chef here, or we can also cook dinner together. Do you want to cook dinner with me?"     

L looked doubtful. She was not hungry because her mind was full of problems, but she knew that if she didn't eat her body would naturally become weak and vulnerable to illness.     

"Uhm ... I'm not hungry. So it's up to you ..." answered the girl.     

"Hmm .. okay. If you asked me to decide, I would suggest that we cook dinner together. It's more romantic than asking for a chef to make it." London looked elated. He let go of L's hand, and while whistling, he took out the ingredients from the refrigerator. "Why are you just standing there? Come on, help me wash the vegetables."     

L was stunned to see London as he casually handed a bunch of vegetables to L's hands then pushed her waist to walk toward the sink.     

What was this? She was confused. London was acting as if they were a couple who were planning a romantic dinner together.     

Hey, we are no longer a couple, okay? L grumbled inwardly, but she still washed the vegetables as instructed.     

"Ah, that's good. Now, please slice the vegetables into smaller pieces, I want to make a simple salad," London again ordered L to do this while he marinated the meat and got the dressing ready.     

L couldn't protest because she actually enjoyed cooking together with this man. Her mind wandered back to months ago when she and London were still living together in their simple apartment in the city center. In the past, they often worked together to make breakfast or dinner.     

The atmosphere was always warm, just like it was now. The only difference was that their place of residence at that time was quite simple, while now they were in a grande and luxurious penthouse. While slicing the carrots, L glanced sideways and watched London mixing some spices with a cheerful face.     

In her heart, she confirmed that either they were in a humble apartment, or in a luxury penthouse ... the feeling that filled her chest to the brim was the same. It was not this penthouse that made the cooking activities feel warm and pleasant ... but the person who was there with her.     

A home was truly not a place but a person.     

Unknowingly, a drop of tears dripped down L's cheek as she continued peeling turnips and slicing tomatoes. She really missed the moments when the two of them were happy like this. As it turned out, her happiness was actually very simple ... She didn't need a luxury home and a lot of money. Being able to stay with Lily and London and living in peace was enough for her.     

L secretly wiped her tears with her sleeves. She did not want to attract London's attention. She just diligently did her task of chopping vegetables and arranging them in different bowls.     

"Honey ... do you miss our moment together like this?" asked London suddenly. L, who just finished putting all the vegetables in the bowls, gasped. The question was very sudden and she did not understand why London asked her that.     

"Hmm .." L just muttered unclearly.     

London stopped his work and turned his head towards L. His pair of deep blue eyes looked at L earnestly.     

"Honey ... I'm a really busy man and don't have time for small talk or pretending. I'm tired of our poor communication and prejudices that had been haunting our relationship. I also don't have time to date with many different women. I went to the first date Jan arranged for me and honestly felt like I spent two very valuable hours in vain. Do you know what I thought when I met that woman? I only thought of you ..." He touched L's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Aren't you tired of sending me through such torments again?"     

Torments? You weird man. How could you call going on a date with a beautiful woman torments? thought L in annoyance.     

"I didn't force you to go. Jan set up all the dates for you, I wasn't even involved. I just said that I agreed with Jan's perspectives and supported you to go meet other women and experience how it was like to date them..." L answered. "No one put a gun to your head and force you to do it."     

London shook his head. "You don't really point a gun to me, but your method was no different from it. You said you don't want to marry me unless I date those women for the next month. If that's the case, how can I refuse?"     

L looked back at London questioningly. Was this man serious?     

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