We are destined.Let me pamper you



0By the time Feng Jianyu reached Zeng Shiong's mansion, it was already past ten, after a busy day of spending quality time with each other, everyone left for their rooms as Xiu Mei was still on medication and she needed rest.     

Though tired, Xiu Mei was very much awake, waiting for Feng Jianyu in the bedroom. She had already informed the security to let him enter freely. When she saw the security notification on her tab, she instantly went down to receive him.     

"Jianyu…." She walked straight into his arms. She was actually not asking for love but comforting him. She may have not witnessed the torture, but she is aware of Feng Jianyu's ruthlessness, it can't be any different from Lu Xion's.     

After giving such torture anyone would be scared to come near their loved one, afraid of the reaction they might get.     

Seeing Feng Jianyu had changed his clothes before coming here she understood he did it for her. To pacify him, she hugged him tightly to let him know that no matter what he will always be her adorable monster.     

Xiu Mei looked up. "Are you hungry? Let me reheat the food for you." She pulled him towards the dining table but before that, he pulled her into a tight hug.     

"Are you not scared, Mei?"     

"Why would I be? I'm not a saint either."     

"I crossed all limits today."     

"Others forced you to go that extreme." She looked up at his face and tip-toed to speak brushing her lips against his. "And I know you did this for me. Isn't it my fault then?"     

"Never…" He finished the kiss. "I'll willingly do this to for you and my family."     


"You haven't eaten yet?" Feng Jianyu frowned hearing her stomach growl. "Did you take your medicines?"     

Xiu Mei was guilty; she scratched the back of her head.     

"No, she hasn't," Zian spoke, sitting on the couch as he flipped the page of a magazine.     

'Uh? When did he come?' Xiu Mei looked confused.     

He closed the magazine and walked towards the stairs. "You know what you have to do next. I've informed the staff to set the table for you two, and the medicines are in the bowl. After dinner, she has to take them. Good night squirrel, good night brother-in-law."     

Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei smiled hearing him call brother-in-law.     

The next moment Jianyu's expression changed to slight annoyance. "Your pot of punishment is overflowing already. Once you recover; I'll make you pay with interest."     

Xiu Mei gulped. She caressed his chest softly, wishing for peace. "Don't get angry baby…. I know you are sexually frustrated… tonight I'll do some pleasant things to lift your mood…."     

Feng Jianyu rubbed his forehead and stared at the little chipmunk who is ruffling a monster's fur, looking for death.     

"Shut up! First dinner, then medicines, then I'll apply ointment, and then sleep…. Only sleep. Dare to do something else, don't forget DR. ZIAN is still in the house." His warning worked like magic, turning her into an obedient wife.     

With that said, he carried her to the dining table.     

"I think you should reconsider my offer."     

Feng Jianyu: "DR. ZIAN…."     

Xiu Mei instantly pretended to lock her mouth, placing the non-existent key in Feng Jianyu's shirt.     


In the bedroom     

They were done with dinner and medicines, and Jianyu was ready with the herbal ointment that would help in fast healing and avoid getting a scar.     

He placed the bottle on the bed table and started to undo the buttons of her dress. She could only whine internally after getting the threat, letting him do as he wants.     

He slipped the dress off of her shoulder, leaving her in her panty. Because of the stitches she cannot wear a bra, but thanks to the cold weather, being wrapped under the layer of clothes she could easily let go of it.     

Feng Jianyu: "Lay down on the bed."     

She winced in pain when he peeled the bandage but the pain subsided when Jianyu's fingers started rubbing the ointment in circular motions.     

Feng Jianyu: "Still angry? Won't talk to me?" He chuckled when she fluffed her cheeks and turned her face to the other side. "Stop being raunchy, you know I can't give you that. Other than that you can ask me anything."     

She took out the non-existent key from his pocket and unlocks her mouth. "Anything?"     


"I'm hungry."     

"But just now…."     

"Hungry for you. Now, solve this problem."     

Feng Jianyu "…"     

"Okay…" She heard him say, a big grin took over her lips. Anticipation builds up when he bends down to kiss her. But to her disappointment….     

After a minute, instead of going further he broke the kiss abruptly and said in a husky voice, controlling his emotions "Right now I can only give you this energy bar." Before she could say something, he warned. "One more lusty demand, and I'll sleep on the couch."     

Suddenly she winced in pain.     

He pulled away his hand from her chest, worried. "Did I hurt you?"     

It was just a momentarily pull, but her eyes teared up in pain.     

"See…. Just a little pressure and your eyes teared up. Don't make things difficult for me." He saw the frown on her forehead relax a bit. "I will massage the surrounding muscles for better blood flow, if it hurts, tell me."     

"Okay…" Xiu Mei sighed… she gave up brewing any more trouble for him and extended her fingers to touch his chin. After a few minutes, she finally spoke. "What are we going to do next?"     

He smiled, still concentrating on the work. "We both are together and our families have reunited already. Now that our personal life is settled, we should look after our professional lives as well. Right now my only goal is to keep you happy and stabilize our businesses first. Both our companies have received a huge blow because of our absence. Time to bring them on the right track!"     

Xiu Mei was a little dejected, but she understood his point of view too. In order to pay their employees timely, and fund the ongoing projects they have to prioritize certain things. "Um…You are right. Let's concentrate on our businesses first."     

By the time Jianyu was done, she was deep in sleep. The soothing effects of medicine, accompanied by his massage worked like a lullaby. Jianyu grabbed one of a shirt from the cupboard and made her wear, before placing a kiss on her forehead.     

'I know you want to see Northern Lights, of course, I'll take you there. But I can't bear to see another low-performance quarter of R-Tech; you have created it with your hard work. Just give me three months…'     

He glanced at the tab that was lying beside her; the wallpaper that she had never changed was of Northern Lights.     

Even when she was with him in the Country Y, the screen saver used to be of Northern Lights. Though she had said nothing about it, he knows what she is looking for.     


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