We are destined.Let me pamper you

Once more

Once more

0The spider turned on its back and something tiny, a ball-like thing fell down from it before the compartment closed again. When that happened he noticed the Nano-circuits and wires inside it!     

 The spider continued writing on the dried blood. [EAR]     

Everyone crossed their finger and silently hoped that Mo Zhichan would put the thing inside his ear.     

He picked the spider and the tiny thing that dropped from its back before erasing whatever it wrote on the blood. By now he understood it was a machine, asking him to place the thing inside his ear. He is a genius scientist too, looking at the design he understood it's a satellite device.     

Someone wants to speak to him! But why? And who?     

But he contemplated whether he should do it or not.     

Everyone celebrated when he anyway put the thing inside his ear and waited for the other party to say something.     

Till a second ago Xiu Mei still maintained a calm appearance, but now the anxiety was at its peak. Inwardly she was dying to talk to her father but words don't come up.     

With the little push of Jianyu and Lu Xion, she started with trembling lips. "H-Hello….."     

Mo Zhichan felt goosebumps burst on his skin hearing the tender voice. It's been decades he has heard a voice as sweet as this.     

He waited for her to continue. The spider camera showed his face on the computer screen. With the help of the speaker, everyone could hear the man's voice but till now no word has come from his mouth.     

Xiu Mei: "M-my name is Xiu Mei. I'm here with a message to tell you to please hold on a little longer. Don't lose hope; someone is going to come for you."     

Mo Zhichan sensed a familiarity in the voice but he could not point out where exactly he has heard this voice. "Who are you?"     

"Xiu Mei…."     

"That's not what I'm asking."     

"Elder Mo has asked me to give you the message." Xiu Mei lied. What if her father refused to believe she is his daughter? After all, he cannot see her face.     

"Wrong answer! My father doesn't know I'm alive. Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited two decades to rescue me. Tell me who are you?" The more he hears her voice the greater he sensed familiarity.     

Xiu Mei bites her lips.     


Xiu Mei looked up and saw Feng Jianyu holding his phone on loudspeaker towards her laptop. It was Feng Dingxiong's voice that echoed.     

'When did he call his father?' Xiu Mei gave a confused look but saw him blinking his eyes in assurance.     

Mo Zhichan instantly recognized his best friend's voice. "Dingxiong?"     

Feng Dingxiong's voice shook. "Yes…. it's me! I'm sorry Zhichan…. I'm sorry."     

Mo Zhichan looked around and buried his face in between his knees to hide from everyone's eyes. "Where is my daughter? Tell me, is she alive? Tell me everything about her. And what about Ruo? My wife…. Where is my family, Dingxiong? Is it right Yang Mi and Yang Sheng killed everyone? But yesterday I saw my daughter being tortured by someone. She looks like Ruo… How is she? Where is she? Can you please ask father to save my baby girl? Someone had hurt her! I saw her crying! Please…."     

Drop, drop, drop…. Xiu Mei's tears starting falling down like raindrops. Fathers are so special, even in this condition the first thing that he asked was about his daughter and instead of asking to save him he asked to save his daughter.     

Blinking her lashes she cleared her misty eyes only to be watered again.     

Feng Dingxiong chuckled, "Your daughter doesn't need protection, she is a warrior now. The sweet voice you heard just a while ago belongs to her. She is just scared to tell you! I've lots of things to say and to apologize but right now I won't hold up this father-daughter moment. Talk to her!..... Jianyu, don't cut the call…. I want to hear them talk! It's a moment worth witnessing."     

Silence ensued…     

The only sound that came was Xiu Mei's sniffing.     

Mo Zhichan broke the silence, "Q-Qinyang…."     

Xiu Mei instantly covered her mouth. This was the first time when someone has called her with her real name.     

And it's the man who gave her the very name. Her father!     

Her shoulders trembled, tears rolled down on her face like a water dam.     

Mo Zhichan got panicked when he heard her crying. "P-Princess….my baby…. Are you okay, child?" His voice choked in his throat. His emotions flowed through his eyes.     


"Oh! My baby…. Once more….."     


He let out a breath from the bottom of his soul. "Once more child… once more…."     


"Keep saying… your father is greedy! I've never heard this word before… please."     

"Dad…. Dad…. Dad…." Mo Zhichan hears his daughter's voice, the fatherly love that had dried believing she was dead, once more crawled up from the depths of his heart, craving to hug her in his embrace and keep her safe from the cruel world. He frowned. "Wait! Yesterday Yang Sheng showed me the video….."     

Xiu Mei: "Ignore it! He was trying to play with you. I'm absolutely fine."     

"No… that video was genuine. Tell me the truth, did that ever happened to you?"     

Xiu Mei gulped, "Why are you talking about insignificant things...The important point is I'm fine… and I miss you…. I love you…. and I'm waiting for you to come back to me…."     

Mo Zhichan smiled self-deprecatingly, "If you've reached to me inside this cage, I'm sure you know everything already. For me, coming back to you is not possible. And being a father, I don't want to see my daughter in this hell."     

Xiu Mei wiped her tears. "No! I'm coming for you. I'll get you out of there at any cost. Just trust me! Please don't lose hope."     

"NO… You're not allowed to come here. It's my order. Yang Sheng is not an easy enemy to deal with. The things he wants from me will make him invincible. Until now if I've not given in to his demands is because he has nothing to force me. But with you my child I'll be helpless... please don't put your father in this predicament."     

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