We are destined.Let me pamper you

I’ll get satisfying revenge for you along with mine

I’ll get satisfying revenge for you along with mine

0Xiu Mei lowered her head, she understood he caught her.     

"It's not her fault. I wanted to talk to her in private that's why brought her to the storeroom." Hearing  Zian's explanation Xiu Mei's wanted to strangle him right there. He made it sound like there's something brewing in between them.     

"SHUT UP!" She snarled at Zian and decided that it was best for her to tell the exact reason. "I was upset for some reason and wanted some alone time. I don't know how, but Zian followed me and nursed my hand. Later we had some discussions about Yeng Sheng and.... I had informed Jin about the second base, he'll keep us updated." She told the entire story of their conversation excluding the part where she overheard Junjie's conversation.     

Feng Jianyu took her bandaged hand in his, he looked calm but Xiu Mei knows this is just a facade. He will show his real self in the bedroom….. or should I say on the bed.     

Felt upset? Alone time? Wounded her hand?     

He should have not let her go alone.     

Leave her alone for a few minutes and she'll never return unscathed.     

"Let's go!" He took her with him, hand in hand.     


At Feng Manor                                                          

Feng Jin called Xiu Mei, she put the phone on the speaker to let everyone hear the conversation including Zian.     

Feng Jin informed her, "Sister, computers didn't detect Mr. M...…."     

Xiu Mei didn't let him complete the sentence and interrupted, "I know! I cross-checked everything."     

A few hours passed by, and Feng Jin called them to inform about the base hidden in Jaguar Wilds. To Xiu Mei's disappointment, her super Computers didn't find Mo Zhichan there. The information turned out to be useful yet a waste for her.     

Feng Jianyu shot a look to Xiu Mei, "Destroy it." He coldly ordered without looking at the phone.     

Xiu Mei felt his hand ruffling her hair, pulling her into his warm embrace. She silently nodded her head to let him know she's fine.     

It was their silent way of communication.     

Zian looked at the man with sharp eyes, and then he looked at Xiu Mei. What is their relationship with each other? Why is she not objecting to Jianyu's touch? Forget Jianyu, she doesn't mind when any of Feng men or Wang Shi touch her. What does that mean? How is he different from them?     

He had heard the rumor that the Feng family's first master is gay. But it seems it was just a rumor. He definitely has some special relationship with President XM. Suddenly his eyes caught attention of the ring on Xiu Mei's hand.     

Realization struck….     

So that's the reason the entire Feng family treats her so well.     

He chuckled inwardly….. 'Sorry brother Ting, XM is someone else's. You're late!'     

As if feeling a gaze on herself, Xiu Mei turned her face towards Zian with a questionable look. He got conscious of being caught red-handed and coughed.     

"Are you looking for someone in Yang Sheng's base?" He was curious about the identity of Mr. M, before he could hear his full name Xiu Mei had interrupted Feng Jin.     

"None of your concern." She snapped. He nodded in understanding and dropped the topic.     

"I was right about the address of second base." He said, "Are we joining hands?"     

"Is this your condition to tell me the coordinates of the third base?" She leaned back on the sofa comfortably, scrutinizing Zian's expressions. He does not emit dangerous vibes, but she could tell he is a walking, talking box of secrets.     

Whether she should trust him is debatable.     

He smirked. Xiu Mei saw him taking out a piece of paper from the pocket and writing something on it. Then he placed the paper on the table, securing it with the coaster. "I never intended to place conditions. I want to join hands with you to kill Yeng Sheng and Yang Mi. That's it." The fierce anger and rage are visible in his eyes as he took Yang Sheng and Yang Mi's name. "It's your right to reject me, but it's my choice to follow you. Let's see who's more stubborn, XM or Zian."     

Leisurely he settled down on the couch across her, his legs crossed over each other. He might seem young but that does not reduce his confidence in front of Feng Jianyu.     

Surprisingly, his behavior was a little relaxed and friendly when they conversed in the storeroom. But right now it was overflowing with power and confidence.     

A moment of silence followed.     

She turned to look at Feng Jianyu who does not interfere, letting her make her own decision. She picked the paper and put it inside the pocket. "Thank you for this. Don't worry; I'll get satisfying revenge for you along with mine. I swear to personally send them to the doors of hell. Be assured!"     

If Zian thinks by doing this he can target Xiu Mei's weakness of being emotional, then he's wrong. She would take the damn coordinates shamelessly, get her revenge and move on. Trust is still the most important thing for her.     

She continued, "As far as joining hands with you is concerned, I don't have any use for you. Forget about it!"     

"As you wish." Zian placed his card on the table, he got up. "President of Country Z's only daughter is Yang Sheng's younger brother Yang Zian's wife. At present the old man is in a lot of pressure because of Yang Sheng, therefore he'll never give permission to Feng Jin's team to destroy the base. And if Feng Jin dared, I'm afraid he'll be declared as the nation's enemy. President will leave no stone unturned to manipulate the evidence."     

He saw the frown on Xiu Mei's face and continued, "Not only that, if Feng Jin dared to show the videos of the base to anyone, his mouth will be shut forever. Because no matter how capable Feng Jin is he cannot fight against the entire country.     

Take my advice…. Ask Feng Jin to not take any action and stay low key, otherwise not only Yang Sheng will be alerted but he might transfer your Mr. M to some other place."     

Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei eyed each other before they looked back at Zian intently. They were not aware that Yang Zian had a wife and that too she is President's daughter.     

"How do you know all this?" Xiu Mei was taken aback.     

"President has an inoperable tumor wrapped around his spinal cord. The only way to remove it is to cut through the spine and leave him paralyzed. But President does not want to live as a paralyzed person. Cut down to short... He researched on neurosurgeons and had approached me months back. While examining him, one day he mentioned that I share the name with his son-in-law, Yang Zian." He answered and looked if she is paying attention, before continuing.     

"I've removed a part of the tumor and the second surgery is due in upcoming days. In his absence, Vice President of the country will be in charge and that's the best time to strike at Yang Sheng. The Vice President is a much capable person to become the President and trust me you can strike a deal with him. Or should I say Manipulate him for your advantage? Feel free to contact me anytime,  my personal number is written on the card. Goodbye, little squirrel,"     

Xiu Mei kept looking at his departing figure.     


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