We are destined.Let me pamper you

The dark night

The dark night

0Zian hung up. He got down from the car and walked towards the forest holding a bundle of papers that are stitched into a book. The way its papers were crumbled and had turned yellow shows how frequently the book was touched to reach in this condition.     

His first breath under the dense vegetation was inhaling the earthy fragrance. His heavy boots sprung up making him hear the cracking twigs and leaves underfoot. As he moved deeper, the forest folded like as if swallowing him inside, every view was unique yet same all at once. It would take just as long to get out as it took to get in.     

The trees stood stiff, ground scattered with the rainbow of rich colors, yellow leaves, red leaves, green leaves...     

After walking deep into the forest he stopped, his eyes closed to hear the music flowing between the forests. Ominous sounds, the sound of the insects, wild animals and bird reminded him he has stepped into their territory. Against all these noises, he could hear the loudest and most distinguished sound of the roar of the water.     

The waterfall was not like a gentle white stream flowing over the rocks but more like a rush of water pouring down, hard enough to crack anyone's skull and crushing the bones to pieces on the way down, and then end up in the arms of a pool below ready to swallow you if you survived the fall.     

Yes…. call it a power of nature beautiful and dangerous. Contradictory... Right? Just a look, you'll be mesmerized and come closer you'll be terrified.     

Zian sat down at the edge, watching as the water streams down. Mist dampened his hair but failed to touch his spirit.     

He opened the book, his eyes looked around... It was the same place where a beautiful family was separated... The same place from where his mother Mo Shiying aka Zeng Ruo was pushed down by Yang Mi after killing Mo Zhichan and little squirrel right in front of her eyes.     

He opened the book….     

It was Zeng Ruo's journal which she wrote when she was pregnant with Zian.     

All these years Zian was told that his father and elder sister died in a car accident while his mother sustained some serious injuries but they eventually saved her.     

But fate had something else prepared for him. Three years back while helping his mother in shifting to a new house that he had bought for both of them, he stumbled into his mother's old journals. He always wanted to know about his father and sister, but never brought the topic in front of Zeng Ruo, afraid she'll be hurt.     

So he picked the journals of the time before he was born and got them photocopied to avoid suspicion from his mother.     

Along with many happy moments, he read about his mother's life in college, who Yang Mi and Shen Lina was, how she met Mo Zhichan and what her real name was.     

He came to know about her real identity as Zeng Ruo, the daughter of the king of the underworld.     

The more he read the more he understood his mother, her reasons to change the name, never going to the country where Zeng Shihong has his reach, living a low-key life, never letting a photograph appear in public...     

But when he read the last journal he stumbled into the most horrific reality of his mother's life, the truth of Mo Zhichan and Little squirrel's death. The truth why he is not allowed to use the surname Mo. The truth why he and his mother lives away from the rest of the family in Country M. Isn't it obvious, his grandfather is still keeping them away from Yang Mi and Yang Sheng's eyes, letting them believe that Zeng Ruo is dead.     

According to Zeng Ruo's description of the night….     

They were diverted to the forest route by a few policemen who said that the route was temporarily blocked. However, it was a trap for them.     

An army of Yang Sheng's men ambushed them from all directions. In the blink of an eye, they started butchering the bodyguards; suddenly the car door was opened and someone grabbed the sleeping little squirrel away from Feng Jianyu's arms. Like a lifeless doll, he threw her into the air towards one of their men who ran towards the forest. Feng Jianyu panicked and jumped to get her back but her soft chubby fingers slipped.     

With no other thought, he ran after them at top speed until he disappeared into the darkness.     

Zeng Ruo was the daughter of the underworld king, she fought with the goons along with her husband but they were not any ordinary people but professionals. "Ruu, go get our daughter back. I'll handle them." Mo Zhichan said, he unleashed a power-packed kick towards the man fighting with Zeng Ruo, making him fall on the ground.     

This was not the time to waste or think, her daughter's life was in danger.     

She instantly grabbed a flashlight, and a dagger tugged at the waist of the man lying on the ground before running towards the direction where they took her daughter.     

Tears filled her eyes as she looked for her daughter. The forest was dark and dense.     

She moved deep inside, waving the dagger in the air to prevent herself from getting attacked. Just when she heard the cry of her daughter, her steps hastened toward the direction of the sound and found her in Yang Mi's hands.     

Yang Mi stood at the edge of the cliff holding Little Squirrel with her tiny chubby leg, hanging her upside down like a lifeless thing, ready to throw her into the plunge pool.     

Zeng Ruo closed the distance between them, the loud deafening sound of water made it impossible to hear, but she could see and hear the heart-wrenching cries of her baby. Blood rushed to Little squirrel's head, her face turned beet red, Zeng Ruo knew how painful and dangerous it is to hold a baby upside down for over thirty seconds.     

"Yang Mi please, don't hurt her. She's just a baby." Zeng Ruo saw her daughter crying painfully, her tiny hands swerved in the air, nose water and saliva flowed to her eyes. "NOOO!" she tried to come closer but Yang Mi pretended to toss her into the water and gave an evil smirk.     

"Your baby? And what about mine? You and this little toy are the reason Zhichan never accepted me." Yang Mi snarled, "I gave him a son, yet he never took a look at him and treated this bastard girl like a treasure. Tell me why should I not hurt this thing? Just like my son, she is born out of wedlock too, then why the differential treatment?"     

Just when Yang mi was letting out the fire, Yang Sheng's men brought Mo Zhichan there and threw him on the rocks in front of Yang Mi. Blood flowed from his mouth, his white shirt drenched in blood, his eyes closed.     

Even after being thrown on the rocks neither he made a sound nor he moved, but just lay lifeless. "ZHI…." She ran towards him, shook his body violently, checked his pulse.... Everything seems lifeless.     

"Bastard girl, bye bye….." Yang Mi looked at Zeng Ruo with a vicious grin, she deliberately opened her fingers one by one starting from pinky finger….. ring finger….. middle finger...     

"NOOOOOO...." Zeng Ruo ran.     

Next second she felt Yang Mi's grip on her neck and she saw her letting go of the index finger and thumb…..     

Zeng Ruo's world turned dark…..     

A loud splash echoed...     

She just sensed herself free-falling…..     


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