We are destined.Let me pamper you

Banquet 1

Banquet 1

0Two days flew fast, and the day when Xiu Mei would take her mask off and accept her identity formally arrived.     

It was the banquet of the royal family of Country T, the country's best resort, Blue Orchids was selected as the venue. Instead of opting a closed banquet hall, they opted for the open garden.     

Xiu Mei's cousin Mo Shalin left no stone unturned to give her best shot, she even cancelled her previous bookings to give her hundred per cent to this event. Not only the employees of her company but employees from Mo family's other businesses worked day and night to make the event memorable for the youngest princess of the country.     

Though the invitations were sent at a short notice none of the guests dared to miss the grand event, after all, it's rare for anyone to be associated with Mo family. They cannot let go of the golden chance to climb the ladder of social status.     

The guests were none other than well-known aristocrats from the business houses and nobilities from around the world including the presidents of Country Z and B.     

On the invititation, it just mentions that Mo family welcomes his fourth son Mo Zhichan and his youngest granddaughter, Mo Qinyang. Everyone was more curious as the entire family of the fourth master was declared dead years ago.     

In the Mo family mansion, Xiu Mei and Feng Jianyu were getting ready for the banquet in different rooms.     

Xiu Mei was surrounded by an army of people who were helping her get ready. The moment Mo Zhichan stepped in Xiu Mei's room to escort her to the venue he was stunned seeing her daughter looking like a fire queen dressed in a single shoulder sparkly stained gown in red which has a long slit on right.     

Her long hair was kept open, flowing down like a waterfall. She was already a natural beauty but with a touch of light make-up, her beauty was incomparable. The matching red mask on her eyes not only made her look mysterious but kinda sexy.     

"Dad, this gown is beautiful, thank you. I never thought red colour will suit me this much." She hooked her arm around her father's.     

"Reserve this thank you for your man. Don't know how, but yesterday night his assistant brought ten sets of dresses for you and amongst them, Jianyu chose this one." Mo Zhichan's answer surprised Xiu Mei.     

"This is Jianyu's choice." She understood why he didn't tell her about this. Looks like it's the time she should start, accepting gifts from Jianyu, he is holding himself too much!     

"Yes, I've never seen a man who dots on his wife this much; he is setting a scarily high parameter. Your mother is going to bug me about it later." Though he complained, he was really happy that she got a life partner like Feng Jianyu who loves her unconditionally.     

She shook her head sadly, "Mother won't say a thing, she is still holding past things in her heart. Don't know when she will accept Jianyu, there is no one better than him."     

"That's what you think." Mo Zhichan smiled and pointed at a certain direction.     

Standing at the corridor of the first floor, Xiu Mei looked down and saw Feng Jianyu waiting for someone in the living room. Her heart skipped a beat seeing him look as handsome as always in the custom made black tuxedo that fit his body perfectly.     

Undoubtedly, a tuxedo is his real weapon, who can question this extraordinary businessman in a penguin-suit black and white, attracting everyone's attention.     

"Dad, if you are my partner, then who is Jianyu's?"     

"What do you think? If I'm escorting his wife then who is going to escort mine." Mo Zhichan winked.     

Xiu Mei was dumbfounded, "Mom?!"     

Mo Zhichan didn't say anything but pointed to keep looking.     

Feng Jianyu got up when he saw Zeng Ruo coming. "Mrs Mo, you look beautiful." He complimented her politely.     

"Mom," Zeng Ruo said, "You should start calling me mom." She noticed Jianyu's bow tie was out of place and extended her hand to fix it. "I was wrong when I accused you of the crime you never committed, I'm sorry for everything."     

"It was not your fault, Mrs…. Mom." Feng Jianyu shook his head. "I can understand how difficult it was for you to see your family in this condition. When you accused me, it was a mother and a wife letting her pain out for everything she had been through. I never took your words to heart."     

"Jianyu…." Zeng Ruo felt a lump in her throat. "I'm blessed that my girl found you as her life partner. Promise me, you'll forever take care of my Qinqin."     

"That's something I'm going to do even after my death." Feng Jiayu gives his handkerchief to the woman who was a bit emotional.     

After making sure Zeng Ruo was fine Feng Jianyu gave his hand like a gentleman. "Beautiful lady, shall we?"     

Zeng Ruo tucked her arm in Feng Jianyu's elbow and left for the venue.     

Xiu Mei got emotional.                                                        

"Hey, are you also going to cry? Wait, let me give you my handkerchief beforehand but beware it will smudge your eye make-up." She chuckled hearing her father and shook her head.     

"I'm not going to cry. Otherwise, everyone will start calling me a cry baby."     

"That you are! Entire Zeng family is a cry baby."     

"Dad… I hate you!"     

"But I love you, my princess."     


Under the moonlight the venue lightened up with fairy lights, looking like fallen stars from a fairyland. The atmosphere got livelier with the arrival of the guests chatting in a small group. The daughters of many notable families eagerly waited for Mo family members…. Scratch that! They waited for Mo Weimin's grandkids, other then the eldest grandchild Mo Luan Xiaze other boy's were still single.     

"I've heard all the members of the Mo family are going to attend this event. The last time they organised such a grand event was at the wedding of their first grandson."     

"Yeah… but this time it's grander after all its in honour of the fourth master and the youngest princess of the family."     

"What do you think why the youngest princess was kept away from the public. Is there a secret behind it? And above that, what does she looks like?"     

"Who cares about the youngest princess, I've heard that Mo family has invited someone special… Someone very special!"     


"My father is closed is in the aviation ministery, and he informed me that the young masters from the Feng family have landed yesterday night."     

"WHAT? Does that mean the famous CEO Feng Jianyu is also going to be here? I've heard he is cold and ruthless but extremely handsome."     

"Not only that, another mysterious man has landed too. Rumours are that he is the owner of the famous company Phoenix Enterprises, Mr. X."     

"If Mr. X is invited, does that mean that President X of R-Tech is also going to attend?"     

"Maybe maybe not, but rumours say Mr. X and CEO Feng both care for that woman. Her photograph with CEO Feng in Country Z's banquet is all over the internet."     

"Damn, that's bad. I'm going to have a heartbreak if any of them is romantically involved with her."     


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