We are destined.Let me pamper you

High five on the face

High five on the face

0Zian beamed in happiness seeing Xiu Mei entered the venue. His eyes can't stop praising how charismatic his sister is attracting everyone's attention. Undoubtedly she is a Mo by blood ah! A true princess!     

Holding back his excitement he remained seated, pulled off the mask of nonchalance in order to not raise any suspicion.     

Peeking from a deep blue mask embellished with diamonds, Xiu Mei's eyes looked at the elegant venue. Instead of holding the banquet in the closed enclosure of the hotel, it was arranged in the lush green garden making the atmosphere lively.     

They easily caught the attention of the people already present there, attracting both hateful and appreciative glares. Xiu Mei felt all the hateful glares were directed towards her and are coming from the young women present. Isn't it obvious the famous CEO Feng Jianyu who has never allowed his photographs to be printed was now standing right in front of them? They had only heard about him, but least they knew that he has such an outstanding appearance that could easily shroud the appearance of the men present at the banquet.     

 Subconsciously her grip tightened around Feng Jianyu's elbow and she averted her eyes haughtily. 'He's mine! Forget it! XM is possessive for her things… And this raw meat is only for me to eat.' She huffed inwardly.     

Feng Jianyu patted her hand and whispered, "Yes, I'm all yours to eat. Relax!"     

She asked shockingly, "Did I say it loudly?"     

Feng Jianyu: "Of course, you were so loud in your heart that it reached my heart."     

Xiu Mei "…."     

On the other side, Xiu Mei attracted the attention of many men not only because of her appearance but because of the various inventions she has come up with. For the young men, she was a goddess of their dreams that could only be appreciated from far if they dare to approach closer the monster beside her would eat them alive. Yes…. They didn't miss how Feng Jianyu was holding her hand like she is a precious treasure.     

There's definitely something brewing in between them! Otherwise, why would these two aloof people not let go of each other's side?     

Although the President of Country Z was supposed to be the host of the party, because of his upcoming surgery, the Vice President took over the charge, playing the role of the host perfectly. Above that, there was no family member representing the President. His wife was with him in the hospital while his only daughter, Yang Zian's wife was in secret captivity of Yang Sheng.     

One by one Philips Petrov introduced the VIPs of the country to Qingzhou and being the special guest the couple followed even though they were not interested in any of these.     

From the peripheral vision of her eyes, she didn't fail to notice a man in a white business suit on the corner most table on the right.     


He was seated with another man, obviously, she instantly recognized him, Yang Zian. But she felt something weird about him, she could not pinpoint it exactly but something was wrong.     

Unlike other guests, he didn't walk up to them but remained seated at his table.     

When everyone was done, she realized Philips Petrov had no intention to go to Yang Sheng's table, but he has to give a face to the President of Country Z whose son-in-law was seated there.     

The moment Yang Sheng's gaze collided with his, he raised his wineglass towards her but she ignored.     

"He is Mr. Yang Sheng one of the prominent businessman of the country? And he is Mr. Yang Zian President's son-in-law and Mr. Sheng's younger brother." Philips Petrov said when he reached Yang Sheng's table.     

Qingzhou just greeted them out of formality and left with Philips to carry on with the ceremony, leaving the couple.     

"Hello President XM, I finally got the chance to meet you. I've heard so much about you that your sudden arrival to the country aroused my curiosity and brought me here. Here's a toast in your honor." Yang Sheng greeted before he downed the glass of wine in his hand. His sentence contained lots of hidden meanings and dangers that only a handful of people understood.     

Xiu Mei excused herself and turned to pick the glass of champagne, but before accepting the glass she glanced at the server to make sure he is one of her men. "Mr. Sheng." She faked a smile and took a sip. "Of course I've to come here…. I can settle a few things only in this country. You know…. old debts…."     

"Really? Does someone owe you something?" Yang Sheng perked his eyebrow up. Xiu Mei pretended to look at him, but her eyes took notice of Yang Zian who was taking the support of the table to stand.     

"Lots of things. It will be daylight if I start naming them. But nothing to worry, the dog will be soon butchered just like his obnoxious father." She answered, hooking her other hand around Feng Jianyu's. Her face contained a mockery that she didn't hesitate to throw at Yang Sheng's face.     

Yang Sheng's face turned dark. Xiu Mei doesn't know how he managed to pull a fake smile at her sentence. What an actor! "Who?" He raised his chin up, cocked his head slightly, the sound of gritting of teeth was practically audible to other people present at the table.     

Feng Jianyu wanted to laugh at his face. Was he trying to scare them by doing this? What was he pretending? He chuckled, "Looks like Mr. Sheng got offended when you called him a dog and his father an obnoxious man. You just gave him a high five in the face along with a chair." He said in the voice that's only audible to the men present at the table.     

"Say that again?" Yang Sheng took a step ahead casting a murderous aura that was ineffective on Feng Jianyu. He was provoked further when XM covered her mouth, trying to suppress the laughter.     

No one has ever dared to say a word against him, even the President is working at his orders yet they dared to provoke him at his own territory.     

Do they really think they'll ever be able to leave the country? He has already ordered his scientists to prepare another glass cage beside Mo Zhichan to add Feng Jianyu to his collection of toys.     

While this woman…. Whether she is Alice or not, instead of killing her, she will be more suited to become his wife. There he will teach her what type of man he is! Saying he is not affected by her beauty and intelligence would be a joke. Now he wants everything from this woman.     

"Jianyu…." She pretended to feel wronged for Yang Sheng and gave a look to Jianyu before shifting her gaze to Yang Sheng. "Don't be offended by his words. He was not insulting you or your father but describing you both. The entire business circle knows what Yang Rucheng did with Feng Corporation and how he was killed in a police encounter while running away from the prison. Wasn't he your father?" She raised her voice a few octaves grabbing everyone's attention; enjoying the fact that Yang Sheng had kept it hidden from everyone.     

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