The Alchemists

News From Singapore

News From Singapore

0Even though Finland loves money, the reason why she stayed working at LTX was that she was loyal to Tony who had helped her a lot. She didn't actually need her salary because Caspar left her with a lot of money in her account.     

Also, she no longer needed a company sponsor for her visa because Aleksis was born in the United States, thus she automatically received US citizenship. As the mother of an American citizen, she received a green card so she could stay there long-term. Tony had been treating her well for the past two years and she felt bad asking for such big favor like two months off from work, just to go to the Amazon with Lauriel.     

"I'll talk to Tony first... Maybe I can work part-time from abroad..." Finland said while calculating the odds. "As long as my assignments are done, I can technically monitor all our research from afar... Hopefully Tony will understand."     

"I can help you ask for his permission. Maybe, if I convince him, he can understand."     

Lauriel had the rare ability to make people follow his orders without being imposing, which Finland wished she could learn but couldn't. She could only nod to Lauriel's suggestion. Lauriel could certainly make anyone do what he wanted.     

Finland finally agreed to accompany him to the Amazon even though she was actually very scared. Lauriel, who was very confident and had a very long history with danger, made Finland feel safe.     

For Lauriel, this would be his last big adventure. He wanted to spend it with the only two humans he loved in this world.     


In his apartment in downtown Los Angeles, Jean was reading several scripts that were given by his manager. He was trying to determine which movie he should be working on next. Everything was very interesting, but everyone wanted him to be immediately committed at the same time. So, he had to choose.     

"Jean Pierre, you have a call from a lawyer," Bill, his manager, came over with the phone in his hand. "He has been chasing me for a whole week now. He said this is very important."     

"Can't you ask what it is about?" asked Jean in surprise. Bill was usually very efficient and never let Jean deal with matters that he could handle himself. This was unusual.     

"He said that it is a matter of life and death. Someone's life depends on you..."     

"Hmm..." Curiously Jean took the phone from Bill. "Good afternoon, this is Jean. Who am I talking to?"     

"Good afternoon, Jean. My name is Harry Li, I'm a lawyer for the Chan family from Singapore. Their child is suffering from leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. We have tried various donors and all of them weren't a match. You are our only hope..."     

"Wh... what? I don't understand." Jean thought that the lawyer was being very absurd.     

"Do you remember donating your sperm to a fertility clinic a few years ago? The Chan family's child came from an embryo made from your sperm cell and Miss Finland's egg."     

Jean didn't remember any of this.     

"Why would I donate my sperm...?" He looked at Bill. He was increasingly confused. "Bill, do you remember this?"     

Bill shrugged.     

"I sent a magazine to your management address some time ago, you should have received it by now," said the lawyer patiently. "I know that you experienced attempted murder and, consequently, years of memory was lost. Hopefully, the content of the magazine will help you remember."     

Bill seemed to remember something. He took a package from his bag and placed it on the table.     

"Maybe this is what he meant. This package arrived yesterday at the office. Because it was addressed to you, I brought it here as well. I'll get scissors."     

He took the scissors from the kitchen and immediately unwrapped the package. A magazine was inside the package. It was the January edition of Upkeep Magazine from a few years ago. Jean's handsome face was on the cover.     

"I don't remember this cover..." Jean complained. He flipped through the magazine and looked for articles about him. "I'll ask my former manager in Paris about..."     

He suddenly fell silent. His eyes stumbled upon a number of photos on page 20. It was of him and a girl he did not recognize. Somehow, the pictures looked very familiar.     

Was this the friend he had forgotten? Was this Finland?     

Jean suddenly experienced the Mandela Effect after seeing the article in the magazine. It felt as if the reality he remembered was different from the actual reality. He felt that her face was very familiar, but he could not remember anything about her.     

His head suddenly hurt.     

"Are you okay?" asked Bill who saw Jean stagger into a chair. "Shall I get you your medicine?"     

"It's OK, Bill. I'm just a little surprised." Jean sighed.     

He really wanted to meet this mysterious girl. There were so many things he wanted to ask her. So many strange things had happened in his life since he woke up from his coma, and he felt that Finland was the key to it all.     

He hadn't had the need to cut his hair nor shave for the past two years, and his eyes had become brighter. He also felt healthier and stronger; he did not tire easily even though sometimes he had to work for long periods in harsh environments.     

He felt like he was a different person physically and he could not explain what had happened to him. He could even predict whether the weather would be sunny or rainy. It felt as if all his senses had become more alert and sensitive.     

"Have you seen the article?" asked Harry Li. "I know that all this information should have been kept confidential, but that journalist managed to get my client's contact from the fertility clinic in a sneaky way. However, because the information was leaked, we now benefit from it. My client's child was diagnosed with leukemia last year and his chance of survival is very slim, unless if he gets a suitable bone marrow transplant. You and his biological mother are our last hope."     

"Have you managed to trace Finland?" Jean asked quickly. "Where is she?"     

"Sorry, Miss Finland moved out of Singapore and we have not yet managed to find her trace. We are still trying..." Harry Li was silent for a few moments, before continuing with a pleading voice, "Would you be willing to be tested to see your compatibility to be the bone marrow donor? "     

"Of course," Jean answered without hesitation.     


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