We are destined.Let me pamper you

Yang Jun

Yang Jun

0Yang Zian's face involuntarily darkened. "Wrong! My father had no brother but only a sister i.e. Aunt Yang Mi. And the woman you are calling someone else's wife is my mother, my father's second wife. He married my mother when his first wife died."     

"Oh! As per your statement, your father married your mother, but did Rucheng ever treated you like his other son when he was alive? Or your experience of growing up was completely different, the exact opposite?" Yang Zian clenched his fist; he could not find a word to retort her.     

Indeed, even when Yang Rucheng was alive all he cared for was Yang Sheng. Hw gave him a good education to take over the business, pampered like a prince and even allowed to bully and use Yang Zian for his personal gains.     

He was only three when Yang Rucheng when instead of giving fatherly love he pushed him for the cruel training to make his body strong and become the killer machine. Instead of toys, he gave him guns and daggers to practice on alive humans, thereby slowly killing his innocent self.     

He was barely ten when Yang Sheng became the family head at the age of twenty-four and from that day his already miserable life worsened when on the orders of Yang Sheng doctors started giving him drugs resulting to abnormal body growth.     

"How about a story? Don't worry I'll make it short." Xiu Mei got up with a smile and circled around Yang Zian, before leaning against the table decorated with torture equipment. "Once upon a time there was a happy family of five. The Patriarch used to go for the business early morning and the mother took care of her two kids at home. Out of those three children, the eldest one was an aggressive and violent child from the beginning, when he was seven he once stabbed the pencil into another child's eye."     

"After the incident, they forced the child into anger management programs and see various therapists and psychiatrists. To worse, instead of any improvement, he became more violent and watching his elder brother doing all this his baby sister started following his steps. I hope you understood who this troubled brother-sister duo is? If not…. They're Yang Rucheng and Yang Mi." She answered.     

"Months passed by but the two kids showed no improvement. Afraid that his youngest son will be equally affected, the patriarch sends him to his wife's parents in a different country and let him grow under their care. Luckily, the third child was nothing like the other two, he was intelligent, loyal, and hardworking and cool-headed. The man in the photo is the third child."     

"The patriarch knew that his eldest son was not capable of taking care of the business. For his greed and hunger for power, the eldest son will bring the business down to ruins. So he changed his old will and gave the company shares to the youngest. While the eldest son and daughter got the properties and tangible assets. He was not biased, in reality, the values of three portions were the same, yet his elder son felt jealous when he overheard his father talking to his lawyer."     

While playing with a knife, she raised her eyes to see Yang Zian but surprisingly all the people present there were looking at her with glued eyes. She even noticed a small frown on some faces when she stopped the story abruptly. She felt like Scheherazade narrating Arabian nights. [1]     

"Cough…." She cleared her throat before beginning, "Before the Patriarch could sign the new will, something else happened. Two days later the Patriarch and his wife were found dead in their bedroom in the pretense of murdered for burglary. They were butchered by a cleaver. Yang Rucheng and Yang Mi were cleared of charges as they claimed to be at their friends' place."     

"It's obvious, the old will was implemented and Yang Rucheng and Yang Mi ended up with maximum things. Anyway, the youngest kid was never interested in the property, he just paid his last tribute to his parents and returned to his maternal grandparents, live a peaceful life away from his siblings."     

"Years passed by and one day Yang Rucheng came to know his maternal grandfather had died, leaving behind his humongous property and flourishing diamond business for the third sibling. It enraged Yang Rucheng, as his mother was the sole kid of her parents so technically everything was supposed to be divided between the three equally. How come it ended with the third sibling?"     

"Out of jealousy and feeling wrong of the treatment, Yang Sheng went looking for his younger brother but what welcomed him was the younger brother's beautiful wife. Her beautiful face instantly mesmerized him and wanted her for himself." She pointed at the picture, "She is the woman I'm talking about. Beautiful, Right? You look like her….. except your cheekbones and eyes. thatttttttt….. Oh! It matches with the man in the picture. If you know what I mean! But I think someone else should narrate the next part of the story."     

She looked at a direction; a man came with his hands clasped behind, straight back and soft yet a nervous expression on his face. He smiled at Yang Zian, extending his hand to wipe the blood at the corner of his lips.     

Yang Zian's hair stood at its end by the gentle touch. Other than his wife and kids he was never caressed like this. "Son…." The man's voice quivered, "I…..I….M-My name is Jun…. Yang Jun." Assistant Jun gulped seeing Yang Zian's curious gaze on his face.     

Yang Zian knew all this was the truth, yet he wanted to turn a blind eye to the fate. He had laughed at Alice's life many times but today his own life has become a laughingstock.     

He had never imagined that his own life was written with the same pen as that of her, even worse.     

"H-how…. How s-she….." He wanted to know about his mother, but words refused to come out of Yang Zian's throat.     

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