The Alchemists

Agreement with Carl and Sascha

Agreement with Carl and Sascha

0Aleksis decided to think about the matter tomorrow. Usually after sleeping she would be able to find a solution.     

She returned to the room and smiled awkwardly at Rosemary.     

"Uhm .. I'm done calling my brother ..." she said.     

"Oh, okay. Is everything alright?" asked Rosemary. "Earlier, I heard that you guys had a fight ..."     

"Ohoho ... No, really. We always talk like that. Don't worry." Aleksis smiled broadly, calming Rosemary down.     

"I don't know what you're majoring in ... do you already know where you need to go to study tomorrow?" Rosemary asked again.     

Aleksis had forgotten what she majored in ... Haha. She did not really care, actually. She hurriedly took out the agenda given by Ms. Lauren last Friday and examined her schedule.     

"I'm majoring in information management," she replied with a shrug.     

"Ohh .. That means you're in the same department as Nicolae ... He's one of the most popular guys on campus," Rosemary said enthusiastically. "He and Terry are rivals in terms of popularity. They are always on the top rank of the Ideal Husband Candidates Poll on our campus."     

"Ideal Husband Candidates???" Aleksis wanted to laugh out loud when she heard that Terry was included in this strange poll. Ideal Husband my foot!     

She then frowned when she heard the name Nicolae. She had heard that name before ... But where ...     

Seeing Aleksis' reaction, Rosemary could only shake her head. She opened her computer and showed her the Splitz social media platform and opened the St. Mary University Group. On the group board Aleksis could see a lot of polls, announcements and news about the campus and its students.     

"Terry doesn't have an account on Splitz, but he is so famous that many people made fan pages for him and put him in various polls. Aside from being very handsome, his future is very bright as an actor or filmmaker. He has won many awards since freshman year." Rosemary opened one of the polling boards and showed the IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATES to Aleksis.     

At the first place was Terry Chan. He looked very handsome on the picture, which was probably taken secretly by a fan. At the second place was another handsome young man with long blond hair and dark blue eyes ... Aleksis immediately shrieked when she saw who the man was.     

Apparently this was Nicolae! Now she remembered.     

They had met three times and Aleksis had thought he was Prince Siegfried before she met Alaric.     

"Why are you so surprised? Are you surprised because we have such handsome men in our campus?" Rosemary asked with a chuckle. "Aside from them, there are still a number of other students in the poll, but only these two are still single, so that they become the most sought after men by every girl in our school ... Uhm ... er, Terry is no longer single though, because last Friday he confessed his love to me ..."     

Rosemary's face turned red which made Aleksis wanted to massage her temple.     

Ugh ... she had to take care of this problem. Rosemary seemed like a good girl and she might be traumatized by men if tomorrow Terry decided to just break her heart.     

"Oh ... congratulations ..." said Aleksis in an odd tone. "I hope your relationship will last for a long time ..."     

"Thank you ..." Rosemary smiled sheepishly, "Who knows when you go to school, you will meet Nicolae and he might fall in love with you too..."     

"Eh, I already have a boyfriend..." Aleksis said quickly.     

"Oh really? Whaa .. yes I forgot, you told me earlier." Rosemary nodded. "Alright, it's late, we should better go to sleep. I'll take you to breakfast and show you around the dormitory tomorrow morning before class."     

"Thank you ..." Aleksis nodded "Good night."     


The next morning after familiarizing herself with the situation and rules of the dorm, Aleksis contacted Carl and Sascha and asked them to meet her at the campus gate.     

"My good uncles, I am very grateful because all this time you have been guarding me from bad people. You are both so amazing and I love you very much ..." Aleksis started her conversation with the two bodyguards by praising Carl and Sascha. "How many years have we been together?"     

"Hmm ... almost eight years. Since Young Miss was kidnapped by some bad people," Carl answered firmly.     

"Do you know who saved me from the bad guys last time?" asked Aleksis.     

"You call him Prince Siegfried ..." this time Sascha answered.     

"That's right .. you know the reason that I moved to Singapore is to look for himt ... Well, a few days ago ... I found him! I'm so happy !!!"     

Carl and Sascha looked at each other and smiled. They were also happy to see their Young Miss happy. They had both been the girl's bodyguards since she was a child and they understood her obsession with the young man who saved her.     

"Congratulations, Miss. Do you already know who he is?" Carl asked curiously.     

"Uhmm ... don't know yet, and I'm counting on you to help me keep it a secret. You know what Dad is like, he might fly right here and interrogate Prince Siegfried ..."     

The two bodyguards nodded in agreement. They knew that the Master was very overprotective over his only daughter.     

"What about Sir Lauriel, does he know?" asked Sascha.     

Aleksis shook her head, "Right now only you two and Terry know. So you see how much I trust you and tell you even things I don't even tell my parents ..."     

Both of their faces looked very happy and proud. Aleksis' trust in them by sharing her secrets made them feel very valued. They were also happy that the girl did not do silly things behind their backs that would worry them.     

"Fine, we will keep this a secret, as long as Miss always tells us what is happening, so we don't get overwhelmed," Carl said.     

"Well, ahem ... now I have a problem ..." Aleksis coughed a little. "Prince Siegfried does not know who I really am. He thinks that I am an ordinary girl. When he found out that I was was deliberately looking ugly so as not to be bothered by insolent men, he assigned two bodyguards to protect me ... Imagine that! Besides my father who assigned you guys to look after me, Prince Siegfried now also sent his bodyguards ..."     

Carl and Sascha immediately understood the dilemma their Young Miss was facing. Both smiled, feeling amused.     

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