The Alchemists

Off To London

Off To London

0Did Sarah suspect that London was posing as an ordinary person?     

London nodded. "I'm not an entertainment person or an artist who needs an alias."     

"Ahh ... I see. I think usually photographers also use aliases," Sarah said, shrugging.     

"Hmm .. yes, famous photographers ... maybe. Well, I'm just an ordinary person," London replied. He tried to divert the discussion to Sarah's travel stories so that they would no longer talk about him or even things related to L. "You must have taken lots of good photos while traveling around the world. What camera are you using?"     

Sarah seemed very happy because London asked a lot about herself and her exciting travel experiences while enjoying their dinner. She thought the man was so attracted to her that he wanted to know her more.     

She was happy to talk about her various adventures around the world, her activities as a traveler who had many followers on social media, and about the books she wrote. When the desserts arrived, London already knew so much information about Sarah, while he didn't say much about himself.     

At 19.45, when their dinner was almost over, London excused himself to the restroom. He was agitated because he didn't get news about L for almost two hours. Meanwhile, he felt that he would be disrespectful toward his date if he took out his cellphone while having dinner with someone to find news about L.     

Once he was in the restroom, he immediately took out his cellphone to call Jan. London was so shocked when he found out there were some missed calls from L. He also saw a text from her in his inbox.     

[I've talked to my lawyers and decided to go to England and settle matters with Danny Swann. I brought Lily with me because you didn't pick up my calls.]     

"Jeez ...! Why would she go to England alone?" Instantly, London felt alarmed and worried. Why did L decide to go to England so suddenly? Moreover, she brought Lily with her. What if something happened to them??     

Before he could call L, London had seen a text from Dave.     

[Miss L decided to go to England so suddenly. I am taking two people with me to follow and protect her.]     

Hmm ... thankfully the bodyguards were very sharp and could make their own decisions in an emergency. Without waiting for orders from London, Dave had taken the initiative to follow and keep L and Lily safe all the way to England. Now that he knew Dave and his team were protecting his family, London could feel rather calm.     

He then called Jan to ask for updates.     

"Jan, have you blocked all the negative news about L from the media?" he asked hurriedly as Jan picked up his call.     

"We've done our best, but since the news has been circulating for almost 24 hours, it's very difficult to do damage control ..." Jan's voice sounded very apologetic. "I'm sorry, Sir. This time, the situation is quite complicated."     

London could only frown. He knew that news that had already been read, discussed by the public, and became trending was impossible to block completely. People have read it, and he certainly cannot force people to forget what they have learned. He could influence the media in the future and create the Mandela effect, but it would take a lot of effort.     

"Ugh ... L suddenly decided to go to England. Do you know what the plan is?" he asked Jan.     

"Sorry, Sir. I am not sure. What was clear was that Miss L came to her lawyer's office after returning from the BMM building. She stayed there for several hours." Jan answered doubtfully. "Maybe Miss L wants to make sure George Swann's will contained her name, ..."     

"So what?" asked London impatiently.     

"Looks like Miss L wants to make a deal with Danny Swann about the inheritance."     

Jan's words stunned London. He remembered last year when he first met L, everyone told him L was the most materialistic girl in Germany. Her poor background and the fact that she grew up in the orphanage after her family was killed, turn L into a golddigger.     

She initially only wanted to marry a really wealthy man to find out who killed her family and then get her revenge. L only changed after she gave birth to Lily and tried to forget her grudge.     

But that was before L learned about the inheritance bestowed to her by her grandfather's best friend if she didn't marry a man from the Swann family. Now ... after knowing that she was entitled to half the wealth of one of the most affluent families in England, did L want to take her share?     

Suddenly the man's feelings became uncomfortable. He began to guess why L just let negative news about her circulate and did not cover up Lily's presence by taking her everywhere.     

Did... L want to be rich so she could live freely without having to rely on her career as an artist? Did she really not care about her career anymore? Don't tell me ... she also wanted to break away from the Schneider Group's support?     

"Jan, get the plane ready. I'll go to England and catch up with her after the date with Sarah ends," London finally said, before hanging up.     

He returned to his table and found Sarah had finished her desserts. The girl smiled warmly when she saw him again.     

"You were in the restroom for a long time," the girl said in a chuckle. "I almost finish all my dessert."     

London's appetite packed its bag when he learned that L went to England to meet Danny Swann. He just shook his head and gave a sign that he was full.     

"I can't eat anymore. Let's finish the dinner," London said.     

He called the waiter and asked for the bill. The waiter arrived five minutes later with a bill and POS machine. The man hurriedly paid with his black card before Sarah could see the name written on it. Sarah must not know the real name of Killian Makela is London Schneider.     

Sarah was puzzled at how the man in front of her looked so eager to end their date. She wondered if she had made a mistake during the dinner.      

"Uh ... I can pay for my food," Sarah said, trying to prevent London from paying for all their dinners.     

"It's okay, Sarah. I'm an old-fashioned man. Usually, I'm always the one to pay," London answered quickly. "Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me. You are a great girl, and I like listening to your stories. Unfortunately, I have to leave soon, I have an emergency to deal with."     

As a well-mannered man, London was still trying to keep Sarah's feelings and reassuring her that their dinner date was okay. He just had to end it sooner because of an emergency.     

Sarah could only nod. "I'm also happy to have dinner with you. It's a shame that you haven't had the chance to talk much about yourself. We should meet again to have a more comprehensive talk. I would love to hear more about you..."     

"Of course. We can do it another time," London answered. "All right ... it's time to go home. Do you have a car?"     

Sarah shook her head. "I just moved to this city and haven't had a chance to buy a car. Right now I'm still using a taxi. You can order a taxi for me."     

"All right, let me call a taxi for you..." London immediately signaled a restaurant waiter who came hurriedly to find the ride for Sarah. Five minutes later, the two of them had come down from the 20th floor where the restaurant was located and waited in the lobby.     

As soon as the taxi ordered for Sarah arrived, London made sure the girl got on it and left his sight before he called Marc to come and drive him to the airport.     

He will follow L to England to ensure Danny Swann did not bother L further.     

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