The Alchemists

I Must Be Out Of My Mind!

I Must Be Out Of My Mind!

0"Sir... SIIIR..." Jan waved his hand in front of London's daydreaming face. The young man flinched and glared at Jan, who held the position as HR Director in the Schneider Group even though, in reality, he mostly worked as his assistant for his personal and professional life.     

"Why are you shouting at me like that?" London questioned him with a frown. "I'm not deaf, you know."     

Jan cleared his throat and glanced to the left. It was only then London realized, Fritz Himmel, the Finance Director, had been looking at him attentively. His expression showed that he had been trying to ask for London's opinion for some time already.     

Gosh, he was attending the board of directors meeting, yet his mind was nowhere near his shell.     

"So, what do you think, Sir?" Fritz asked again. "I can repeat my presentation if you need me to. You looked like you had a lot in your mind. If you're feeling unwell, I won't mind postponing my report, and we can reschedule the next meeting."     

London hurriedly waved and nodded.     

"Everything's okay. I agree with you." He stood up and took his suit from the chair. "Send the rest by email. I have to go."     

How outrageous! He had never been daydreaming like this in the middle of a business meeting before. He was really embarrassed thinking about what would happen if the rumors about him reached his father or older brother, Terry.     

Everything was fine before. The meeting went well and their discussion was very productive. Then, suddenly, he received an email from Nick with an attachment of ten photos which he selected from the photo sessions they did three days ago.     

As soon as London opened the email attachment, he was enchanted by the ten photos featuring the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.     

His attention to Fritz Himmel's presentation was reduced to fifty percent when he began observing L's beautiful curves in the photos and admire her fierce yet charming pair of eyes.     

Slowly, his attention to Fritz's presentation dropped to thirty percent...     

Twenty percent...     

And finally, zero percent.. as he scrolled down to see more photos.     

His mind's focus on Fritz Himmel's presentation: ZERO PERCENT.     

His mind's focus on L's pictures: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.     

Ahh... Nick had the same taste as him. All the photos he selected were photos that London would choose personally.     

Dammit! It looked like London was finally forced to admit that he did like L. Never had his attention been so distracted by a woman before.     

After the incident at the meeting just now, London realized he had to resolve this problem immediately. Otherwise, he would be Terry's laughingstock when his brother heard about what happened. That was why he chose to end the meeting and go out to look for L.     

"Meeting is over," Jan stated to the other directors as he ran after London, who was already walking out of the conference room. He quickly caught up with his boss's footsteps and made an intelligent guess about what London wanted to do. "Are you going to look for L and confess your feelings for her?"     

London turned to Jan and frowned. "Smart-ass. I just want to confirm my feelings. It doesn't mean that I truly like her. Why should I confess something that I am not sure about?"     

"Eh...? Then how are you going to confirm your feelings for her if you are not going to confess?" Jan asked in surprise.     

"I need to see her and find out whether what I'm feeling is a romantic attraction towards a woman or just feeling pity, that is all," London replied.     

"Ah, alright. Do you need L's schedule for today?" Jan asked again. He opened his tablet and quickly checked a document. "At the moment, she's at home writing some songs. Later this afternoon, she'll have dance practice in the studio until 7 PM; then dinner with the prospective producer for her new album at Medusa Restaurant."     

"Then I'll go to her home," London voiced, already with a decision.     

He was sure that this time L would be willing to see him if he came to her place. This was because the last time they met, the girl no longer ignored his existence.     

"Good luck," Jan commented, subtly patting his boss's shoulder.     

London just nodded in response before leaving. A moment later he frowned.     

Good luck with what? He inwardly asked.     

Good luck with getting back to normal?     

Good luck with getting to know my true feelings for L?     

Good luck with getting on a date with her, or what...?     

London arrived at L's apartment ten minutes later. He decided to ring the bell to L's unit and waited for an answer in the lobby.     

"Who is it?" From the intercom, L's voice could be heard. London hurriedly answered.     

"It's me, Killian Makela. There's something I want to talk to you about."     

L looked at London's figure from the lobby camera connected to the monitor on her door and sank into contemplation for a few moments. Finally, she pressed the OPEN button, and the elevator door immediately opened for London to go up to the eighth floor, where L's unit was located.     

Once he stepped out of the elevator and found the door to the unit he was looking for, London momentarily stood silent in front of the door, hesitant to knock.     

Apparently, his guess was right. L was willing to let him in and see him... London just didn't expect it to be this easy.     

He was already at the door, yet he didn't know what to say.     

Suddenly, the door swung opened and he saw L standing in the doorway, a book in her hand. Her eyes seemed to be assessing London from head to toe. A moment later, the girl's lips curved up into a faint smile.     

"Come on in," she invited him. And like a meek kitten, London followed her inside. L pointed at the sofa in the living room, which was cream-colored, and invited London to sit. "Sit down, I'll be ready in half an hour."     

Then she went into her room and didn't come out again.     

London could only sit on the sofa with confusion. What did L mean by saying she'd be ready in half an hour?     

He hadn't told her about his purpose of coming here yet.     

"The kitchen is to your left. If you're thirsty, get yourself a drink from the fridge." The girl's voice came out from inside the bedroom. London became more confused. He thought L was indeed strange. He still couldn't wrap his head around her.     

"Thank you, I'm fine," London replied to her.     

He then began to observe his surroundings and decided to look around L.'s apartment. The unit was small, but it was neatly arranged and looked very feminine. L was indeed a feminine girl, London thought to himself. This was reflected in the choice of bright colors in her decoration and furniture.     

Oh, right... It's only natural for her taste to still be a bit childish. She's still really young, after all, London thought. He compared this apartment to his elegant dark-themed penthouse. Everything was arranged by a professional designer according to his taste.     

Unlike L's, his taste was refined.     

For example, London will never put a pink table in the corner of the room like the one in this unit.     

Gosh, that color... London thought exasperatedly.     

To him, the pink table was somehow very disturbing. London couldn't imagine how he would object if L insisted on having pink furniture in their home when they got married. How scary!     

London suddenly coughed violently.     

He couldn't believe how his mind just wandered that far.     

Wait... what was I thinking?! When we got married? I must be out of my mind!     

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