The Alchemists

In The Conservation

In The Conservation

0"Don't you want to venture out?" Lauriel asked after they had dinner. "The scenery around the conservation is very beautiful at night. I'll be heading to bed early. You guys just have fun, okay..."     

Lauriel must've deliberately said he wanted to go to bed early to give the couple some time alone. Aleksis and Nicolae didn't bring the twins to Kenya because they were taken by Rune to be his guinea pig, just as how he and London used to be their uncle Aldebar's guinea pigs when they were younger.     

Nicolae and Aleksis looked at each other and smiled faintly at Lauriel's words.     

"We're fine, really. We can spend lots of time together another time," Nicolae said to her father, "We have a lifetime to spend together."     

Lauriel looked at Nicolae with a meaningful gaze.     

"My son, I used to think that I would have time forever with your mother because, as an Alchemist, I always feel that time is in our hands. That was my biggest mistake, which I regret to this day." Lauriel took a deep breath, remembering how short the time he had with his girlfriend, Luna. "We don't know what will happen in the future, so enjoy and appreciate your every experience... A wise man once said, 'Yesterday is the past. Tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, and that is why it's called the present.'"     

Nicolae was stunned. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the time he spent with Aleksis, it was just that he didn't feel compelled to rush in everything. He knew that Aleksis had accepted his love and that they would get married soon.     

Aleksis' children also regarded him as their own father, just as he had regarded them as his own children. Everything had been going as he wanted them to go.     

Another month, and they would become a real family. Nicolae didn't feel rushed at all. He had never even kissed Aleksis on the lips or slept with her, even though they had many opportunities.     

Let everything happen naturally and at the right time, he thought.     

However, the words Lauriel had just spoken truly struck his heart. He didn't know what would happen in the future. Lauriel, who had lived for almost six centuries, certainly wouldn't speak carelessly. He only shared his own experiences, and he didn't want Nicolae and Aleksis to have any regrets.     

"I understand..." Nicolae uttered with a smile. He then rose and pulled Aleksis' hand to go outside with him. "Let's heed Dad's words."     

Aleksis only laughed softly in response, but still obediently followed Nicolae's steps out.     

"We'll be taking a walk, Uncle Rory," Aleksis said before disappearing behind the door. Lauriel just nodded with a smile. He entered his room and continued to drink his wine.     

He was feeling quite blissful at the moment, so he wanted to celebrate by drinking alone.     


Nicolae saddled a dashing stallion and brought it to where Aleksis was standing. The girl swiftly got on the horse and Nicolae soon followed suit.     

"Let's go all the way to the east gate, if we go any further, I'm afraid we'll meet a lion," Aleksis informed as she stamped on the horse's saddle.     

"Whatever you say. You know this area better than I do," Nicolae casually responded as he wrapped his arms around Aleksis' waist. He allowed Aleksis to take control of their horse while he hugged her and made sure they wouldn't be bothered by mosquitoes or dust and leaves flying over their bodies.     

"You're funny," Aleksis voiced out of nowhere. "Since we first rode together the first time, you've always let me take control. I noticed that other men would usually take control and their women just followed."     

Nicolae laughed at her words.     

"Ah, that's because other men don't have wives who are good at riding horses as you are. Between the two of us, you're better at controlling horses, so I'll just gladly follow. Wherever you take us, I'll be by your side, accompanying you. I'll ensure that you're always safe and not bothered by anyone. " Nicolae tightened his arms around Aleksis's waist, "Just like how our married life will be. I'll always abide by your wishes. Your wish is my command."     

Aleksis' face turned red when she heard Nicolae's romantic words. The man always knew how to make her feel like the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the most important woman in the world.     

Aleksis turned and looked at Nicolae with a faint smile on her face. Nicolae was her best friend for the past four years, and she was relieved to finally be able to make the decision to accept his proposal. A true married couple is life partners, and she felt Nicolae would be a good life partner for her.     

Aleksis realized that she was fortunate to be able to marry her own best friend. During this time, Nicolae had always proven to be there for her and loved her unconditionally. His love for Aleksis and the twins was as deep as the immeasurable ocean.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nicolae mischievously asked. "Did you just realize now how handsome your husband looks?"     

Aleksis pinched Nicolae's hand on her waist and pretended she hadn't heard him. Of course, she acknowledged how handsome Nicolae was. It was evident from the numerous girls who wanted to be his girlfriend when he was introduced at the Medici party four years ago.     

No, scratch that. When Nicolae was still a student at St. Mary University, he also became an ideal husband candidate according to a popular poll voted by the girls on campus. And whenever Aleksis and Nicolae walked together while on vacation or just went down to town to have lunch together, he would undoubtedly attract the attention of many women.     

However, one's physical appearance was never important to Aleksis. Even when she married Alaric, it wasn't because of his physical appearance. Even then, Aleksis thought the man she loved was a man who looked older and had a disfigured face. She fell in love with Alaric because of his kindness and their compatibility together.     

Although Alaric repeatedly said that he was the Demon King, Aleksis was able to see the depths of his heart and find a sincere and idealistic man who had never experienced familial affection. Aleksis knew all that Alaric needed was love, and Aleksis was ready to give it to him.     

Unfortunately, fate wasn't on their side. Both of them were only given a short time to be together and now Aleksis must be ready to bury her memories with Alaric deep in her heart and open up new memories with Nicolae and their new family.     

"What do you think?" Nicolae's soft voice moved Aleksis from her reverie. The girl just sighed and shook her head.     

"We've arrived near the East Gate, so we should turn back now," she said apologetically.     

"Oh… Is that so? But we don't have to go home now, do we? The weather is very nice, and the full moon also makes our surroundings look very beautiful. We can sit on that rock and talk. Who knows, we might meet other animals later. Earlier over there, I saw a pack of deer heading here," Nicolae answered.     

Aleksis glanced around and saw the herd of deer Nicolae was referring to. "Ah… There are also giraffe herds."     

"Yes. We'll be safe as long as we don't go over the fence," Nicolae said. Without waiting for Aleksis to answer, he jumped down and stood beside their horse, raising his hands to help Aleksis down.     

"Hey, I can get down myself," Aleksis sulked.     

But Nicolae still did not lower his hands. "I know you can go down on your own and ride your own horse, but I still want to help you. Let me help you."     

Because Nicolae still did not lower his hand, Aleksis finally rolled her eyes but she jumped into the arms of the young man, chuckling. She knew Nicolae was just looking for an excuse to hug her, so he offered to help Aleksis get off the horse.     

Instead of letting Aleksis down properly, Nicolae carried the girl in his arms, inches from the ground. "Hmm ... I like the scent of your body, from a long time ago."     

Aleksis' face turned red at Nicolae's praise. She could only smile and rub Nicolae's long, disheveled hair which looked just like his father's, which made him look very charming.     

"Thank you. Shhh .. now put me down," Aleksis whispered. "I'm embarrassed about being watched by dozens of giraffes."     

Finally, Nicolae lowered Aleksis and walked towards the rock he meant. He readily helped Aleksis to climb to the top of the rock and sat on it watching the wild animals around them that looked very alive even though it was nighttime.     

Lay in the meadow on their right, were dozens of rabbits jumping here and there, and owls roaring in the distance.     

Both Nicolae and Aleksis loved nature. Aleksis had been adventuring with Lauriel since she was a child, and Nicolae gained his love of nature when he traveled around the world for more than 5 years when he tried to heal his broken heart.     

Now after waiting ten years, he finally managed to get his ideal girl. Ten years ago, Nicolae had never dreamed that one day he would be able to enjoy such a romantic and heartwarming atmosphere with Aleksis in the open like this.     

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