We are destined.Let me pamper you

Scarcity of water

Scarcity of water

0On the other side, in Zeng Shihong's mansion, it was getting impossible to control a certain old man who was sharing his happiness with every person of the house. Be it a servant, a guard, chef, assistant, or even an ant walking by.     

"Hey, I'm going to become a great grandfather. Do you know what does that means? My munchkin is going to give me another munchkin….. Give a year bonus to everyone working in this mansion. Distribute clothes, sweets, and money in orphanages, and old age homes…. Tell them I'm going to become a great grandfather." He looked at Lu Xion who was giving some instruction to Wu Zixin.     

"This is the tenth time you are saying that to me. Control yourself! This much excitement is not good for you." Lu Xion said as a matter of fact. "Grandpa I'm telling you, you better stop jumping otherwise I won't take you to see my little tomato."     

"Hmpf… Bully! Who cares about you?" Zeng Shihong narrowed his eyes at Wu Shen, "Bring my private plane; I'm leaving for Country T. I'm sure that old geezer Mo Weimin must be dotting on my munchkin. I will bring her back! She is only mine!"     

Lu Xion "…"     


When Xiu Mei gets down from the car she was dumbstruck seeing the Mo family instructing servants….     

Mo Weimin: "Ah… what if my granddaughter trips over these potted plants? Take them away."     

Leng Shuang looked at the tall trees with her hawk-like eyes, "I need only fresh fruits. Pick that one, and that… make sure you wash them three times before serving her."     

(I've changed Liu Shuang's name to Leng Shuang to avoid confusion as Jianyu's mother's surname is also Liu.)     

Zeng Ruo: "Turn off the water sprinklers, make sure the garden and courtyard is dry. Don't use any pesticides on the plants and remove the ones that may cause allergies."     

Mo Zhichan: "Why are there pebbles on this path? Remove them? It's dangerous! Put extra cushions on the patio, appoint servants in every corner….."     

On the other side, few of her cousins were nitpicking servants for the tiniest of mistakes. When they saw Xiu Mei coming towards them instead of dashing towards her, they hurriedly made a small group and pulled out a banner….     

Soon all the members of the family came outside after getting the message.     

Slowly the banner was pulled….     

[Thank you for the promotion. We all love you.]     

Xiu Mei looked at Feng Jianyu. "They already know…. What crazy family I have!" She expected a happy reaction, but it was way beyond her imagination. Saying they exaggerated it would be a small statement.     

Feng Jianyu pressed his lips into a thin line. "Can I take you somewhere into hiding? I'm afraid they are going to steal you from me. Naah! I'm sure they will try to cling on to us until our baby is born. You better don't give in to their demands, otherwise, I'll kidnap you."     

Xiu Mei chuckled, "Actually there's another point you should be angry about."     


"Everyone has ignored the fact that it was you who did everything." She pointed at the family, "Look, they are doing everything for me and have literally sidelined you as if you were just a sperm donor." Suddenly she paused, pondered touching her chin. "Speaking of sperms, your tadpoles were very slow. It took you months to impregnate me, and here I used to internally brag about your extraordinary size and strength."     

Feng Jianyu "…."     

"Hey, she is here." Leng Shuang walked to Xiu Mei and kissed her forehead. "Qinqin, my child…Thank you for the lovely gift."     

Mo Luan Xiaze's wife Jiang Yinren sprinted and holds her arm. "Don't keep standing, come in, be careful…."     

"This is crazy?" said Xiu Mei helplessly.     

"Sister-in-law this is nothing, you just wait and watch. When I was pregnant with iron… I mean my first child, the family literally padded everything in the mansion, even the walls and furniture and every time a family member used to be there at my beck and call. Poor me, they feed me like a cow, by the time of delivery I weighed over 75kgs." Jiang Yinren wiped her non-existent sweat. "It took me two years to shed the weight."     

Xiu Mei's gave a horrified look to everyone, "What are they going to do with me? I've two more families to handle in Imperial City. And above that, a protective monster is there to join them. I'm certainly going to look like a baby elephant."     

Zeng Ruo hit Jiang Yinran's arm, "Stop scaring her Yinran. Qinqin, I only weighed 73 kgs when I gave birth to you. Does that make you feel better?"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

When they stepped in, her aunts were behaving no differently, instructing servants on what to cook… Her room was already shifted to the ground floor to avoid her from taking stairs.     

After dinner, Jianyu took her for a short walk in the garden.     

Yeah…. She was overstuffed!     

"Be careful, walk slowly. The baby might get hurt." With one hand around her shoulder and one at the tummy, he supported her.     

"Hmpf! You only care about the baby." She yanked his hand away. "What about the baby's momma? Soon I'm going to look like a hippo…"     

"So what? Just how I love the cute chipmunk, I'll love the cute hippo too." He hugged her from behind. "In fact, I'll love you, pamper you and spoil you more than ever. Just promise me one thing,"     


"Stop growing up, I love this cute, innocent, naïve Mei more than anything."     

She playfully hit on his head, "In that case you've to take care of two babies, one big baby and one small."     

"Gladly, I'll hold both the babies like this…." saying he lifted her in his arms.     

"Ah… what are you doing? Put me down. What if someone sees us?" Her eyes looked around afraid someone will catch them like this.     

"Be good, I'm taking my Mrs. Feng back to her room to give her hot bathe. It will relax your muscles and aid you to sleep soundly."     

He walked to their room ignoring the gaze of the servants, Xiu Mei hid her face in his chest feeling ashamed.     

She heaved a sigh of relief after stepping into the close enclosure of their room, as Jianyu closed the door with his foot. "Now put me down, I'll bathe on my own."     

"Nope, I'm doing that for you. Bathroom is slippery, and you are too reckless. I'll do that."     

"Monster, whenever you've insisted to bathe with me, you've always ended up making love. NO… NOT ALLOWED."     

"Stop thinking wild, This time I'm not going to make love." He placed her on the sink top and went to turn on the faucet and adjust the temperature of the bathtub.     

"Ahh… monster no, don't do that. I'm shy."     

"I've already seen, touched and licked every part of your body. What's left to feel shy?!"     

"Ahhh… No… don't take off my clothes…."     


"Ahh… why are you taking off your clothes too?"     

"to bathe with you. There's a scarcity of water, don't you know?"     



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