The Alchemists



0After the commotion with Alicia earlier, Jean then sat on the veranda, followed by Marion after she made sure that Alicia was fine.     

"What are you doing?" Jean asked after glancing at Marion's laptop, "Why are there so many videos of Caspar's family on it?"     

Marion shrugged, "I'm not sure the Wolfpack will be able to find the assassins from Rhionen Asssassins, so now I'm studying Aleksis' behaviour so that later, when I am needed, I can disguise myself as her."     

"Oh ..." Jean observed Marion carefully, "You are so talented - you can be an actor, you know. I still remember your acting as Katia 18 years ago. Have you ever considered entering the industry?"     

Marion laughed at Jean's question, as if the young man was conveying something very funny, "Of course I have. I was a movie star when humans were still watching movies on black and white screens! But then I got bored. Going on adventures in the real world is more fun than the adventures in the movies. I choose reality over imagination."     

Jean nodded in understanding, "You're right. I can't wait to go on adventures in the real world."     

Their conversation stopped when Alicia came to bring tea and cakes. She looked very happy. She had read the gossip news that Jean and Billie had ended their relationship, and last night Jean was caught kissing a woman who looked like her boss.     

Alicia would be very happy if indeed Jean and her beautiful boss were dating. It meant that she would often see her idol come to the house. Hihihi ... Alicia smiled happily.     

"I'm sorry about Alicia, she's a big fan of yours," Marion said when Alicia returned to the kitchen. "She became obsessed with you after watching one of your movies five years ago."     

"Why are you sorry? That's not something to be embarrassed about," Jean commented. He finished his tea then looked at his watch. "Hm ... it's late, I have to go back. Thank you for everything. I have rested comfortably."     

Marion was stunned. So fast, she thought.     

"Don't you want to see the house that is for sale?" Marion asked quickly. "I already have the info."     

"Hmm ... I'll trust your judgement if you say the house is nice." Jean held out his cellphone to Marion, "I want your number so that my lawyer can contact you to talk about the house later."     

"Ah, okay." Marion wrote down her phone number and before Jean could retrieve his cellphone, the girl hurriedly wrote her contact as BEAUTIFUL AND AWESOME MARION.     

Jean just shook his head, "You are shameless, huh."     

He called Marion's number and saw the girl's cellphone on the table vibrate. Before Marion could take her cellphone away, Jean quickly took her cellphone and saved his own phone number as MARION LIKES THE ADORABLE ACTOR JEAN.     

"Crazy! Who adores you ??" Marion exclaimed, trying to snatch her cellphone. Jean, who was much taller than her, just needed to stand up straight and lift her cellphone up high above his head. Even though Marion jumped, she was still unable to snatch the cellphone.     

"I'll return it if you promise not to change my name on your phone," Jean said, laughing casually.     

"You ...! I will bury you in one of the valleys in Lauterbrunnen!! Even archaeologists won't be able to find your body for a thousand years!"     

Jean pretended to yawn, opening his mouth and placing his hand in front of his lips, "That is so typical of you. Please make up a new threat. I have to go back now. If you don't want your phone back, I'll just bring your phone with me  and all your clients' data will be lost with me."     

"Ugh ... alright. You win!" Marion stopped jumping and held out her hand to ask for her cellphone back. "Give me my phone back. I have a lot of confidential contacts there."     

Jean smiled sweetly and handed over her phone. "At least we are even. I will also not change your contact ID  on my phone, okay. If I have to vomit seeing your username on my phone every time you call, you also have to vomit seeing my username on your phone."     

"Who will call you? I'm too busy to even think about calling you, huh." Marion said.     

"Well, didn't you say that you were going to send me information about the house that's for sale? I am old, but I am not senile,"     

Without waiting for Marion's answer, Jean took the car key from his pocket, kissed Marion's cheek and then walked out.     

"Hey ... do you know the way back?" Marion asked suddenly. She just realized that Jean was really going to leave.     

Jean just waved without turning his head. He found the Mercedes he had borrowed in front of the gate and immediately entered. Ten minutes later, he was already on the highway to Grindelwald.     

Marion was stunned. She opened her phone and looked at her contact lists. None of the names were real names. She used many animals and plants as code names for everyone she knew to maintain their confidentiality.     

She was tempted to change Jean's username to that of a disgusting animal, such as 'ugly cockroach' or 'slimy worm'. However, eventually she just deleted the name Jean and left the words: MARION LIKES THE ADORABLE ACTOR.     


Jean arrived when dinner was served at the Schneider family mansion. Caspar had left for Berlin, together with Aldebar, Lauriel and his team. Only Finland and her children were still at the mansion and they were having dinner while discussing about all the things Rune and London had learnt during their time with Aldebar.     

"Hey, you're back?" Finland asked when she saw Jean enter the enormous dining room. For a moment Jean was stunned to see the view at the dining table. There sat Finland, London, Rune, and his son Terry. Without Caspar's presence in Switzerland, he would automatically be the father figure in the house.     

This made his lips curve up a smile. Finland, who saw the grin on Jean's face, wondered what had happened between Jean and Marion that Jean returned home so late at night. "What is wrong with you?"     

"I am okay," Jean answered with a shrug. He'd feel awkward if he had to pour his heart out in front of their children, so he decided against providing further information. He took a chair and prepared for his meal.     

Since Finland had her own children, Jean was very pleased because he was allowed to be involved in the life of his best friend's family. He was the children's cool uncle, and he treated the children like his own. He was able to experience having children without the hassles of being a real parent.     

In short, he could have the sweet children in his life and when the children became troublesome, he would just send them back to their parents. Just as Aldebar had done so far. Ha ha ha.     

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