The Employed Empress



0Rumors, when one is able to control its direction, is a scary power to have.     

'The empress was attacked while taking a stroll in the forest.'     

In a blink of an eye, nobles were talking about it.     

And as they passed on from mouth to another, the story distorted. Even the original source got lost along the process.     

She was 'attacked' not 'lost'. The emperor was so 'scared' for her welfare that he lost his bearing. In actuality, isn't he so mad in worry instead?     

Jiang Liu shivered as he recalled how sharp his name was uttered by his Royal Brother.     

He, as the sixth prince, was then labeled as someone who 'came into her rescue' not who 'dragged her into the mess'. Though honestly, when it comes to the two of them, no one is sure who drag who.     

The concubines are staying into their chambers. 'They were sick adjusting', the palace eunuch said. The tea and flower viewing are on hold. 'The empress cannot host as she is frightened,' they also said.     

But are there not other consorts?     

No one answered. Instead, a different story served as the answer. It doesn't fit though? It resulted in another question answered in another distorted truth.     

As this goes on, their interest in the truth disappeared.      

Looking over at Wei Lian who stare at him as a reply, Jiang Liu's confidence soar.     

'This is not the first one.'     

At this point, no one is doubting how they were acquainted. The former is rumored to be fond of the empress while the latter is the Shu brother of the empress.     

There is also the fact that it got well known that it is the sixth prince who pressured the prime minister to bring Wei Lian.     

Who would say they aren't close? Jiang Liu found out why they exchange their equipment. Not only it hides the fact that it's the empress who actively entered the hunting grounds, but it also solidified the fact that they were together scouting before the incident.     

People easily believe his 'truth'. They also were lead to believe what he wanted to be the truth.     

"To get what you want, one doesn't always need to be in the position of power," Wei Lian advice. "There is much more happening behind the scenes. The one who controls that is the one who truly controls the play."     

"There is nothing for you to gain by telling me this," Jiang Liu remained firm.      

"..." Wei Lian patted his head. "Don't worry. It's all part of my effort to raise you."     

A brat's patience is not only short but fragile as well. Just now, Wei Lian came close to Wen Yang as his most hated person.     

Jiang Liu is at his wit's end when the Prime Minister has shown himself. It seems like he was looking for Wei Lian all this while.     

Once their path crossed, the Prime Minister greeted without a beat. "Greetings your highness, Liu Wang."     

"Minister Wei," Jiang Liu acknowledges his presence.     

"This subject came here to get his unfilial son." Wei Ming Li got into the point. It was only then that he looked into Wei Lian's direction. "Come here and apologize to his highness."     

Wei Lian complied silently. He walked to his father side. Wei Ming Li grabbed the back of his neck and force Wei Lian to bow with him. "On behalf of my third son, this subject sincerely ask for his highness' forgiveness. He does not know any better and dragged the sixth prince around for his own antics. I promise his highness to properly educate him."     

"There's no need for this Minister Wei." Jiang Liu pause. He thought of something. "It's quite alright. At first, when I see the empress along with third master Wei, I question where does Minister Wei blood went. But after being accompanied by him, I realized how he is your son. It's amusing that both of you speak the language of a fox, right?"     

'Two cunning foxes at that.'     

Jiang Liu heard Wei Lian sneaker. How much he wanted to jump him and streach face, ah!     

Wei Lian was then made to bow deeper before Minister Wei retracted his hand. Both of them raised.     

Wei Ming Li coughed. "His highness still give unusual comparisons."     

"This prince will take that as praise," Jiang Liu beamed in happiness. Deep inside he was cursing the two as old fox and baby fox.      

There was a moment of silence before they scrumble to excuse themselves and get rid of each other.     

Wei Lian gave Jiang Liu a look before following his father.     

'Stop giving me those blank look because I get nothing!'     

Later, another rumor started to spread.     

'It was a wild beast that attacked the empress.'     

Jiang Liu stripped upon hearing it from the servants.     

That guy! Is actually so petty?! And towards his own father!      



When Tang Mei entered the empress' chamber, Wei Yi Yi has been staring at the bronze mirror.     

Hearing the movement around her, Wei Yi Yi gave a final sigh. She then asked, "How is it?"     

"The doctor said that the swelling on his majesty's head will lessen after putting the medicine. Also, the bleeding of his nose stopped after a while. There is nothing to worry anymore, your majesty," Tang Mei reported as exactly as it is.     

Wei Yi Yi nodded but instructed them further, "Tell them to observe his majesty."     

Just to be sure. There are people who died of concussion after all. What more, she believes in her strength!     

"This servant understands." Tang Mei called minor servants to relay the empress' concerns. Taking a wooden comb, Tang Mei stood behind the empress. "But your majesty, aren't you, even in the least, shy?"     

Let's say it's just in a blink. Still, his majesty has seen the empress in her bathing robes.     

"Shy about what?"     

Knocking him dead? Well, she'll take half of the blame for that. But only half.     

Tang Mei laughed. After accepting the changes in their affection, Tang Mei no longer felt on edge. Instead, she found it amusing how casual things are.     

"Empress, you need to really fix your habits. Inside the palace, servants are used to your antics. But here, if anyone heard the noises you make in the bath, they'll panic."     

Wei Yi Yi whistled.      

Isn't it normal to contemplate life in the shower? Others even went as far as doing a concert.     

Tang Mei proceed to nag. "Look at what happened to his majesty. Don't you feel it is your fault?"     

Wei Yi Yi's conscience was hit bullseyes.     

"You're right," she mumbles. "It's better if he went mad and scold me. At least my guilt won't eat me alive."     

She went and did a two-strike! Yet there was no notice of 'employee with bad behavior' on her! Is this reverse psychology?     

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