We are destined.Let me pamper you

No more crying.

No more crying.

0Feng Jin instantly acknowledged Feng Jianyu's orders and fished out his phone.     

"That's rubbish! I never cried. I was worried for you, scared for you, is there anything wrong with it?" Zian gave an irritating look to Feng Jin who was scrolling his phone.     

Hey, what's wrong in admitting that you cried? Is it mention anywhere that only women can cry while men are not allowed to show to their emotions?" Wang Shi said virtuously.     

Once the recording started playing, Zian's expression changed. He closed his eyes briefly and gritted his teeth. He noticed Xiu Mei's gaze on Feng Jin's mobile screen.     

In the recording Xiu Mei saw him crying holding her hands, talking to her while she was unconscious. Judging by the angle of the video and Zian's obliviousness of the entire thing, it was taken discreetly. But she could clearly hear him apologizing repeatedly, feeling guilty that he failed to protect her.     

At the end of the video, he caressed her head and whispered leaning closer. "I promise to be the best brother, I'm willing to accept any punishment, but please don't ever leave me. Let me enjoy this feeling of having an elder sister. Don't snatch this right for me….. please….." Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he adjusted the blanket on her and rested his head on her bed, still not willing to leave her.     

Two tears rolled down from Xiu Mei's cheeks. Her resentment against this adorable brother flew out of the window. She was sad knowing how much he got scared because of her.     

Through Jianyu's brothers she had witnessed what does siblings bonding means; no matter how much cold, ruthless, or aloof they behave; no matter how much bully they each other, but at the time of need they are like an unbreakable wall of support that they could rely upon without a thought.     

Saying she was not jealous of these four brothers would be a joke. She always wanted something like this for herself. Though Jianyu's brothers loved her, the feeling of having your own sibling is completely different.     

Xiu Mei sobbed, sniffing…                                                                                                                                                 

"Don't cry! Please…. I can handle anything but not this…" Zian sighed helplessly.     

Xiu Mei wrapped her arms around Zian's waist and hugged him, "Stupid… silly… idiot… Dare keep things from me again and I'll break your leg. Isn't it already enough that we didn't get the chance to spend our childhood together that you kept the truth from me? What if I had died…."     

"...Shhhh…" Zian stopped her from saying anything. "Not allowed to say anything bad. I'm letting you go this time but dare not bring this word on your tongue again." He sounded stern yet caring.     

"Fine! I won't!" She said. "But tell me why did you hide everything?"     

Zian looked at his mother standing not too far. "Mo family was always wary of Yang Sheng that's why they kept our identity hidden and never tell me the truth behind your and dad's death. They knew after knowing the truth I'll definitely go after Sheng to avenge. One day I found mom's old journal and came to know about the truth."     

"Secretly I was collecting information about Sheng, when one day my best friend and business partner Qiao Ting called me and said that he has seen a girl that looks like my mother. As a testimony elder Qiao and Uncle Qiao confirmed it too. My search brought me to Imperial city…"     

"But meeting the President of the nation is easier than meeting the President XM who lives a mysterious life." Xiu Mei chuckled at his response as he continued. "I got the best chance to meet you when Dr. Wang Shi contacted Elder Qiao Li for Mrs. Feng's surgery. Rest you know how we met at Qiao residence but disappointingly you came as a masked lady. So I got your DNA checked using the teacup and not so surprisingly you turned out to be the sister I lost years back."     

Xiu Mei poked his chest. "Then you should have told me instead of acting weird. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable I was by that mysterious gaze of yours?"     

"Sorry for that…." Zian nodded. "But when you disclosed about the device in Mrs. Feng's brain that was developed by father, I realized things are trickier than it seems. A bigger truth was kept hidden! And the way you planned everything carefully, I was sure you had some bigger motives but couldn't guess that the bigger motive was to bring father back who was held captive by Sheng."     

"If I had informed about you to Mo family, grandfather would have had instantly asked the third uncle to bring you back to them, stopping your mission in between. And no matter how much powerful you are, you cannot fight against the power of the Mo family."     

Xiu Mei looked up. "But what if the Mo family had come to know that father was alive? Do they still have made the same decision?"     

"Yes!" Zian said instantly. "They would have caged you in the house considering your young age and the fear of losing you once more while grandfather would have sent his force to rescue father." He saw Xiu Mei's frown and ruffled her hair. "I know! That's why I deliberately let you do everything and made sure to keep my eye on you. But the day I came to know that father was alive and you are going inside a wolf's den alone, I lost my patience and asked for help to be on the safe side and lead the Mo family forces here. Anyway, the timing was right as your plan was already executed. There was no looking back from that point."     

 "You did right, Jianyu had told me how Mo family forces actually helped them, otherwise…." Zian saw her hugging him back with a crying face, "But no more secrets! You dare not keep things from me."     

"No… I wouldn't dare. Promise!" He patted her back, throwing a scowling gaze at the four brothers who made her see the video. "No more crying, okay?… It's bad for your eyes."     

She froze hearing him talk about her eyes and looked up giving a confused look then alternating her gaze between Jianyu and Zian.     

Zian wiped her tears that were still glistening her pink cheeks. "They didn't tell me anything, don't forget I'm a doctor. When you fainted after Aunty Ning's surgery, I checked your eyes to examine you but discovered a horrible truth about them. Many times I wanted to ask you but couldn't gather the courage."     

Xiu Mei didn't answer but hugged him back. "Let bygones be bygones… It doesn't matter to me anymore."     

Zian didn't drag the topic and silently hugged her.     


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