The Alchemists

Father And Sons

Father And Sons

0Portia pressed a hand on her chest trying to hold back her sadness. Now, she could see that Lauriel really did not know what happened to Luna and Alaric. Lauriel's face was filled with deep sorrow and she understood that he felt very sorry.     

Alaric looked alternately between Altair and Vega. His heart ached, thinking that if ten years ago his father had not targeted him and caused his 'death', Aleksis would not have had a relationship with Nicolae and bore two children for him ...     

Even though he finally learned that Lauriel really did not know what had happened at the time, it was still very difficult for him to forgive him ...     

Meanwhile, Nicolae was frozen in his place ... What he just heard surprised him greatly. However, as he was an intelligent person, his mind immediately connected every piece of information he had received. He then came to a conclusion.     

The stranger was his missing brother ...     

And he was also Alaric Rhionen ...     

He was Aleksis' husband whom everyone thought have died ...     

And he was also Altair and Vega's biological father ...     

In an instant, Nicolae's face turned pale and his head hurt.     

Lauriel who was still blaming himself sat down and buried his face in his hands. His whole figure seemed to be drowning in deep sorrow.     

"Uncle Rory ..." In the end, Aleksis could not bear to see Lauriel so devastated so she took the initiative to approach him. She saw that Nicolae was still shocked. As for her husband, it seemed very difficult for him to forgive his father. She forgot her feet were still injured so her body staggered and pain assaulted her when she attempted to approach Lauriel. "Ouch ... my feet ..."     

"Sshh ... don't walk yet." When he heard Aleksis whimpering, Alaric swiftly walked over to her, wanting to carry her so she would not have to walk. However, she gently brushed his hand and then continued to approach Lauriel by walking on her own.     

"Uncle ... Uncle Rory ..." Lovingly, Aleksis hugged her godfather who was grieving. She cried on his shoulders. "Uncle ... everything was a matter of the past now. We're all fine. Please stop blaming yourself ... You didn't know. Ignorance is not a sin ... Uncle, please don't mourn anymore ... We are all here and we are all fine now..."     

The atmosphere became solemn, only Aleksis' sobs could be heard. After all, everyone now grasped what took place before Luna died and ten years ago when Alaric Rhionen was declared dead.     

Marion, who had finally managed to pull herself together, took a deep breath and slowly sauntered towards Alaric. The man was silently standing behind Lauriel and Aleksis, watching as the two their hearts out, the former in a restrained manner that was still comparably tragic as the latter.     

"Alaric ..." Her voice trembled as she spoke. "I was the one you met at Targu Mures last time. I disguised as Aleksis to entrap you. We did it because of a misunderstanding. We all thought that Aleksis was pulled into danger because of you when she became involved with you. But then, I heard from you, that you really loved her very much and that you two were already married. … That's when I realized it's all a terrible mistake. I tried to prevent Lauriel and my friends from coming after you… However..."     

Marion's explanation did not make Alaric budge. His chest was filled with hatred because it was still fresh in his memories of how this girl deceived him. But, on the surface, his face still looked the same, indifferent.     

"My confusion grew when you showed me Princess Luna's hair that is in this locket ... I immediately realized that you are Lauriel's son and so I panicked. I didn't want you to know that it was your father chasing after you ... I didn't want you to hate your father. I can't imagine how devastated he would be once he discovered that his own son hated him because of this misunderstanding. This is why I kept it a secret and planned to wait until I could meet Lauriel in person."     

Marion took Aleksis' necklace out of her bag, and handed it to Alaric, "Unfortunately, it was already too late. They thought you were a bad person and that you wanted to hurt me so they shot you down from the helicopter.     

I panicked and was also heartbroken. I checked all your vital signs and assumed you were dead... I couldn't bear to imagine how broken Lauriel's heart would be if he found out that he killed his own child ... Maybe that time, I simply could not think clearly so I took a shortcut. I threw you down the gorge and hid this necklace ...     

You didn't know how badly Lauriel changed in a hundred years... Your mother's death impacted him so much that he almost punished himself with Death. I only didn't want that to happen ... I'm sorry ... I am the one who should be blamed ... not Lauriel. He doesn't know anything ..."     

Alaric finally received his wife's necklace back with a trembling hand. He previously thought he would never be able to hold his mother's hair in his hands again. He opened the locket and pulled out a strand of purple hair that was very similar to his own, a drop of tear ran down from his eyes to his cheek.     

"Mother forced the midwife who helped her give birth to me to cut her hair before she died ..." Alaric said quietly, "Maybe, back then, she had a feeling that one day, I will need it to prove my identity. Unfortunately, I actually never needed it ..."     

Upon seeing Alaric pulling out his mother's hair from the locket, Nicolae instantly felt touched. He had no memento whatsoever in his person and did not know anything about his mother. However, he was cared for and grew up in a happy family.     

He could already guess how Alaric's life had been. He was alone and had to fend for himself since he was without parents and relatives to protect him. His life must have been so hard and terrible that he later entered the underworld.     

Nicolae came to understand who Alaric Rhionen really was.     

He spent years investigating Rhionen Industries and Rhionen Assassins, and concluded that the man truly resented humans ...     

Now he knew why.     

He then realized how similar Alaric was to Lauriel … It was leaving him no leeway but to believe that he and Alaric were brothers.     

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few moments, trying to relieve the pain in his head. He understood how difficult Aleksis' position was right now as she continued to hold his hand. He also could relate to his father's sadness ...     

He could also foresee that there would be no wedding tomorrow. After all, the woman he loved, who, for ten years, had filled his heart, had and was still married to his own brother.     

He knew that soon they would talk about his brother and Aleksis' reunion. He would have to be the bigger man and return her and her children to Alaric Rhionen, the woman's real husband and the father of the twins.     

Nicolae observed Alaric and realized that even now, the other man had no idea that he was the father of Aleksis' two children. It could be seen from his cold and awkward attitude towards Altair and Vega.     

Oh, my poor brother... said Nicolae to himself while taking a few deep breaths. His head still felt very painful and his whole body was heating up. He closed his eyes and let himself be lost in his thoughts. He knew he had to make an important decision.     

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