We are destined.Let me pamper you

Jianyu didn’t take our daughter, but his wife.

Jianyu didn’t take our daughter, but his wife.

0A hug is an amazing thing…. It's just the perfect way to show the love you're feeling but can't find enough words to say. It's a silent way of communication that allows the person to know beyond a doubt that they matter.     

Xiu Mei threw herself in the arms of her mother and wailed like a small child. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. She cried unceasingly in her mother's chest, clutching her dress in between her fingers.     

This was the warmth she had craved all her life. Many times she had raised her head up in the air, questioning her existence. Many times she had desperately looked for a hug to soothe her broken soul. Many times she had hugged herself inside the blanket, crying for hours and later consoling herself by fake words.     


The muscles of her chin trembled, she pressed her mouth against Zeng Ruo's shoulder to stop making a sound but the walls that were holding her up all this while collapsed brick by brick, leaving her vulnerable. She can't hold herself strong anymore, she is free to let out her emotions in front of her parents, this is the first time she got the luxury of doing this.     

For once she wanted to be a little girl instead of President XM, the genius inventor. For God's sake, she has a right to do that.     

Zeng Ruo and Mo Zhichan saw their daughter's current state; they closed her tightly in their embrace. "Princess…."     

Xiu Mei fell on her knees, Zeng Ruo and Mo Zhichan followed to hold their daughter in their arm. The static in her head, the side effect of constant fear and constant stress she had lived with echoed.     

She tried to hold back her sobs, but the pain dug deep inside her heart came pouring out from her eyes. Everyone heard her sounds, like a distressed child, raw from inside bearing the pain of an open wound. That's the way it is when people have suffered in the long run. It's like theft of the spirit, an injury that no other person can see.     

The sound echoed in the VIP corridor, reaching every corner, as everyone panicked and rushed towards the lounge.     

Hearing Xiu Mei's cries, that came broken as her chest heaved for breath, no one was able to hold their tears from coming out. They had witnessed her struggles and they understand the importance of this moment for her. They knew when Xiu Mei was not able to get any information about her parents; it wracked her heart…     

If it was not for Feng Jianyu's constant support, she won't be able to come this far.     

Mo Zhichan looked down at his doll, he continued patting her back to comfort her unbridled emotions that came crashing at his being, melting his own heart.     

In the last few days, he had confronted Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu, demanding to tell him everything about Xiu Mei. He wanted to know about her childhood, where she lived, who takes care of her and every minute detail that concerns his daughter's life.     

Who would have thought Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu would not go in a roundabout way and reveal everything like an open book!     

They told him everything, starting from her life with Kong Zhi and then how she was placed under Kong Da's care, her running away from the Kong house, taking small jobs in Country Y to fulfill her dreams, the night seven years back, her meeting Zeng Shihong and how she become Xiu Mei from Alice.     

They didn't even hide what Yang Mi and Yang Shao did to her that night and shared her medical history and two years of recuperation period at Zeng Shihong's Island.     

Being a father he has every right to know about his daughter, and Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion respected his relation with Xiu Mei. They obviously left the decision of how much Mo Zhichan wanted to share with Zeng Ruo to him.     

Mo Zhichan's heart broke thinking about how Xiu Mei was fighting through all this alone. Despite being born into royalty, his daughter was forced to live a miserable life and was tortured by enemies. How dare they? Rage filled his entire being.     

But hearing how Xiu Mei managed to build her name in the field of science fighting against all odds made him feel proud of. Yes…. he is a proud father of the famous President XM. He would gladly accept being called as XM's father instead of her being known as Mo Zhichan's daughter.     

Xiu Mei's emotions stirred like ocean currents, deep and strong, knocking her sandcastles flat. Today she is going to let this out and never going to let it build up again. The salty tears are only a blessed release, it's the way she chose to cope and somewhat communicate with her parents.     

She looked up from his parent's embrace who were holding her silently, rocking her in their arms as she soaked their clothes. Blinking her heavy lashes soaked in tears she touched their cheeks to confirm if it was a reality or her mind playing tricks. "Mum… dad…"     

Mo Zhichan grabbed Xiu Mei's hand and kissed it multiple times, "We are here princess…. It's a reality. We are here for you."     

She dived in their embrace once more, let her cherish this moment. Her soul needs to be compensated for the thousands of hugs and kisses she had missed.     

I can't stop…. I can't stop…. Why can't I stop crying?     

"Don't leave me again. Please… mum… please, dad… I need you."     

"Yes… Yes…we are not leaving you again." Zeng Ruo promised her, she shared a glance at Mo Zhichan who patted Xiu Mei's back, he leaned down to place a kiss on her hair.     

After what seemed like an eternity her body gave up, as she slept in her parent's arms peacefully. When they could hear no more crying, Zeng Ruo checked her gently. "S-she slept."     

Mo Zhichan caressed Xiu Mei's hair. "Let her take a nap. Now that the things have settled her heart must be at ease, prompting her to take a nap in her mother's embrace."     

 "I'll take her back to her room." Feng Jianyu moved to take Xiu Mei but Zeng Ruo stopped him with her palm.     

"No thank you!" Zeng Ruo shifted his gaze at Zian who was standing with Wang Shi. "Zian take her. Give her a thorough check-up and see if we could take her back to Country T."     

Feng Jianyu frowned.     

"Ru…. What are you saying?" it confused Mo Zhichan. Zeng Ruo never brought up the topic of taking Qinyang to Country T then how come suddenly she decided to take her.      

Nevertheless, the right to decision belongs to Feng Jianyu, it's not a secret that he is Xiu Mei's husband. Isn't it right for the latter to let him take her to Imperial city and if not, at least ask Feng Jianyu's opinion?     

"Sister Ruo is right, Zhichan." Mo Muxing came dressed in military uniform, came along his son Mu Tianfeng. "The air ambulance is on standby for the last few days. We only waited for Qinqin to get better first before shifting her. Now that her condition is better, it's the time we leave the country….."     

"Jianyu…." A meek voice sounded.     

Mo Muxing cut off abruptly seeing Xiu Mei protest in her sleep when Zian tried to pick her up in his arms. She scrunched in fear the moment Zian touched her.     

Feng Jianyu instantly moved. Despite Zeng Ruo glaring daggers at him, he crouched down and first coaxed Xiu Mei by caressing her gently before picking her up in his arms.     

Without a word, he left the room with Xiu Mei. Anyway, there was no need for any dialogue; everything was crystal clear by Xiu Mei's small gesture.     

"How dare he take my daughter despite my warning?" Zeng Ruo fumed in anger.     

"Jianyu didn't take our daughter, but his wife." Mo Zhichan reminded everyone.     

"Tianfeng, ask the officers to stay on alert. And you personally guard your sister; this Feng family can't be trusted. Qinqin is too innocent to understand their cunning tactics." Mo Muxing ordered his son. He looked back at Mo Zhichan. "Don't tell me you are again siding with them. Did you forget everything happened because of Feng Dingxiong and their rivalry against Yangs? If it was not for you helping him years back, nothing would have happened."     

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