We are destined.Let me pamper you

Banquet 3

Banquet 3

0"Right, right, right," Mo Weimin instantly takes over before the jovial atmosphere is ruined. "Before anyone asks, or questions my granddaughter's origin, let me tell you….. President XM aka Mo Qinyang will go by the name ZENG XIU MEI from hereon."     

Zeng Shihong was shocked by the news, why nobody told him about this? He looked at Xiu Mei who slow blinked at her maternal grandfather as if telling him this is what she wants.     

Liu Shuang came and stood with her husband. They both looked at dazed Zeng Shihong sincerely as Liu Shuang spoke. "Whether she goes by the name 'Zeng' or 'Mo', it's a fact she is a granddaughter of both the families, let her take this name."     

Mo Weimin added, "Not only that…..It was our blessing to have your daughter Zeng Ruo as the daughter in law of my family; because of the evil Yangs who dared to kill my fourth son and his family, she was forced to leave her paternal name and go with a new name Mo Shiying. We apologise for she had to let go of her paternal name and hereby return it to her."     

Mo Weimin pointed his hand at the entrance as everyone turned to look where he was pointing and saw someone entering the venue.     

Zeng Ruo looked pious and graceful, dressed in a gown.     

But shockingly, walking with her was none other than CEO of Feng Corporation Feng Jianyu. What? What is he doing here?     

Behind them was walking the entire Feng and Wang family. Ah! What is happening?     

They are Feng brothers!     

Omg! Dr. Wang Shi is here as well!     

Feng Jianyu walked to Mo Zhichan and handover Zeng Ruo's hand to her and bowed respectfully. "Now if you'll allow I would like to go back to my one and only." He too knows, Mo Zhichan asked him to escort Zeng Ruo to sort out the differences between the two.     

Feng Dingxiong and Wang Shi's father Wang Huang chuckled, "Exactly, it's the time you return what is ours. We know you're getting greedy for her."     

The crowd was confused. What are they talking? To whom are they referring?     

"I have a question." A guest could not hold himself and stepped forward. "If I'm not wrong the lady who just entered with Mr. Feng is none other then Mr. Mo Zhichan's wife, but why was she with Mr. Feng?"     

"Another question." One more guest joined. "Why did President XM is not taking her masking off? Is there a reason?"     

"How are Feng, Wang and Mo family arelated to each other?"     

"Give me two minutes." Mo Zhichan said to his wife and walked to his two best friends and stood with them. "We are related because we are old best friends. Our friendship is more than decades old."     

Feng Dingxiong: "As far as why my son accompanied my best friends wife was because Zhichan dared to escort my son's wife."     

The crowd "…."     



We are clueless!     

If their memory serves them well, didn't Mo Zhichan came to the venue with his daughter Zeng Xiu Mei!     

Suddenly the crowd has a light bulb moment.     

Their head snapped at a certain direction.     

Ignoring the crowd, Xiu Mei reached the handsome man whose gaze was staring her non-stop. He was mesmerized seeing her; she looked so dazzling that even the shining moon in the sky would admit there's no one as beautiful as her.     

She wrapped her hands around the man's waist, looked deeply into her eyes, tip-toed and touched her cherry red lips with his soft ones.     

Her face bloomed into an ever so charming smile that complemented his. "I wore this mask to hide myself for whatever happened to us seven years back. If it was not for your determination this mask might have had become my permanent identity. I want you to take it off of my face, dear hubby"     

Feng Jianyu melted like an ice-cream; an inadvertent smile came on his lips. He was thrilled hearing the word 'hubby' in front of everyone, he was not prepared for this. "Don't give me all the credits; I know how courageous and strong you were all this while. I'll forever be proud of you." He takes off the dazzling red mask off of her face and tossed it in the air.     






The crowd looked at the gorgeous couple who was standing amidst them yet ignored everyone's presence and silently hugged each other.     

'Dear hubby?' Just now she called Feng Jianyu as her hubby!     

They are a couple!     

And with their interaction, it looks like they knew each other for seven years.     

Indeed they looked beautiful, like a prince and princess but right now they were no less than ghosts!     

President XM is Zeng and Mo family's daughter and Feng family's daughter-in-law. Can there really be such a perfect combination!?     

No! Calling it a scary combination would be better!     

The socialities felt like the entire sky was dropped on them. Have they just offended the three powerful families? How can they question a bloodline as scary as this?     

At that moment, all the mouths were sealed; all the previous rumours died forever, what remained was the truth in front of them.     

Mo Weimin motioned something to Mo Muxing who nodded in response.     

The royal guards dressed in uniform marched forward, they brought the two official scrolls with the necessary changes about Xiu Mei and Zeng Ruo's names written on it and placed it on the table arranged beforehand.     

Mo Weimin dipped the brush in the ink and signed it in front of everyone, further stamping it with the royal seal before passing the scrolls to their respective owners.     

Everyone gave a round loud of applause and congratulated the two ladies.     

The banquet was going smoothly.     

Feng Jianyu supported his wife's weight afraid she is straining her body too much. "So the other thing you asked grandpa Mo was the disclosure of our relationship? When will you stop giving me surprises?"     

"Never." She smiled mischievously. "I colluded with everyone and prepared this surprise for you. Not only this, entire China knows about it, as I've asked someone to upload the pictures on our companies' official websites and social media accounts. Feng Jianyu belongs to XM, only XM… Now no one can have any thoughts about by man."     

"Jealous much, huh?"     

"Can't help it! I don't like anyone gawking at you," said she threw a murderous glance at a certain heiress who was looking at Feng Jianyu constantly. The heiress got scared and looked anywhere but him.     

"Look at you, love birds." Their moment was disturbed by a female voice, as they both moved away from each other and turned to look at the owner of the voice.     

"Hong!" With a delightful squeal, she hugged her best friend. "I knew it; X brought you here, right? He is so understanding, ahh… X is really my buddy."     

Feng Jianyu's expression darkened.     

"Cough…" Fei Hong steals a glance at a certain man.     

"Wow there… Sister in law, correction needed. It was my brother who instructed me to bring this annoying woman here." Feng Junjie interrupted.     

"You… you are annoying, your brother is annoying, your sister in law is annoying, your entire family is annoying." Fei Hong fumed but then realise what she had just said. "No, no, no, only this weird man is annoying…. Baby doll you and your husband is best."     

Xiu Mei ignored her and brought her attention to her sulking husband. "Monster hubby, you're the best-est. I love you!"     

Feng Jianyu: "Liar! Just now you praised X!"     

"X is good, but you're better than him. Please… sorry…."     

"Don't make this puppy face, you have to give me a hundred kisses as a punishment."     

"Instead of a hundred kisses, I can repeat what I did in Lapland." Xiu Mei winked.     

Feng Junjie and Fei Hong rolled their eyes. 'Argh… too much dog food!'     

Feng Jinayu noticed Mo Zhichan was calling him, he was chatting with a group of businessmen. "Your father is calling me, you enjoy with Ms. Fei. Wait for me here, don't run here and there!"     

"Don't worry about her, leave her to me, Mr. Feng." Fei Hong said like a commando, "I'll return her to you in one piece! Rest assured, no one can dare hurt her in my presence. Just take this annoying man away, I might murder him."     

"You evil Medusa, I'll haunt you forever if you murder me." Feng Junjie grunted while being dragged by Feng Jianyu.     

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