We are destined.Let me pamper you

I’m Zeng by blood first,

I’m Zeng by blood first,

0"Enough of you all! Are you going to keep Qinqin standing at the door or let her in, too?" When Liu Shuang noticed the kids had no intention of letting go of Xiu Mei, she reminded them. "Let's go in and eat something first. Your aunts and mom have prepared your favorite dishes."     

The ladies of the house left with Xiu Mei forgetting about other members, even their own kids. It was only Jianyu who was still remembered. Liu Shuang looked back at Feng Jianyu; she had a fairly good impression of him after hearing good words from that usually stern and cold Mo Weimin. "Xiao Jianyu, don't keep standing. Come inside."     

Xiu Mei had just entered when she saw two kids, a girl and a boy running down the stairs. The boy was hardly seven while the girl seems to be four or five.     

The boy abruptly pulled his brakes seeing Xiu Mei, but the girl was more enthusiastic and ran straight into her, she looked up with her clear dove-like eyes. "Hello, aunty."     

"Hi, XiaoXiao…. Hi, ironman…." Xiu Mei crouched down; her charmingly amiable smile went straight to their tiny hearts.     

"Aunty, how do you know our name?" The little girl asked innocently. She turned back to her brother. "Look, aunty called you ironman."     

The boy felt embarrassed noticing that the newest member of his family knows him so well. He is nicknamed that for his love for Tony Stark aka Ironman's inventions.     

"How can I not know about the cutest and the smartest member of my family?" Xiu Mei briefly looked back at her eldest cousin, Mo Luan Xiaze and the pretty woman standing with him, his dearest wife before shifting her gaze back to kids. "Come, give aunty a hug."     

Both kids went into Xiu Mei's open arms and snuggled against her.     

"Ok, ok, spend time with your aunt later. Let's eat something first." Mo Luan Xiaze pulled everyone at the dining table.     

Xiu Mei sat down at the dining table on Mo Weimin's left; the little boy hurriedly pushed everyone aside and occupied the other seat beside Xiu Mei, shamelessly flashing his one tooth smile to Feng Jianyu.     

Feng Jianyu "…"     

Don't know why but the little boy kept his gaze glued to Xiu Mei's face, making her feel conscious.     

"Is there dirt on my face, ironman?" Xiu Mei touched her cheeks.     

"No." Ironman's face turned red. "I-I admire you, aunt… I mean I admire President XM. You're my favorite. I've read about all your inventions."     

Xiu Mei "…"     

'Ohhhhh…. So I got a fan in this house, that's why he is behaving oddly!'     

Xiu Mei whispered, "So you're interested to see them, right?"     

"Can I?"     

"Of course…. You can see my inventions any time you want." Xiu Mei's words brought a big smile on the boy's face; it shone like a thousand bulbs.     

Everyone started to place dishes on Xiu Mei's plate. Some even took the liberty to feed her thinking she was shy. Within no time, her plate looked like a mountain. Seeing the amount of food she has to eat, make her sweat.     

She expected a formal response considering how influential these people are in their respective fields but this…. this is extraordinary! On the contrary, she was having a difficult time to respond to their love, so she let everything go and just flowed with the situation.     

 "Qinqin, you've been living a mysterious life from the start, even the identity of President XM is hidden from the public. What are your thoughts revealing your identity in public?" Seeing how awkwardly quiet she was, Mo Weimin started the conversation. He doesn't want to do anything in which Xiu Mei's was not comfortable with so he tested the water first.     

"You are right, it's time I should disclose my identity, living under the mask is troublesome and invites unnecessary problems. Moreover, I've achieved my goals, so it's only best to let go of the last thing attached to my past. But…."     

"But…." Mo Weimin frowned.     

"Please don't take me wrong, grandpa, I want to go by the name Xiu Mei and take Zeng as my surname."     

"Why child? You don't want to be a Mo?" Mo Weimin asked softly, he had already expected this. Knowing her temper, her way of prioritizing things, it was obvious why she asked for it.     

"I'll forever be an inseparable part of the Mo family. But no one can deny grandpa Zeng's contribution in my life, if I'm sitting here in front of you it's because of him. I'm Zeng by blood first, and then a Mo. Please, allow me to take that…." Xiu Mie asked respectfully.     

Zeng Ruo felt a mix of emotions. She was born as Zeng Shihong's daughter but later dropped her father's name to hide her identity and had to adopt Mo family's name. This was something she always hated herself for. But today, her daughter solved her dilemma by preferring her maternal family's name.     

Mo Weimin smiled, "Of course, my child. Whether you are a Zeng or a Mo, the fact remains the same you're the daughter of both the families." He looked at Mo Zhichan. "Make the necessary changes; we will introduce her as Zeng Xiu Mei. If anyone objects, they can come looking for me."     

"Um… grandpa, I've another request." Xiu Mei leaned to whisper something in Mo Weimin's ear.     

Feng Jianyu looked at her confused, what exactly is she demanding to whisper it in ear and not ask openly?     

Mo Weimin's hearty laughter echoed, he threw his head back hearing Xiu Mei's request. "Consider it done!"     

Liu Shuang clapped, "Perfect, then it's decided. Two days later we will introduce Qinqin to everyone. Everyone, there's lots of work to be done; we are running out of time….."     

"Relax, grandma, we are there." Xiu Mei's eldest female cousin, Mo Shalin assured. Of course, she is the only one who can arrange a grand event like this in the least time. Being the owner of the biggest event management company it's just a cakewalk for her.     

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