We are destined.Let me pamper you

Clever Yang Mi

Clever Yang Mi

0Yang Mi looked at the remote control in Yang Sheng's hand; she cursed inwardly knowing what that thing is and what he is up to. Her eyes looked at Yang Zian pleadingly, hoping he will save his aunt.     

But to her disappointment Yang Zian lowered his eyes, his gaze looked everywhere but her. It's not that he was not feeling bad for his aunt, but he is a selfish human. He has a family, a wife, two kids and a dog; all are in constant watch of Yang Sheng. One wrong step and Yang Sheng will bring them to this room.     

"Bloody bastard!" Yang Mi cursed.                

Yang Sheng's eerie laugh echoed as he looked at Yang Zian. "That he is." He threw the glass before he walked towards her, waving the remote control as if teasing. "If you're thinking someone will come to save you, you better chuck the thought out of your mind. All your men will meet the same fate as these." Without breaking the eyes contact he pointed at the glass window, a grin broke on his face. "I can think of giving you an easy death, but for that call your bastard son, tell him to transfer Feng Corporation's shares, and properties under my name. And don't forget to transfer the money that's lying in your account. It's officially mine!"     

"You…" Yang Mi's nose flared, her eyes protrude out in anger. "Son of a bitch! What are you pretending for? Tell me where is Shao? What have you done to him? I know you've hated me and Shao all the years for not being able to recreate brain controlling devices and failing to convince Mo Zhichan to work with us. Just wait and watch, the moment I'll get out of here, I'll kill you."     

Despite having a complete design of the brain controlling device, Yang Shao failed to make another of it. Not only that, neither Yang Mi and nor her son could convince Mo Zhichan to give the blueprints and start a new life away from the caged world.     

"Get out? Don't be delusional! You will stay here until I get back what you and that bastard took away from me. You dare to inform the authorities about the Radium smuggling in exchange of money, your son allied with Feng Dingxiong to free Liu Ning, next what? Trying to run away from me?  Don't tell me you never thought to take Mo Zhichan with you? Is this the reason why you send your right-hand man and bed buddy to your place?" Yang Sheng sneered.     

Yang Mi's eyes widened hearing about her right-hand man. She had sent him to get Mo Zhichan, but her intention was not to run away, instead she wanted to transfer him to a new place where she'll be hiding away from Yang Sheng and find out about her son.     

Above that, earlier she had left for the airport because Yang Shao called him and asked for help. He was groaning in pain, his voice came broken, painting heavily he only said that his life is in danger, Yang Sheng's men are after him and he is hiding at the warehouse near the airport. The line went off amidst talking and no matter how many times Yang Mi called him; the call never went through.     

Lost in thoughts a known sound caught her attention, her heart stopped beating. Frantically she looked at the metal chains tied around her wrist and then at the wall where the other end of the metal chain was hooked to a pulley.     

The pulley started rotating, wrapping the long metal chain around it. "Are you calling or not?" Yang Sheng's voice echoed.     

Yang Mi frowned, she failed to understand Yang Sheng 's behaviour. Why is he thinking Yang Shao has left the country? Isn't he in his captivity? Every clue pointed at Yang Sheng, she found the 'hand' on his personal property, her son took Sheng's name, and here he is behaving as if they have betrayed him.     

Or maybe..... Maybe someone had planned everything against them. Or is it true that Yang Shao betrayed her…. After all, she went to the airport after getting a call from Shao, did he set a trap for her? No No… her son can never betray her!     

Suddenly the pulley started pulling her left hand, a loud scream escaped her mouth, "STOP…. STOP…."     

Yang Sheng paused.     

"Are you calling him?" Yang Sheng waved his hand, his men threw a phone inside Yang Mi's cage.     

She rubbed her shoulder, "Listen to me! It's true that something went wrong with the device, but we didn't do it. Trust me. I don't even know how the money came to my bank account. And why would I inform the authorities, am I not equally involved in your business?" She licked her dried lips, "And I'm sure even Shao is innocent. Did we betray you before, why would we do it now? I'm sure someone has planned all this against us. Investigate it properly. And what about the hand we found at your property? Doesn't it belongs to Shao?"     

Yang Sheng smiled….     

Getting the hint, Yang Zian picked a report from the table and gave it to Yang Mi. "Shao's blood group is O+ve but the blood group of the amputated hand is AB-ve. The hand does not belong to Yang Shao."     

It was not Yang Shao's hand but one of Yang Sheng's men whom Feng Jin killed in an encounter when he tried to run away when the authorities seized the radium.     

Everything was a mind game played by Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei….     

It relieved Yang Mi that the hand does not belong to her son, but the question remained same, where is Shao? Why did he say Yang Sheng wanted to kill him whereas Yang Sheng is oblivious of everything? Who could have done all this? Who can plan so big to frame her and her son effortlessly? And why?     

Now she was sure, it can't be the coincidence that everything happened all at once. Firstly the authorities seized the radium, then money transfer, then Shao disappeared and then the device failed for no reason. Suddenly she recalled…. Isn't the device stopped working for thirty seconds two days back? Why only thirty seconds? Why not longer?     

She had a lightbulb moment….     

Because someone was testing it.....     

When the test was successful, they switched the device to resume working, to avoid suspicion. How clever!     

Who can find out about Radium? Who is rich enough to transfer billions of dollars in her account using an unknown identity? Who can convince Feng Dingxiong to transfer shares and properties to Shao's name? Who can effortlessly destroy the device leaving no trace?     

Someone who understands machines and computers…..     

Machines, to destroy the device in Liu Ning's brain….and computers, to erase the trace and do the work remotely.     

Machines and computers? She frowned….     

The only person who understands both and known as a genius in both the fields is President XM.     

"PRESIDENT XM…." She yelled. "Don't forget the woman who claimed to be Alice. What if she is behind all this? What if President XM really is Alice? Alice was a genius when she was sixteen, hacking into your server to get information about Radium, transferring the money in my account, allying with Feng Dingxiong to destroy the device in Liu Ning's brain, she is fully capable to do all this.... And she has a motive too." She said it all in one breath.     

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