The Employed Empress

Chapter 19: Cut-sleeves on Shopping Date

Chapter 19: Cut-sleeves on Shopping Date


"Is your boyfriend coming over?" A nosy office mate ask Wei Yi Yi while looking over at the sticky notes on her computer.     

It says:     


'Clean Si Song's room.'     

'6:00pm Airport.'     

"Si Song? Is that his name?" She continue to ask.     

"No. Si Song is my bestfriend." Wei Yi Yi pointed at the picture on her wall. "I'm going to fetch his girlfriend later."     

"Eh? So they're really not your brothers?!" Her office mate shockingly stare at the picture. In there, Wei Yi Yi sat on a chair while four different men surround her. You could see how close they are to each other as they are leaning so close to her.     

'So the rumors are true?! Then is she living with them? She could casually enter their room!'     

"Depends on your definition of 'brother'.' Wei Yi Yi answered casually, no longer raising her head to continue the conversation.     

The lady beside her could only stare bitterly at her. Wei Yi Yi is well known inside the company. Whether it is because of how beautiful she is or because of those outrageous rumors.     

If you are being escorted to work by different guys, it's actually more shocking if there are no rumors.     

Despite being the center of a storm, Wei Yi Yi remain clueless as she sent a text over to Si Song.     

That guy have some tack compare to Ye Ming so he probably prepare some necessity his girlfriend would need. She'll buy some extra blankets just in case. As for grocery, she'll just stack a lot of chips and chocolate. Those guys have a hard time deciding what they want to eat so whatever Si song's girlfriend favorite is is what they're going to have tonight.     


Wei Yi Yi was pulled out from her little bubble by a message alert.     

[Yi Yi! Dear Yi Yi! Did you know that 'The Last of Us 2' got release today? Our Yi Yi is so smart, of course you know! But I'm just reminding you in case! Hehehe. Remember to pick one after work pretty please.]     

Sender: Ye Ming     

'Don't make me run errands just because I have half day! This jerks!'     


[Stop complaining. I know you'll still buy it. Our Yi Yi is such a good child. Your Lan gege will buy you ice cream. Ps. I'm playing first.]     

Sender: Ye Ming     

'....At least promise something using your name.'     

"Buy me some pads then. With wings." She sent to Ye Ming.     


After a few minutes of walking, they finally reach the market place.     

Wei Yi Yi was dressed with some scholarly robes while Tang Mei wore a guard outfit. Wei Yi Yi was very please as it came with boots instead of embroidered sandals.     

She had enough!     

"Young master let this servant guide you." Tang Mei pulled Wei Yi Yi at the back.     

"How manly Tang Mei. Then, please lead the way."     

Walking the first street, Wei Yi Yi behaves like a good child. But after the next few streets, she started bouncing from one place to another.     

Tang Mei yank her violently a few times by now. And after a few more rounds, this handmaid's guts level up a few more.     

Wei Yi Yi end up being scolded but not discouraged.     

"Sir Tang, this cloth suits you!" Wei Yi Yi passed a flowery bolt of cloth to Tang Mei.     

"Young master, servants can't wear such cloth." Tang Mei return the bolt to the shop assistant.     

"No I want that! If you can't use this then I'll make a robe for Ah chen with this." Wei Yi Yi took it again.     

Helplessly, Tang Mei replied, "But this are for ladies."     

"It doesn't matter if Ah Chen likes it! Don't decide that!"     

Wei Yi Yi actually wanted to shout 'Gender equality' but chocked it down. Hohoho let's not test the waters.     

"Then why is young master the one deciding?"     

"First, this bro is the one buying. Second, I'm the aunt here!" she replying smugly then run off to the shop owner before Tang Mei could stop her.     

"How much for this?" she asked.     

"10 silvers."     

"Holy fondue! 10 Silvers?! Why it is so expensive?"     

That's almost 'Wei Yi Yi' monthly allowance way back then!     

"This... Young master this bolt of cloth use multiple dye and been embroidered with at least a few hundred flowers by one of our best craftsman. I assure you that the price is justified." The shope owner explained.     

But I can't accept it! This bro feeds four guerrilla men at home, ah!     

Wei Yi Yi took up the challenge and haggle the price down. In the end, she brought it with 8 silvers and a few coppers. If only Tang Mei didn't stop her, she could get it cheaper, ah!     

I'm raising four hungry men alright! This is already my second nature.     

"Young master the ones we have at the palace cost at least a hundred silvers. If it is the embroidery, then we have servants to do that."     

"I'm just casually taking you to shop. Tang Mei is a fine lady so shopping should be enjoyable for you."     

Wei Yi Yi naturally took the stuff from Tang Mei and carry it herself. She then cling to her arm.     

"It's this servant job to carry them!" Tang Mei declined.     

"No need to be so stiff! Tang Mei should hold me instead. This way, I won't be able to run off, yes?" Wei Yi Yi smile toward her pretty maid.     

This way, we would looked like were two guys on a shopping date!     

Somehow, Tang Mei felt her cheeks burns while she's holding her mistress' hand as they walk.     

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