We are destined.Let me pamper you

No one to me

No one to me

0Xiu Mei gazed her face in the mirror, her brain keeps on playing the incident in a loop like a stuck recording.     

Looking at Yang Zian's phone that they had seized from him she was walking with Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion on her side.     

All her attention was on the phone.     

Zian was walking right behind her once peeked in the phone and received an elbow blow in response.     

The next thing she saw was the man with raised dagger.....      

She shook her head before scrubbing the blood stains from her hands and splashed cold water on her face. Instead of being sad, dejected, she was angry….. angry at Zian for taking the decision of her life. Who gave him the right to die on her?     

"You okay?" The moment she stepped out of the washroom, Feng Jianyu rushed towards her. She let out a sigh and nodded.     

"Sister, bro…. Senior cousin wants to talk to you. Zian woke up." They heard Feng Junjie say.     

As she stepped into the doors she was welcomed by Zian sitting on the bed with a sling tied around his right shoulder to immobilize the right side of his upper body.     

"L-little…. Cough…. XM are you fine." Zian looked her up from top to toe and felt relaxed seeing him unscathed.     

"How is he?" Xiu Mei ignored Zian, her gaze looked at Wang Shi before shifting back to the injured man.     

"Well… Dr. Zian was lucky that the dagger didn't hit his spine or any other vital organs probably because the attacker's hands were cuffed, it halved the impact of the throw. However it penetrated two inches inside Rhomboideus muscle…. In simpler words one of the shoulder muscles." Wang Shi eyed Zian critically before adding. "You better not move your shoulder for a week and let the wound heal. I'm refraining you from performing any surgery until I declare you fit."     

Zian saw Wang Shi signing the documents and handing it over to him. It horrified Zian seeing the signature in black. In the medical world, if a doctor is caught doing a surgery despite being declared medically unfit it can cost him his career.     

"I've a surgery to perform on the President of Country Z." Zian complained. "It's an important part of the plan. Did you forget?"     

"Everyone…. I need a moment with Zian. Alone! Jianyu…. You can stay." She ignored him once more and waited as everyone left the room one by one. He gulped seeing Xiu Mei's ashen eyes, understanding she is upset.     

He saw her closing the distance and came near the bed with hands at the waist. "When you fainted you called me Jie, what do you mean by that?"     

Zian "…"'Is that the reason she's upset? Or is she suspecting me?'     

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Umm…. That…. I-I've heard Feng Junjie calling you sister, so maybe the word just slipped out…"     

Xiu Mei saw him avoid making an eye contact and hesitating. She would be a fool to not understand he was hiding something. "First, you are no one to me! It would be best if you keep everything formal between us. Once everything is done we'll go our separate ways." She made a deliberate pause before adding. "Second, you're part of MY plan not because I've a use for you, but because I was afraid you might do something wrong out of desperation and ruin my plans. But that does not mean you've the right to decide my life and death. Next time you dare do something like this and I'll lock you up in the room until I'm done with everything. Do you understand?"     

Zian felt bad being reprimanded for no reason. "You didn't even ask if I'm fine or not. Neither you hold my hand and thanked me for saving you." He behaved like a bullied kid.     

Xiu Mei wanted to puke blood.     

Did he not hear what she say just now?     

"I didn't ask because I've a good comprehensibility and have understood Dr. Wang Shi's words clearly. But it seems you're lacking in that department." She took out her phone and made a transaction of hundred million dollars to Zian's account who frowned when he checked the message with the other hand. "That's my way of showing gratitude. Next time don't repeat the stunt….. Look at me…" Zian looked at her as she leaned closer and pointed at her red lips. She slowly enunciated word by word. "DO NOT REPEAT…. YOU ARE NO ONE TO ME."     

Feng Jianyu chuckled at her words. She had said the same words to him once and now he is everything to him. How ironic!     

Zian saw her leaving with Feng Jianyu and chuckled. "I'll make you change this line. One day I'll be something to you, jie-jie." He brings up the phone to see the message from the bank. "Hmm… Zian this is angry Squirrel's first gift to you. You better add to it and buy something special for her."     


"Savage chipmunk." Feng Jinayu pinched her cheek. She slapped his hands away feeling annoyed.     

"Shut up, Jianyu. I would have reprimanded you and Xion too if any of you had done that."     

"Naah… By now you would be a crying mess if it was me or Xion." His sentence made him receive a slap on his arm. "Anyway, the man who threw the dagger did that on Yang Sheng's command." She looked at him surprised and Feng Jianyu passed the information he got from Rong Xiang.     

Xiu Mei skimmed through the information.     

Deng Fa was a loyal man working for the hospital since its incorporation. However, a sudden need of money for his son's cancer treatment, medicines, and other charges forced him to choose a wrong path. When Yang Sheng's men contacted him he found it as the opportunity to get money for his son and joined hands instantly.     

"Yang Sheng surely knows how to take advantage of people's need." She felt disgusted. "But why would Yang Sheng order him to kill me? Doesn't he have use for me?"     

"That only he can answer. Upon Rong Xiang's interrogated he tried to bite his tongue. For now doctors have gagged him." He opened the door to Deng Fa's room who was taking a rest.     

 Although a culprit in everyone's eyes, in the doctor's eyes he was a patient who needed an immediate medical attention.     

The Doctors successfully took the bullets out from his thigh and waist.     

"Your son died during the treatment, Deng Fa." Xiu Mei walked in without knocking and broke the news.     

He looked at her horrified and tried to break free from the cuffs tied on all four sides.     

Xiu Mei sat down on the chair with an expressionless face. But with her eyes she was clearly mocking the man lying on the bed.     

Feng Jianyu called the bodyguard in. "Make sure no one from his family sees him again. If they insist throw them out of the hospital. And yes….. no cemetery should accept his son's body for cremation. Even better donate the body to medical students. Let them learn from it."     

Feng Jianyu's words provoked him, he violently jerked his body, made sounds from throat to get their attention. He relaxed a little when getting the order the bodyguard removed his mouth gag.     

"N-no… please… I beg you. Not my son…. At least spare his body…. Please…. Don't touch him….. He is innocent in this." He started sobbing the moment gag was removed. He was aware of the power of the person standing in front. "Let me see my son one last time...please…. then you can do whatever you wanted to… please….. I was helpless….."     

 "Being helpless does not give you the right to attempt on my woman's life." Feng Jianyu said coldly. "And now that you have done, face the consequences."     

Feng Jianyu's words pricked him mercilessly, the more he thinks of it the more he felt guilty for his son. He chose wrong path and his son is the one who received the punishment. Is it a karma?     

Xiu Mei glanced at Feng Jianyu and nodded. "What was the deal they offered you?"     

Deng Fa looked up at the woman.     

"Tell me everything, I won't let my man do any of this." She said.     

He nodded, "A man of unknown identity offered me more money for keeping him updated about Yang Zian's moves in the hospital and become his backup if something goes wrong. If I did everything correctly, they'll immediately transfer the money in the bank account."     

Xiu Mei: "What backup are you talking about?"     

"He asked me to send your photograph and follow whatever order comes after that." He saw her frowning looking at something in his mobile but continued when the woman eyed him sharply. "I was hiding this phone all the time in my shirt's sleeves, and the next order was to ki…."     

"…..to kill me and Yang Zian? Right? And for that he offered you ten times the money that will directly hit your wife's account." She got up from the chair. "Stupidity! How was you going to convey them that the task is done."     

"He said he has his own ways to know about it. Once everything is confirmed he will transfer the money... but I don't want any money... I want my son back….." He started sobbing.     

"Your son is receiving his treatment. But be prepared to face him and your family when they'll know what you did. Your son will blame himself for everything throughout his life!" her voice echoed as she walked out.     


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