We are destined.Let me pamper you

Run if you can

Run if you can

0Yang Sheng barged into Yang Mi's personal space where she used to spend her maximum time while controlling Liu Ning.     

"Nowhere!" His men checked all the rooms and confirmed.     

Yang Sheng's eyes were glued to the pitch-black screen. Isn't this system supposed to be working 24*7 leaving the fifteen minutes when the device has to be switched off to prevent damage? Why the screen is black.     

His suspicion was right!?     

Upon getting the clue, Daiyu instantly hopped in front of the supercomputer and started running his fingers to turn on the device. However, fifteen minutes passed by but nothing worked.     

Daiyu stole a glance at Yang Sheng's darkened face; his body shook violently thinking of the consequences if the machine didn't start.     

Just then a man in Yang Sheng's team gulped and tried to sneak out from the room but failed. Yang Zian caught him and twisted his elbow to let the gun dropped down. Yang Zian's hand pointed at the man's throat like an eagle claw as he asked, "Naïve man! After betraying brother, do you think you can escape death?"     

Yang Sheng pointed his sharp dagger under the man's chin. His tone came dangerous and threatening. "You was appointed to keep a close watch on the computer system and Yang Mi. Looks like you don't love your family anymore!"     

Yang Sheng flicked his finger; a man nodded and left the room.     

"B-boss….. boss…. S-sorry… I didn't do anything. Please don't do anything to my family. They're innocent." He joined hands, cried, begged. The punishment of betrayal in Yang  Sheng's world was worse than death. He will be tortured and kept alive to see his family being used for human experiments. He regretted being charmed by Yang Mi and give in to her demands.     

Daiyu interrupted and said meekly, "Failed to re-establish the connection. The system is working fine from here but it seems the problem is at the recipients' end."     

Yang Sheng's blood boiled in rage, his anger flooded through his veins ready to erupt like a volcano. The only invention he managed to steal from Mo Zhichan, the invention that was keeping Feng Dindxiong within his palm no longer exists.     

The only factor that was preventing Feng Dingxiong to not reveal anything to his sons and Mo family patriarch was destroyed. The birdy in the cage flew away!     

No one can decline Feng Jianyu's power…. If he came to know about his mother and the incident on the 101st-anniversary celebration, he'll definitely come after him. Moreover, if Mo family came to know that Mo Zhichan was alive, it would only add on to his problems.     

Above that, how the little princess of Mo family was treated all her life and later killed, it could bring a storm that will destroy everything. Mo family's patriarch loves his grandkids dearly, and she was the youngest princess, the apple of his eyes.     

Dang! In front of these two most powerful families, his empire was like a sandcastle. Just a small wave will destroy it.     

Right now the only trump card in his hand is Mo Zhichan, but he was good for nothing. But until he is within his grasp, at least no one would dare take any action.     


Yang Sheng roughly grabbed his phone from the pocket and put on his ear without checking the caller-ID.     

Feng Dingxiong's mocking laugh echoed, "Hahaha….. What happened, Sheng? Did the device stop working? I wonder where Yang Mi and Yang Shao are." His voice turned cold, "Don't think it's over! I'm not in your control anymore. Run if you can....beep beep beep….."     

Feng Dingxiong hung up and looked at Feng Junjie who gave thumbs up.     

"GET ME YANG MI AND SHAO..... ALIVE!" Yang Sheng snarled. "WHERE IS SHE?"     

"S-She left the facility a few hours back." A man answered. "Our security team confirmed."     

"TRYING TO RUN AWAY? Bring that bitch and her puppy here." He ordered.     


On one of Yang Sheng's properties     

When Yang Shao was not found anywhere, on the orders of Yang Mi her men searched Yang Sheng's personal properties as they were the only places left.      

"NOOOOO....." With a shrill shriek, Yang Mi slammed the beautifully wrapped gift box. Wrapped with silk ribbon, sprayed with the fragrance of citrus and vanilla, the box appeared eye-catching but the content inside sucked in Yang Mi's soul.     

Tugging her hair, she turned away from it. "This can't be true. This is not Shaoshao... NOOOO. My son! No one can dare touch a single strand of his hair; he is Yang Mi's son. This is a bad joke. Someone is messing with me." She walked out of the house and dialed Yang Shao's number. However, no one answered! She helplessly closed her phone. 'Shao please be fine!'     

Don't know why but she had a weird feeling that everything is connected, this can't be a coincidence that the connection which was working non-stop for the last twenty-three years broke suddenly and the very same day his son disappeared.     

There is something wrong... But what?     

Suddenly Yang Mi's right-hand man came out, holding a chip between a pair of tweezers. "Yang Mi!" He called and Yang Mi turned. Her face paled looking at the chip and the man's expression.     

"No! This is not my Shao's! No one can dare hurt my baby." She stood her ground and looked away. "Where are the bodyguards appointed for Shao's security?"     


"His car?"     


"Where was he last seen?"     

"The CCTV footages of all the places where he used to go often are either deleted or do not exist!"     

The man looked at the blood coated chip and muttered the courage to ask, "We can get a DNA test done."     

"NO NEED! HE IS YANG SHAO.... A YANG...."     


The man grabbed his phone and barked, "Say it fast!" His eyes widened, the grip on the tweezers loosened. Yang Mi frowned! She had a feeling of premonition.     

"What's wrong?" She asked the moment he hung up. The man didn't answer but searched for something on his phone. His face pressed into a thin line as he cursed.     

"F*CK! Yang Sheng's Radium shipment is seized by law enforcement." He saw Yang Mi's horrified face and asked, "What was the need to double-cross Yang Sheng, especially when you'd limited sources in your hand? Don't you know how brutal Yang Sheng is? He'll chop you and Shao into pieces for betraying him."     

"What nonsense are you sprouting?" She retorted and he passed his phone to her, showing the bank statement containing an unbelievable amount of money in her account. She opened her mouth to say something but closed.     

The man: "Tell me, did the device in Liu Ning's brain failed because you and Shao have planned all this against Yang Sheng?" He took back his phone and opened another page containing details of Yang Shao's personal property. "Look, what all stuff Shao has received from Feng Dingxiong in exchange for his wife's freedom."     

The man: "I'm sure that Shao is not missing but left the country using one of the jets while he left the other one for you...… if you managed to escape from Yang Sheng."     

"Does Yang Sheng know about it?"     

"Yes! I have a man planted in Yang Sheng's team. He informed me just now."     

Yang Mi's fingers curled into a fist as she threw the phone into the bushes. "My son can never betray me. Can't you see what I got in the parcel? A hand! And why the parcel was found on Yang Sheng's property? I'm sure he has done something to my son. That bastard son of a bitch! He touched my son!"     


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