We are destined.Let me pamper you

Lu Xion's secret

Lu Xion's secret

0In a different room.     

"MEI," feeling anxious, Feng Jianyu pushed the door, his gaze ran across the room and stopped to the woman wrapped in a quilt, sleeping peacefully. He took three fast strides and picked her in his arms, letting out a breath of relief finding her safe....     

"Mei, love…" He called her softly, touched her cheek but frowned when she didn't reply.     

"Sleeping! She won't wake up before tomorrow! Rest assured, she and her baby are absolutely fine! I've checked." A man with a head of birds nest in white answered, he truly looked like a mad scientist straight out of comics with his white hair and broad glasses. He filled a liquid in a syringe and pumped into Lu Xion's vein who was lying half-conscious on the couch.     

"Lu Xion?" Feng Jianyu frowned, "What on earth happened here? Why is she unconscious?"     

"Jianyu, Mei is unconscious? Why?" Wang Shi came in and took her pulse without a delay.     

Feng Jianyu: "Just check her," He saw Wang Shi prying open her eyes and mouth. After giving a preliminary exam and checking her baby he took a breath of relief.     

"Nothing to worry! She will wake up by tomorrow. It looks like someone has already given her the necessary medicine to curb down the  egative effects." He was obviously pointing at the white-haired doctor tending to Lu Xion.     

"Of course, though I don't care about her life, she has a very precious thing for which I'll never allow her to die." The white-haired doctor answered apathetically, without bothering to spare a second look.     

"Don't you dare say anything against her." Before anyone else could object Lu Xion warned in a stern tone.     

The white-haired man snorts, "You better take care of yourself first."     

"I've taken care of all the videos, nothing will go out." Another man interrupted, he was seated on the adjacent couch with a laptop on his lap, he has a long hair tied into a ponytail and dressed casually in a t-shirt and trousers.     

Feng Jianyu looked at Xion, "Will you tell me what exactly happened here? And who are these people?"     

"Kong Liu happened!" Lu Xion answered closing his eyes. "She drugged Mei that numbed her body and simultaneously spiked a potent aphrodisiac in my drink. I mistakenly didn't notice and took things lightly. Feeling weird in my body I came to the presidential suit to take some rest and she was already on the bed. Judging by the three cameras installed in the room, you can guess what her intention was."     

Feng Jianyu saw the bandages on Lu Xion's head and arms, his naked upper body had multiple cuts with dried blood as the white-haired man tends his injuries. It didn't take him a second to understand what Lu Xion had done to control himself in that situation.     

And he was really thankful! Just the thought what could have happened sends a shiver run down his spine.     

"Didn't we send her to the mental asylum? How did she come out?" Feng Jianyu gritted his teeth, "Jin, check what exactly happened? And bring her to the warehouse, looks like I was lenient before. How dare she touch my woman?"     

"Yes brother…."     

"No need!" Lu Xion opened his eyes, his dark gaze met with the white-haired man's cold ones. "Take her as a subject for your experiments. And if she dared to run out of your facility, I'll drag YOU to the underworld base. Do you understand?"     

"Hmpf! No one can run from my grasp. Send her! Since she loves playing with drugs, I won't disappoint her." The white-haired man said viciously.     

Lu Xion: "Jianyu, are you satisfied with it?"     

Feng Jianyu looked at the woman in his arms; he brushed his knuckles on her pale cheeks, "Make sure she pays for everything."     

"Lord, our men have captured the woman and two of her underlings." A man dressed in a black suit walked in through the door and informed. He looked like an assistant but Feng Jianyu sensed something dangerous about him. The man pretended to keep his gaze at Lu Xion but he was secretly taking in everyone's presence in the room.     

The white-haired man waved his hand, "It's already decided, they are my latest lab rats, send them to me!"     

*RING* *RING*     

Feng Jianyu tossed his phone at Zian, "It's your brother calling, tell him we have found her. I'm taking her back to the mansion." He gave a look to Wang Shi as they both nodded.     

Feng Jianyu left without a word to Lu Xion. He was already in doubt that Lu Xion was not an easy man, there's something more that he was hiding, but today seeing these three people around him, he was hundred per cent certain.     

And why that white-haired man said Xiu Mei has something precious for which he will never let her die?     

What that thing is?     

Is it her eyes?     

No! Was he referring to Meiying's eyes?     

Now that he thinks of Meiying, and how Lu Xion has kept everything about her under wraps, things seemed more deep and mysterious! Even Xiu Mei doesn't know anything about Meiying and her family except she was a psychiatrist, how weird!     

Who was Meiying?     

How did she die?     

How did she and Lu Xion meet each other?     


The man dressed in black suit shut the door after everyone left and bowed in apology.     

Lu Xion sat down, his dark gaze narrowed at the man, "Blake, how many times do I've to tell you, you are not allowed to address me as Lord in front of strangers?"     

"My mistake, I'm really sorry."     

"Go back to the base, and reflect on your mistake." Lu Xion orderedd; feeling annoyed and then brought his attention to the white-haired man. "Are you sure about the drug Kong Liu gave me?"     

The white-haired man pointed at Lu Xion's palm, "You see these red dots, it's all over your back and legs, too. Though the drug was an aphrodisiac, it was purely meant to kill you. Even if you had done 'that' to Xiu Mei there was no way you would have had survived. Within four hours it was a sure shot death for you. Thankfully, I'm always prepared against these types of drugs."     

The man with long hair butted in, "This drug is not easily available, there's no way that stupid Kong Liu could have got her hands on it. She was definitely used by someone; the only motive was to kill you. Poor Xiu Mei just happened to become the victim."     

"Moreover, how did Kong Liu escape from the mental asylum? Who brought her here without coming under anyone's eyes? It's not easy! Someone's definitely targeting you."     

Lu Xion picked his coat and got up. "Austin, I need detailed information about this drug." He ordered the man with long hair who nodded in response. "Colton, interrogate Kong Liu properly. Though it's highly unlikely she knows anything, get whatever information she has."     

"Noted!" The white-haired man nodded.     


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