The Alchemists

I Will Match The Donation

I Will Match The Donation

0Her dazzling intelligence was evident from her fluency in weaving words and conveying many important things about the condition of the earth, which was increasingly threatened by global warming, and how the most influential people in the world could come together to take action.     

"We are very grateful to Splitz for generously providing the Virconnect 4D facility so that this year we can invite the world community to participate in environmental programs to save the earth through purchasing the Virconnect access to this event. The amount of money collected has reached thirty million dollars and we will donate it to three environmental organizations that are working in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save endangered animals, and reclaim small islands that are threatened to sink in the Pacific region."     

Everyone in the audience applauded in a very lively manner. It was true that the Ritz Gala event was opened for the first time to the public through the Virconnect facility with the noble aim of raising funds for an environmental rescue program.     

"I hope that the representatives from Splitz can go on stage and deliver their speech." Millian widely smiled and raised her hand to invite Pavel to go onstage.     

Pavel shook his head and pointed at Alaric, who sat next to him. For a moment, Millian looked surprised. She didn't expect Elios Linden to talk because she had heard how much the man did not like crowds nor talking in front of people. But did the Splitz CEO say Mr. Linden was willing to talk? Was that true?     

When Alaric got up and walked with firm steps onto the stage, Millian held her breath in disbelief. Alaric had come.     

"Er... Hello, everyone. This is Mr. Elios Linden, for those of you who may have never seen him in person. He is one of our nominees for the World's Most Eligible Bachelors. Last week, he was ranked first in Forsythe's 100 Most Influential Men." Millian looked elated when Alaric arrived on stage. "He is also the new leader of Rhionen-Meier Industries, which is the parent company of Splitz, the manufacturer of the 4D Virconnect that we are using tonight."     

The audience spontaneously applauded. Confusion could clearly be heard from the crowd. They had certainly heard of the famous name of Elios Linden, but they had never seen him, nor have they ever suspected that he would look so young and striking.     

Noble girls, A-list celebrities, and girls from families of tycoons seem to be increasingly curious about his figure.     

Millian was about to reach out a hand to shake hands but immediately stopped herself. She remembered Aleksis, the man's digital assistant, had told her that Elios Linden did not like to be touched.     

"Please say a word or two, Mr. Linden." Millian sweetly smiled and retreated back to give Alaric a chance to speak.     

"Thank you, Millian," Alaric solemnly started. He then turned his gaze to the people present and took the time until they were all quiet to continue speaking. His words were very well chosen and his voice was soft. The way he spoke left a deep impression on many.     

Alaric spoke softly and clearly about the damage that had occurred on earth and how he regretted that humans still had not found the best way to properly care for the earth.     

"As proof of my concern for the earth, I am committed to donating funds to the total amount of money collected from tonight's event. The Ritz Gala and Virconnect have raised thirty million dollars for the environmental rescue program. This time, if you all spend money to contribute, however much the value becomes at the end, I'll match the amount."     

He ended his impressive speech by challenging the audience, the most influential and powerful people in the world, to contribute to the program of saving the environment, and he would match it no matter how much money was raised in the end. This immediately caused a stir among everyone.     

A lot of the people present at the Ritz Gala were tycoons who could easily donate tens of thousands or even millions of dollars, yet Elios Linden casually said he would donate the same amount???     

How affluent was he?     

A guest immediately stood up and raised his hand to ask a question. After the mic was given to him, he immediately asked what was in the hearts of all the people present.     

"I just wanted to clarify if what I heard was correct. So if the total donation raised is 100 million dollars, then you will also donate 100 million dollars???"     

Alaric nodded with unchanged expression. "That is correct, you heard me right. I will donate whatever amount of money you can raise tonight."     

The whole ballroom was soon in an uproar. These people were all excited to hear Alaric's unexpected answer. It wasn't uncommon for rich people to say that they would match the value of donations at a charity to raise funds for a noble cause, but usually, the charity bidders aren't opulent people like those who are currently present at the Ritz Gala.     

These opulent people can be provoked to contribute enormous amounts of money just to give Elios Linden a lesson and can even make him bankrupt. If he refused, then his name would be the object of ridicule from the upper classes for a very long time.     

"I want to donate a million dollars." Suddenly, Terry's voice rose as he raised his hand. He was tempted to find out how serious Elios Linden was with his words.     

"Thank you, Mr. Chan," Alaric nodded and turned to Millian who hurriedly ordered her assistant to begin taking notes.     

The Swedish crown prince, Niels, also raised his hand and followed in Terry's footsteps, "I will also donate a million dollars."     

Alaric nodded at him.     


Elios Linden's expression didn't change at all. He was exceptionally calm, and that caused many to whisper to each other.     

It meant that he was serious with his words!     

One by one, the guests stood up and mentioned their contributions, ranging from ten thousand dollars to a million dollars. All were very curious to see how much money the donation would amount to and how Elios Linden would keep his words.     

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